General Transits of Autumn 2009
Family, Friends, Avian Flu & Taking Care Of Business
As Mercury has left its shadow on October 14th after stationing direct on Sept. 29th, and most people have emerged out of a tough month of September and the first two weeks of October.
This period had seen many people struggling to make sense of the events of last year while looking ahead towards an uncertain future. The New & Full Moons of October through the end of December 2009 reveal that this period of time heading into the common year of 2010 shows on many levels the need to restructure personal and professional lives ahead of the world transits of next year.
The major transits between mid-October & December are:
* October 14, 2009 - Jupiter stations direct at 17-Aquarius. Jupiter will enter tropical Pisces on Jan. 17, 2010. It's next retrograde starts July 24, 2010.
* November 5, 2009 - Neptune stations direct at 23-Aquarius.
* November 15, 2009 - Saturn squares Pluto: This is a "preview" of a series of configurations leading to the Cardinal Crisis Transits of mid-summer 2010. The Saturn/Pluto square will be active during the late autumn and into the winter of 2010 in the northern hemisphere.
* December 1, 2009 - Uranus stations direct at 22-Pisces.
* December 20 - Mars stations retrograde at 19-Leo: A long retrograde lasting to Mars' station to direct motion on March 10, 2010.
* December 21, 2009 - Jupiter conjoins Neptune at 24-Aquarius. This is the last conjunction of both planets as Jupiter prepares to enter tropical Pisces in mid-January 2010.
* December 26, 2009 - Mercury retrogrades at 21-Capricorn until turning direct Jan. 15, 2010.
* January 13, 2010 - Saturn stations retrograde at 4-Libra. The general world transits listed above set the tone for the Winter of 2010, which arrives with the New Capricorn Moon of January 15, 2010. The winter season is excellent for getting various projects accomplished by
April 14, 2010.
Some people will miss the opportunities of winter, and thus, will get caught up in the Mercury retrograde of April 17 to May 11, 2010, and most of the month of May as Mercury still transits within its own shadow path until the end of that month.
To avoid this - use the months stretching from mid-October 2009 to mid-April 2010 very well. This is a period to work consistently on personal & professional plans.
The Mercury retrograde of late December 2009 into mid-Jan. 2010 takes place during the holiday season and this allows people to take time off to review and reassess plans & projects during the early weeks of winter without feeling as if valuable time has been lost.
The one strong feature of Winter 2010 will be the energies of the Saturn/Pluto Square. There are two (2) exact partile squares between them in this period. The first is November 15, 2009. The second is Jan. 31, 2010. The third one will not occur until August 21, 2010.
Mainly, as Saturn transits tropical Libra and squares Pluto in Capricorn during the late autumn and into winter 2010 the vibrations are one of "power plays" and "clashes" in high places; within governments, boards, corporations, and institutions where self-interested individuals and groups are involved in conflict.
The positive side of this Saturn/Pluto square allows for the expression and use of free will with determination to overcome barriers and to succeed. Using one's skills with others to lay out positive plans can bear fruit in the late winter months and into spring 2010 lasting through all of next year for those willing to remain disciplined, practical, and undeterred by those who waste time in ego-power plays and cynical self-interests.
People who are able to use this influence well will be those who seek to transcend the limitations of the recent past, and are able to project their will power and thought processes towards constructive projects that will yield results in 2010 and 2011.
The negative octave of the Saturn/Pluto square can influence others to show unsympathetic attitudes while expressing cold feelings towards others. Personalized professional conflicts inside organizations stem from attempts by honest individuals and groups to be pitted against corrupted individuals and groups to maintain the status quo by any means necessary.
Under this influence plots involving attempts at blackmail, threatening others, corruption and dishonesty in professional and personal matters can proliferate with Saturn's square aspect to Pluto. Attempts to coerce others dishonestly will backfire in light of the coming transits of 2010.
The decisions made by those under the Saturn/Pluto square during the autumn months of 2009 and winter 2010 will determine the outcomes of many situations by the late summer of 2010.
New Libra Moon Month
October 18 to November 16, 2009
The New Moon at 24-Libra (Sunday, Oct. 18 at 1:33 a.m. EDT) highlights the Third House where we find Mercury, Pallas, and Ceres - this signifies communication, strategic planning and affairs associated with children.
Venus in Libra sits on the Third House cusp, and, as ruler of Libra, we find in society at large - through the general management of women - is highlighted with this New Moon kicking off the start of social season which culminates in December during the Christmas holiday season.
