Wise words from a man who studied and wrote extensively on the global philosophies of metaphysics, wisdom, and spiritual mysteries and truths.
Today, in a world that has been fed a constant fodder of entertainment as living thought, global transits are inclining towards forcing a new evolution of spiritual thought and physical action as we enter the second decade of the early 21st century.
Times are approaching that call on all of us to raise up our game, and to make real the personal transitions that have been delayed.
Over the next four years, I am forecasting that a radical new era will have emerged that will have changed the lives of billions of people on the planet. As generations age, times are changing in accordance of the cycles of the stars and planets. So, get used to it.
There will be challenges, crisis, exciting new changes, new discoveries of ancient concepts. There will be turmoil, and apprehension. There will be radicalism versus conservatism; new movements will rise, and old movements will fall. Populations will clamor for change, and governments will collapse with new governments rising.
Careers will end, and new careers will begin. Outworn concepts and methods will be shelved, and new concepts, born out of old forms, will rise. Relationships will end, and new relationships will soon take their place. Doors will close, and new doors will open.
These things, and much, much more, will feature a decade that opens a new era of the 2010s and 2020s.
So, in the spirit of seeing through things, I will offer here some quotes and insights from Manly P. Hall that may help the reader make their way through the first four (4) years of the 2010s; for these are the years of the Cardinal Crisis transits the world will experience.
"If this knowledge were given to selfish people unprepared for their responsibility, they would be able to destroy the universe, either through perversion or ignorance.
"In order to protect this sacred wisdom obstacles have been placed in the way of its attainment which only the sincere and courageous would be strong enough to overcome.
"Years of service, self-purification and self-mastery must be passed through before any candidate will be admitted to the path of wisdom."
This is a big one with me. As a professional astrologer, I have read and heard many talk about the end of the world using mundane astrology has proof that in December 2012, the world will come to its end.
Poppycock, I say.
Simply put: December 21, 2012 is not "the end of the world."
I expect that in the year 2011 many people who are caught up in the pop-culture Mayan Calendar movement will no doubt continue to inflame people's senses with all manner of pseudo-metaphysical predictions with very bad astrology used to cause people to become upset.
There are many people who have chosen to "work" in the area of metaphysics, but who clearly have not put in the hard work and years of service it takes to come to some truths about prophecy and the future of the planet; but who, for lack of a better word, have faked their knowledge to then make outlandish "predictions" based on their own ignorance.
Such is the case with the year 2012.
As we near that year, it is essential not to buy into the popular conception that the world will end in 2012.
The year 2012 is a significant year - especially the spring & summer months, but not for the reasons put forth by popular culture. The first half of 2012 is quite busy as many people seek progress in their lives after the large-scale economic crisis events of 2008-2012.
I have a good mundane view when our present world will see its last days, so to speak, astrologically, and prophetically. However, there will come a time when I feel it is okay to begin writing more on this subject. That time is approaching, but 2012 is not the "end of the world."
I will have more on 2012 in later forecasts. However, in the meantime...
The general thing to remember about the 2010-2014 is not to take everything at face value. Be careful with your impulses, and be very careful with others who are impulsive.
The next four years contact powerful cardinal transits that will incline some people towards the extremes of thoughts, emotions, and actions.
Many people who never thought they will feel poverty, or loss are now beginning to experience their first tastes of it. People who never experienced personal betrayal are experiencing it. Those who have lost jobs, homes, relationships and friendships are now experiencing this.
These, and other kinds of losses tax the human emotion to the core. Some who cannot handle such extreme changes react radically, sometimes violently, but always poorly.
So, it is important to remember that with change comes opportunity, but that first, one has to get real.
Have your head no further from the heavens than your own feet are from the ground with five mundane rules to follow -
Rule #1 - Know Thyself, Trust Yourself & Know Thy Transits
If you can feel and see that the world is now about to experience historic change, then half the work you have to do is already done.
Know who you are, and trust your instincts. Avoid patching your own views from the mere opinions of others, or for the sake of not doing anymore than surface-feeding on the state of the world.
Do more than that. Allow your studies, and your thoughts to marinate, as it were, and find those truths that form a constant thread of truth. Discard that which does not follow the thread of truth and follow your own bliss.
Think for yourself by following the path of wisdom as expressed by those of the past who have passed on their knowledge for the sake of world service to humanity.
It is important to know your own astrological transits. By knowing your natal, and secondary progressions, as well as the contacts and aspects global transits will make on you, then you will have an excellent map from which to then navigate your life through this new decade.
The Cardinal Crisis transits will be in effect from 2010 to 2014. Those with astrological positions in the latter degrees of Gemini, Virgo, and Sagittarius, and those with placements in the early degrees of Aries, Libra, and Capricorn will certainly feel the cardinal inclinations of the transpersonal planets.
