Global Cooling: 2017 - 2053
'More Clouds, Less Sunlight, Torrential Rains, Great Floods, Heavy Snowfall & Colder Temperatures
Europe, Russia, Asia, North & South America Greatly Impacted
Europe, Russia, Asia, North & South America Greatly Impacted

Global Forecast by
Theodore White, astromet.Sci
If you are reading this then you will come to understand that the world is on the cusp of an historic change.
This change will greatly alter how you live and work over the next three decades - beginning later this year.
This change will greatly alter how you live and work over the next three decades - beginning later this year.
As summer matures throughout the northern hemisphere, it is important to remember that just around the corner a powerful new climate regime is about to begin - global cooling.
As a astronomic forecaster, I began my study of advanced forecasting by learning to forecast the climate and weather. I clearly came to understand that our planet, the Earth, lives in space and it is from outer space where all of our weather and climate conditions originate.
Consider this,
In 2016, recorded cold temperatures over land cooled a record 1.2 degrees Celsius - another trend to global cooling.
What we are witnessing is what I have always said, and that is that it is the Sun that causes warming, cooling and extreme weather events.
When I made my forecast for the arrival of global cooling to begin in mid-December 2017, I did so based on my astronomic calculations relative to the Barycenter, the Sun and modulation by the planets, especially Jupiter and Saturn.
I determined that the thermodynamic ultraviolet and total solar irradiance of the Sun as solar cycle #24 neared its end would occur faster in 2017 before the Sun began solar cycle #25, which is the start of its Grand Minimum.
By calculating the motion of the center of our solar system called the Barycenter, along with the activity and condition of the Sun and the modulations of the planets, I am able to forecast advanced climate and weather months, years and decades into the future.
By calculating the motion of the center of our solar system called the Barycenter, along with the activity and condition of the Sun and the modulations of the planets, I am able to forecast advanced climate and weather months, years and decades into the future.
The center of our solar system is actually the Barycenter. The Sun, Earth and all the planets of our solar system orbit around the Barycenter. It is a center of mass of every object in the solar system combined. The Sun moves as the planets tug on it, causing the Sun to orbit the solar system's Barycenter. The Sun never strays too far from Barycenter; which is often outside the photosphere of the Sun, but never outside the Sun's corona. Each year, the barycenter changes position.
The fact that there are less sunspots with spotless days increasing shows that the Sun's magnetic activity is flatlining as I had previously forecasted.
The effects have already been seen in this decade with snowfall occurring in arid and semi-arid regions of the planet along with wetter conditions featuring torrential rains and resulting floods that are the mark of the advent of global cooling.
This trend was easily seen during 2016-2017 with snow falling in one of the hottest regions on the planet - the Sahara Desert.
For years, I had been warning that arid and semi-arid regions would see the trending of the Sun's coming quiescent phase lead to a general cooling of the atmosphere along with wetter conditions usually not seen in these regions of the world.
All world regions will feel the change in climate - especially Europe, Russia and Asia.
If you live on the European continent, or in Russia, or Asia, it is incumbent upon you to begin to make immediate plans to survive global cooling and the extreme weather that it brings.
In regions of the world, such as the North Atlantic Ocean, there's been a very clear cooling trend there since 2007.
It is also part of my climate forecast that global cloud cover will increase dramatically going into the 2020s.
Low level clouds developing
The formation of clouds always occurs on a much smaller scale than can be represented by the grid size used by climatologists and their conventional computer climate models.
That's because clouds often occur in several layers above each other. This adds to the difficulty of computer modelling global cloud cover correctly and accurately.
Observe in the graphic photo below how the physical complexity of cloud processes and the small scale of individual clouds that is compared to the size of a climate model computer grid.
You see, cloud formation occurs on fractions of a millimetre, but conventional world climate models operate with a grid size of 50-100 km.
Clouds have a net cooling effect on the Earth's climate and everyone is about to see much more low cloud coverage over the course of all the seasons on Earth into the near future.
Many people are unaware that the Earth's highly variable climate and weather is forced from outer space, for that is where our planet lives - in space.
And it is also in space where galactic cosmic rays exist.
These rays are actually atomic particles that penetrate our solar system from outside of the Sun's protective heliosphere.
They come from supernova remnants left over by exploded stars and play a major part in climate change.
Cosmic rays and their particles ionizes the air in the Earth's upper atmosphere and form aerosols which grow into cloud condensation nuclei.
The nuclei is required for water droplets to condense and create low-altitude clouds. They exert a strong cooling effect. What I am saying is that cosmic rays promote major cloud formation that reduces sunshine on the Earth's surface.
Low level clouds will increase greatly in the climate of global cooling
The rises and falls of cosmic ray fluxes increase global cloudiness and so can can significantly lower or raise the world’s mean temperature.
Extreme low cloud coverage cools the Earth, increases precipitation to the point of torrential rains and is the cause of floods - a mark of the unfavorable climate of global cooling.
Clouds reflect and shade with a high reflectivity, depending on water droplet size, cloud thickness and the zenith angle of the Sun.
High clouds tend to warm the troposphere, but low clouds have a cooling effect.
Low clouds are found up to 2,000 m altitude and include stratus types that are often seen as dense and grey. When stratus clouds contact the surface, it is called fog.
Several kinds of low clouds form where cold air masses are displacing warmer air masses as a cold front which then brings heavy rain and snowfall.
It will change the lives of everyone worldwide and there is no escape.