The Third House is where the action will be strongly influenced from October 18th to November 16. With Venus ruling Libra, this period starting on Oct. 18th features personal/family life along with communications with neighbors, short-trips, emotional reasoning, decision making, practical use of resources, and the sharing and expressing of creative ideas.
This New Moon at 24-Libra opens up the social season. Venus is strongly highlighted. Coming off a tight Venus square aspect to Pluto in Capricorn (Oct. 14-18) many male-female issues over finances commanded attention.
This square, occurring over a last quarter lunar cycle, shows that these contentious issues can be managed and wisely sidestepped by those who are aware of the need to discover alternatives methods but to not become emotionally involved in these matters.
The mid-October Libra New Moon allows for more sharing of ideas with like-minded family and friends while avoiding time-wasters who are only interested in what they can personally obtain through contacts with others. Socializing, fashion, communication, working with neighbors, and assisting children is highlighted.
The energies of this New Libra Moon can help to bring people out of their shells after the nagging problems of September and the first 17 days of October 2009. This is an excellent time to talk with partners about a wide variety of issues, but to do so objectively and avoid those who use discussions to begin intrigues that have no value other than to cause trouble and consternation.
Libra is an Air sign, and with the air trines to the stellium in Aquarius at the start of this New Moon month features the ability to think things through, to communicate very effectively, and to find new paths towards changing one's life direction without succumbing to negativity or over-emotionalism.
The emotional detachment of Venus' transit in Libra can be of great use for those who are able to be objective without falling into gossip, or talking down about others. The energies of the coming Saturn/Pluto square which is exact by mid-November can turn molehills into mountains for those who fail to use these celestial influences in a positive manner.
It is a good time to express interests in long-term projects while personally planning for the winter season of 2010. Many people find themselves in transition, so the Libra New Moon is helpful in helping to stabilize relationships while also planning extensively to begin new projects for 2010.
It is important to remember to use the transits of autumn 2009 and winter 2010 very well by concentrating on improving one's own personal and professional lives before mid-summer's Cardinal Crisis transits of mid-2010.
The Avian Flu & Concerns About The Vaccine
As the influenza season begins in the northern hemisphere, and with the continued threat of infection by the H1N1 virus, the New Moon of October 18th, 2009 is a very good time to begin to strengthen one's immune system.
Many people continue to doubt the effectiveness and safety of the Avian Flu Vaccine, which is now being shipped to all American states to inoculate everyone - especially schoolchildren. Nations like France, Sweden, Norway, and Canada for example, have said that they intend to vaccinate every single person in their countries by ordering two shots of the Avian Flu vaccine per person. In the United States, the national vaccines are set to begin in mid-October and continue through November and December 2009.
For those who want to understand the potential dangers of the Avian Flu vaccine, please read -
See -
For those who seek alternative methods to strengthen one's immune system see the amazing uses and protection of astrological medicine featuring the application of Colloidal Silver:
See -
Also See -
New Scorpio Moon Month
November 16 to December 16, 2009
The New Moon at 24-Scorpio (Monday, Nov. 16 at 2:13 p.m. EST) highlights the Eighth House and features the complexities of personal relationships.
November's lunar transits are mainly favorable for those who are personally active enough to remain clear-headed since the main feature of the Sun/Moon conjunction in November is its square to Neptune in Aquarius and Venus/Mars squares in the last eight (8) days of November that brings challenges to personal relationships.
Still, the month of November is the best month this autumn season. There are many opportunities to achieve many things in this month for those who would like to progress further before the Christmas holiday season starts in December.
The cycle here shows the economic stresses associated with the coming Christmas holidays. Those who could not budget earlier to ensure that there is enough financial resources to take on the coming Christmas season are now looking for "quick fixes" to try and catch up.
However, the month of November has better transits and energies than the month of December. Those who would like to make sure that the coming holidays go smoothly will want to use November very well in order to take the edges off the month of December.
Before this lunar month begins, it is a good time to make sure you check your oil, gas lines, and make sure that drains are cleaned out before mid-November arrives. Some people may experience digestive problems with these transits as well.
This lunar month from mid-November to mid-December 2009 can also lead to influences of personal self-deception and laziness - mainly trying to escape the practical responsibilities of life at this time. Over socialization is a problem as is abuse of drugs, and sexual indulgence. This new moon cycle and its aspects can also lead to unwanted pregnancies.
Women may notice their female friends having emotional problems during this lunar month. Family issues are highlighted, and problems that have been left to fester can now be more cloudy and complex under these influences.