The effects show challenges through crisis. How you respond to the changes largely depends on your ability to not simply to react, but to be proactive, and know your strengths, weaknesses, limitations, as well as your core beliefs.
Perspective and point of view will determine the roads you take; therefore, test out these roads by being willing to take the risks that you usually would not take because of prior assumptions. Use 2010 to formulate your goals and objectives for the next 10 years.
See list of birthdays from 1950 to 1995 affected by the Cardinal Climax transits - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jz8H1IK7uQM
Rule #2 - "An intellectual fact is not necessarily a truth."
In the age of the Internet, the iPod, cellphone, and 24-hour cable news, people have been swamped with immediate events with barely enough time to allow taking information in deeply enough to be able to discern "facts" from truths.
The intrusion of the immediacy of technology and surface content has connected and disconnected people more than ever before in human history.
Texting, chatting, and Twitter has shortened the ability of people to really connect on a deeper human level. To be able to absorb information where context is felt and understood rather than surface-fed, consumed, and instantly reacted upon for the sake of simply reacting.
We've been living in a reactionary age, where spin trumped over depth of thoughts and emotions, where the reactionary is heralded as some kind of prophet, shouting out names and slapping instant labels on people and events in an absolutism that is downright disgusting.
Some have forgotten basic social manners (or never learned) how to hold a decent conversation face to face without ideology interfering with the ability to absorb the mental and spiritual connections that is important to human understanding and societal peace.
The rampant intellectualism borne out of reactionary attitudes and assumptions does not bode well in the 2010s for those who are not fully rounded as human beings.
In order to discover "truth," it is best to listen first for those who would talk more. Those who have spent the last decade or so listening, should do more of the talking.
Rule #3 - "Few realize that man is responsible for the things he has not done. That is part of the [spiritual] law. It is just as wrong not to do the right things as it is to do the wrong things."
One of the saddest things to observe about the last 18 years is just how "politically correct" most of society has become.
Opinion became the mantra of the times without noticing that everyone has an opinion, just like as everyone has a nose. But, this does not mean that we all enjoy the same scents.
Tips -
- Causing problems with Environmental Noise: People need to have their quiet time, so, if you drive a loud motorcycle, or talk too loudly walking down the street, realize that not everyone is on the same page, and that people need their silence. If you want to make noise outside of your own privacy, then do so in private without impacting others. Show respect, and respect will be shown to you.
- Relationships: The next decade, but especially the next seven years (2010-2017) is not the best time to carry on projecting one's own personal baggage within a personal relationship with others. This includes friendships as well. Saturn's transit through Libra, Scorpio, and Sagittarius in the 2010s does not bode well for the immature who want to have a personal relationship. This is the time for grown men and women who behave like gentlemen and ladies. If you are not one of these kinds of people then expect to remain single and friendless for most of this new decade.
- Groups & Organizations: This is another problem area. Many people, because of the economic crisis, will have changed their political affiliations that represent more of how they feel about the changing times. There will be a uptick in the rise of radical groups. Some will seek proactive solutions. Others will be negative, and focus on causing disruption for the sake of it alone (Uranus) while others seek progressive goals (Jupiter) to achieve wider positive outcomes. Be careful whom you associate with during the 2010s and do not take any group at face value alone. Like the saying goes, "if the shoe doesn't fit, then don't take a walk in them."
Yet, how many times has a person ignored getting involved when they see a wrong done?
How many times has one intruded in on situations that require you to leave things alone because you've deemed it "safe" enough to project your own ideology onto another person who speaks out against a wrong?
There are plenty of people like this, and my advice is this - stop it, because with Uranus in Aries, what you used to do will certainly backfire and what you hardly face will confront you more often than not. Foretold is forewarned.
For an example of Rule #2, see - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bFO1b9I-u5Q
Rule #4 - "For lack of inter-religious understanding there has been very little religious understanding."
Since Pluto's entry into Sagittarius in 1995, the world has been riveted by religious intolerance and ignorance. Now that Pluto has entered Capricorn where it will remain until the mid-2020s, the focus is on government, leadership, and the ability to command respect in order for society to have a chance to escape the stupidity of religious ideological conflict.
Since 1995, the world has seen religious ideology expressed in negative ways to include intolerance of religions that some have never even read about, nor studied, but who attempt to cast a bad light on those who are of a different perspective.
Conflicts between Muslims and Christians and the hate expressed against Judaism and Catholicism and the battles between Buddhists and secularists as well as the forces of Humanism and Atheism all have one thing in common - a total lack of understanding and wisdom of the spiritual world expressed through human beings.