It will change the lives of everyone worldwide and there is no escape.


What each and every single individual on Earth will experience, beginning in late 2017 - and lasting until the early 2050s - will alter their view of the world as they know it.
For it is the variations of the Sun's ultraviolet rays and solar irradiance that is the prime force that determines the Earth's climate and its weather.
The main cause of the deadly cold weather during previous global cooling era, or ice ages, was reductions in the Sun's ultraviolet radiance.
For it is the variations of the Sun's ultraviolet rays and solar irradiance that is the prime force that determines the Earth's climate and its weather.
The main cause of the deadly cold weather during previous global cooling era, or ice ages, was reductions in the Sun's ultraviolet radiance.

A 'spotless' quiescent Sun with no sunspots.
It is the Sun that is the cause of global warming, global cooling and everything else in between.
The planets modulate the Sun's ultraviolet rays, and all the indications - every single last one of them which I have calculated - point to one thing and that is global cooling.
It is coming for certain and I have been warning anyone who will listen to the truth of the entire matter of what constitutes climate change on Earth.
The planets modulate the Sun's ultraviolet rays, and all the indications - every single last one of them which I have calculated - point to one thing and that is global cooling.
It is coming for certain and I have been warning anyone who will listen to the truth of the entire matter of what constitutes climate change on Earth.
The La Nina of 2021-2022
As global cooling officially arrives in mid-December 2017, the years going into the early 2020s will see a major ENSO - first a moderate El Nino featuring torrential rains, which will be followed by a powerful cold phase, known as La Nina.
That La Nina will make the northern hemispheric winter of 2021-22 and spring of 2022 brutally wet, cold, snowy and icy seasons.
I have forecasted that the winter of 2021-2022 in the northern hemisphere will be historically wet and cold - lasting from November 2021 to June 2022.
I have forecasted that the winter of 2021-2022 in the northern hemisphere will be historically wet and cold - lasting from November 2021 to June 2022.
The climate change to global cooling will be abrupt, as it gets colder far faster than it can warm, and as we go into the year 2020 the pundits will be at a total loss to explain how the cooler seasons and colder temperatures are happening so quickly.
Remember that those pundits, those who have gone on and on for years blaming humanity for 'global warming,' will not be there to help you during the three decade long plus era of global cooling.
Already the Antarctic is gearing up for global cooling, and in the Arctic, since 2010, the jet streams have begun their shift from a east/west flow to one that is becoming increasingly north to south.
Remember that those pundits, those who have gone on and on for years blaming humanity for 'global warming,' will not be there to help you during the three decade long plus era of global cooling.
Already the Antarctic is gearing up for global cooling, and in the Arctic, since 2010, the jet streams have begun their shift from a east/west flow to one that is becoming increasingly north to south.