What is important to remember here is to practice clear thinking in all areas of life; especially personally, and to not become emotionally tangled in situations that can lead to more problems in the month of December and 2010.
Ceres, in Scorpio, is square to Jupiter, so it is a good time to make sure that children are well cared for and to remind those supervising your children to be clear in their direction of them.
This New Moon's square to Neptune is tight and so there can be strong neurotic reactions among people highlighting the areas of possessions, money, and personal relationships with family and friends. Neptune's position in Aquarius in square to the Sun/Moon conjunction at 24-Scorpio can interfere with getting things done practically during this lunar month.
The peak of this energy occurs during the Full Moon Week of Dec. 2-9. The full moon at 10-Gemini on December 2 is mainly concerned with finances and the coming Christmas holidays. Emotions are high during the beginning of the month of December.
During November to mid-December some people will tend to withdraw from others at this time, involved with alcohol and drugs while avoiding their responsibilities, using deception to hide problems from those that care about them.
This is a time of emotional stress that can be solved by remaining pragmatic and thinking clearly. The energies of this lunar month produce nebulous situations that can only make matters worse later if not handled honestly and directly by all involved.
By taking care of business in November, one can avoid the rushed feeling that is about to arrive in the month of December with the coming Sagittarius New Moon of December 16. Completing all one's personal and professional responsibilities in November will go a long way towards making the coming winter season more relaxing, and easier to handle than in delaying one's responsibilities in November.
New Sagittarius Moon Month
December 16 to January 15, 2010
The New Moon at 24-Sagittarius (Wednesday, Dec. 16 at 7:02 a.m. EST) eases up the stresses of the first two weeks of December.
The main feature of this Sun/Moon conjunction just off the Ascendant in the First House, is a sextile aspect to the Jupiter/Chiron/Neptune stellium in Aquarius, that sits in the Second House of Resources.
Transiting Mars in Leo is in opposition to this stellium in Aquarius - showing impatience and anger concerning financial resources within families. Mars has been slowing towards its coming Dec. 20 station to retrograde so the energies here are strong during the month of December.
Arguments based on differing values and cultural views are disguised to hide the true reasons: economic uncertainty. It is important to remember the true reasons behind the Christmas and avoid conflicts over material resources. Mars' transit in Leo brings about a need to reassess one's own personal value system during the winter of 2010.
During mid-December, there is some relief that is felt in the midst of the Christmas season where there is some feeling of having just enough prosperity that some families can feel a sense of well-being - though the economic times continue to be fraught with concern.
The Sun/Moon conjunction is also in square aspect to Uranus in tropical Pisces. The influences can be witnessed in impulsive and headstrong attitudes and behaviors during the run-up to the Christmas holiday.
Watch for, and avoid inconsistent and unreliable people, who, because of the financial demands of the coming holiday season, may gamble with limited resources due to the impulsiveness of the Sagittarius New Moon.
This Sun/Moon square to Uranus can also produce some emotional instability; especially among women. It is important for women with families to understand how their personal moods can effect the entire family and to be aware of the need to be friendly, open-minded, and welcoming to others during this lunar month.
The issues shown by the Sun/Moon Square to Uranus are mainly economic with money issues arising that can cause separations among family members, friends and neighbors.
One may witness erratic behaviors among family, friends and neighbors during this lunar month. While some incidents may be simply to get attention from others; there are other situations that have been left to fester which may peak at this time because of the nearness of Christmas.
Heavy drinking, depression, arguments over finances, etc., become serious problems at this time and should be guarded against by paying close attention to friends and family members who show signs of emotional instability.
This time also shows that it may not be the best time to hold holiday parties within one's home since the Sun/Moon square to Uranus can bring about high emotional tensions from unexpected domestic issues that are sure to arise less than 10 days from Christmas Day.
Uranus' semi-sextile and mutual reception to Neptune can help to off-set some of the holiday tension with the help of family, and friends to help make Christmas 2009 more appealing during the month of December.
Still, many people appear to want to keep to themselves this Christmas holiday and many families will stick to traditional celebrations in order to keep within their budgets during what normally is an expensive time of the year.
Mercury stations retrograde at 21-Capricorn on Dec. 26th. conjoined to the North Lunar Node. There is a disappointment with Christmas as retail sales are lower than expected. However, on this Saturday, people rush to the stores seeking bargain items - flooding electronic outlets looking for good buys on the day after Christmas.