For we are told in prophecy - "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against Principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." - Ephesians 6:12.
The 2010s is not a decade to continue reactionary religious responses to the cultural and spiritual beliefs of others, but rather, to tolerate the perspectives of others in order to come to understanding.
Avoid those who, for the sake of ideology, prefer to cast negative images on the religions of the world. For it is those very people who devoid of religious understanding and can offer nothing else but the expression of their own ignorance.
Rule #5 - The Four (4) Classes of Humanity
According to the metaphysical knowledge of Manly Hall, all human beings are divided into four (4) general classes:
"The lowest of these divisions is the physical nature, and those who dwell therein are of the earth, earthy; they live only for the gratification of their physical natures. Their idea of heaven is a place where there is food, feasting, and little or no work. Their minds are only partly active.
Their bodies resemble prisons more than dwelling places...they live to labor, plodding along to a mediocre destiny. Give them opulence and they cannot retain it. Give them luxuries, and they do not appreciate them. They are the dark earthy ones who must ever bow before intelligence.
They do not love God, for they cannot know Him.
The second division is made up of the artisans and those who labor both with mind and hand. They buy, sell, and exchange. Having a mind, they control the mindless. Not having the mental organism with which to reason, they fill the places of worship where thinking is done for them.
They are the ones who allow their clergy to decide all spiritual problems for them, feeling themselves incapable of assuming the onus of heavy thinking; their credulity is utilized as a commercial asset by certain types of minds who consider it legitimate to capitalize on the ignorance of others.
The third class is made up of the scientists ... they attack the boundary lines of the known. Those who wage this war in the cause of science are mostly concrete thinkers who follow as far as their instruments will lead them and then must wait for instruments still more powerful.
Most of these minds are atheistic or at least agnostic...The miracles of theology are incapable of chemical analysis and are consequently taken cum grano salis by the scientific world.
The fourth and highest group embraces philosophers, musicians, and artists, all living in an abstract mental world surrounded by dreams and visions wholly unrecognizable by the other types.
They have reached beyond the world of academic education to the world of creative idealism, which is at present the highest function of the human mind.
This world is the dwelling place of genius, of invention, and of the things which lower mentalities can only accept but never analyze.
Religiously, these minds are deistic. Most of them are monotheists - believers in one God. Many of them are mystics or occultists."
March 2010 - March 2011: Transition YearThe new Astrological year which begins this month opens up a special solar year for the world according to my reading and interpretation of global transits. For the most part, 2010 is a year of transitions for most people on the planet.
The transits of the planets incline during 2010 to bring a final close to the 20th century. This is most clearly revealed by the transit of Uranus in Pisces as the planet makes ingress into tropical Aries by March 2011, ending an era that began in 1927-28.
The T-Square which comprise the Cardinal Crisis transits, involving Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Pluto during 2010 begins a cycle of exciting, and challenging years through to the mid-2010s.
As most doors will have closed, new doors to this new decade will have opened, and will reflect both favorable and unfavorable consequences for many people in the 2010s.
One one hand, you will see the favorable. Those people who have adapted well to the global economic crisis will have made adjustments accordingly and will have changed their lives to reflect the changing times. This is easier for those under the age of 35 to accomplish, but much more difficult for those over the age of 60 to do.
Those who are older must accept that the passage of time is the development of the soul, of the spirit, and must not be afraid of physical death, but to see it as the return to that which has always been. For the human spirit cannot be destroyed, for it was brought into existence before all things except that of God Almighty.
The unfavorable consequences will be the continued disintegration of tens of millions of lives because many were not ready for the financial collapses that struck in 2007-2009. The lingering effects of the losses of money, businesses, investments, houses, and relationships will have started to take their toll during the decade of the 2010s.
This one solar year, from March 2010 to March 2011, provides many people with the opportunity to make essential shifts, adjustments, and significant changes in their lives. It all begins when the Sun enters Aries on March 20, 2010 - the start of the true New Year.
Use this year to make your moves, and position yourself in advance for the new decade. Stay informed, calm, and be of good cheer. Help yourself, by also helping one another. Be tolerant, and expectant of change by crafting your own future, your own destiny to meet your growing wisdom day by day.
Most of all - stay aware of global transits and remain awake.
Manly Hall says -
While the former may be qualified to solve the riddle of their own destiny, the latter must be led like a flock of sheep and taught in simple language.
They depend almost entirely upon the ministrations of the shepherd.
The Apostle Paul said that these little ones must be fed with milk, but that meat is the food of strong men. Thoughtlessness is almost synonymous with childishness, while thoughtfulness is symbolic of maturity."