The money to be made for retailers happens with the Moon's ingress into Aries on Christmas Eve, December 24th, with impulse buying, and then again, on December 26th, with bargain shopping.
All this emotional energy peaks by the Full Moon Week of Dec. 31-Jan. 7 with the Full Moon at 10-Cancer (Thursday, Dec. 31 at 2:12 p.m. EST.)
There is an emotional peak with this full lunar cycle on the day of New Years' Eve. Full Moons increase the water content in the human body, and there are over-emotional reactions in society. Because this full Moon is in tropical Cancer - a water sign - expect the new moon week of Dec. 31 to Jan. 7th to be very active.
The Full Cancer Moon sits in the Second House opposed to the Sun in the Eighth House with Venus coming off a conjunction to Pluto in Capricorn. Again, this continues the financial stresses associated with personal relationships.
During the Full Moon Week of December 31-January 7 we see that Juno in Aries opposes Saturn in Libra with both squared by Pluto in Capricorn. This cardinal T-square signifies that many marriages are under enormous stresses by late December into early January 2010.
Relationships between men and women have become strained not only because of the economic recession, but the inability of both males and females to learn how to work together as a team.
The problems are exacerbated by the refusal of partners to listen to one another, and to adapt themselves accordingly within their relationships. Juno in Aries is headstrong: signifying females who have failed to understand their own roles with their marriages and who have become defensive without realizing their own personal inadequacies.
The stresses are mainly economic with accusations that one, or the other partner has not lived up to their promises. However, most of the reasons have to do with the stress placed on marriages by the recessionary climate. Others who feel "trapped" in a marriage because of financial reasons are also stressed because of thoughts of leaving, but unsure about their own economic well-being and those of children involved.
Saturn, entering the sign of Libra, ruled by Venus, causes the marriage problems to become crystallized in the form of divorce. The square from Pluto features hard, cold, and unsympathetic attitudes that show that larger-scale forces, i.e., the economy, lack of jobs, etc., plays a crucial role in breaking up marriages and families.
There are hidden plans, plots, accusations, blackmail and threats associated with personal relationships and also within professional partnerships overall as signified by the Saturn/Pluto square of autumn 2009 and winter 2010.
High unemployment among males does not make things easier. Women who continue to blame men for the problems within relationships are mainly doing so because of the general economic pressures in general.
The feature of Juno in Aries opposed to Saturn in Libra clearly shows that the true reasons for the failures of one's relationship is tied to the fact that one's own role was never solid to begin with - and the pressures on marriages come from not being able to adapt and to work as a team - which is what a marriage demands.
Gender roles are under pressure according to the overall transits of autumn 2009, and this will continue into 2010 as well. Mars, which has left tropical Cancer in October 2009, reveals that males are under great pressure to produce earnings in contracted economic environment.
Mars, which retrogrades, at 18-Leo in mid-December 2008 sits in the Fourth House of the December 31 Full Moon attempting to make sense of the confusing and changing times. The end of the year energies are strong with this full moon in Cancer. Though people want to celebrate, the mood is blunted by the recessionary times and the effect on the lives of many in society.
The T-square aspect that peaks with the Juno-Saturn-Pluto T-square on Dec. 31, 2009 reveals that News Years' celebrations will be muted because of the emotional drain that has been impacting marriages and personal relationships.
The best way to counter such influences is to compromise, and to learn to listen to your partner without pushing blame on one another. The larger-scale forces which play a crucial role in heightening the tensions must be faced, but it will take personal intelligence, patience, and understanding to overcome. Those who are immature, unwise, and impulsive in their actions will pay the price by mid-2010.
The full moon week; especially News Years' Eve 2009 is not a time to press matters within relationships, but to relax, and spend this time quietly rather than engaging in contentious actions between marriage partners, or playing friends off of one another, which is shown in the transits of New Years' Eve.
The energies of the month of December end as a 50/50 month. People are glad to see the end of the common year of 2009 but wonder what the new year will bring. Feelings are high on December 31-January 1 with this Full Moon cycle. It is a time for reflection, and for planning for the power-packed year that will be 2010.
These astrological cycles of autumn 2009, and those cycles from January 2010 to June 2010 indicate that this period of time is essential to concentrate on personal/professional development as well as to strengthen and protect the mental, emotional, and physical health of you and your family.
This is a time to be strategic and practical towards planning for the global transits of 2010 and beyond. Those who take these forecasts seriously and act on them will do much better than those who do not. Pre-act rather than simply re-act.
Stay safe out there.
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