That is the reason for the polar vortices that are going to become ever more frequent and common as fierce cold temperatures plunges down into the mid-latitudes and further south.
By the end of the first La Nina of the global cooling era, there will be far fewer loud mouths going on and on about how humans are 'warming' the planet as many people will pray for warmer temperatures - but that warmth will not arrive.
Rather, it will get wetter and colder - all through the 2020s, the 2030s and the 2040s.
By the late 2020s, when it will have become obvious to all but the truly dense that global cooling is indeed the climate in effect, the world you know will be a very different place than it is right now.
The mark of the climate of global cooling will be the increase in low level clouds, first over the world's oceans and populated lands from torrential rains that result in great floods.
I cannot stress enough that few regions of the world will escape the torrential rains and floods which is caused by the Sun's quiescent phase and the climate of global cooling.
The extreme increase of low level clouds worldwide will see a marked and very significant rise in heavy rains and resulting flash floods in urban centers - with torrential rains and major flooding in more rural and semi-urban regions of the globe.
Torrential rains from the increase in low-level clouds I've predicted is a mark of the weather of global cooling. I urge everyone who reads my forecasts to make serious preparations for the great floods to come.
For instance, consider the recent events throughout the world as proof of what I have been forecasting:
Torrential rain in Japan's southwestern region July 5-6, 2017 caused thousands of people to be evacuated from their homes. It brought flooding, landslides and a trail of destruction to the area.
Authorities ordered hundreds of thousands of people to run for their lives.
Torrential rain in Japan's southwestern region July 5-6, 2017 caused thousands of people to be evacuated from their homes. It brought flooding, landslides and a trail of destruction to the area.
At least two people have been killed and many others missing in huge floods that surged through southern Japan.
Authorities ordered hundreds of thousands of people to run for their lives.
Right on cue, what is being called 'unprecedented torrential rain' has caused rivers to burst their banks, sweeping away roads and houses, and destroying schools.
Thousands of soldiers and others were scrambling today to reach people cut off by torrents of swirling water or threatened by landslides, and had rescued 250 people, the government said.
Thousands of soldiers and others were scrambling today to reach people cut off by torrents of swirling water or threatened by landslides, and had rescued 250 people, the government said.
Japanese soldiers rescue an elderly man in Asakura were among thousands of police officers and troops deployed to Kyushu on July 6-7, 2017.
“We are in an extremely serious situation,” Deputy Prime Minister Taro Aso said July 6, 2017. He warned of the danger of collapsing hillsides and added that "many people are still missing."
More than 50 centimetres (20 inches) of rain deluged parts of Kyushu, the southernmost of Japan’s four main islands, over 12 hours on July 6th, the meteorological agency said.
The torrential rains and flood havoc throughout Asia - Japan, China, Bangladesh and India - is symptomatic of the transition to the climate of global cooling.
In June and July, devastating flooding in parts of Bangladesh has affected some 900,000 people and displaced thousands of families.
Many people have moved to makeshift camps set up by the authorities on higher ground. Back in late June 2017, two Italian councils declared a state of emergency while others reported extreme floods, hailstorms and damage to infrastructure over the weekend across northern Italy.
In June and July, devastating flooding in parts of Bangladesh has affected some 900,000 people and displaced thousands of families.
According to a senior government official, authorities have already rushed disaster response teams to carry out rescue work, distribute relief materials and supervise centres where nearly 2,000 families have taken shelter.
"Some 900,000 people are affected due to floods in three districts," Mr Kamal said July 6, 2017. He said the affected districts were Sylhet and Moulvibazar in north-eastern Bangladesh and Cox's Bazar in the south-east.
The plight of millions of people in Bangladesh, crisscrossed by more than 230 rivers, mounts every year as the low-lying country experiences seasonal floods almost annually.
The floods triggered by heavy seasonal rains and an onrush of water from hills across the Indian borders have caused widespread damage to homes, crops, roads and highways across vast areas of the country.
The authorities have evacuated residents of hundreds of villages to higher ground in the districts that are prone to torrential rains between June and September.
Meanwhile, in India, The death toll from worsening monsoon floods in India's Assam state has hit 18 with hundreds of thousands in makeshift camps and no let-up in the deluge, officials said yesterday.
"Monsoons are still ongoing. There are fresh developments every hour," Mr Rajib Prakash Barua, a senior Assam State Disaster Management Authority official, told AFP as he confirmed the latest death July 6, 2017.
The monsoons started in the north-eastern state in April, said Mr Barua, speaking from the state's main city, Guwahati. "One person died yesterday, taking the overall death toll in the last week to five. Most people died either because of flooding or electrocution."
Officials say about 395,000 people have so far been affected in 863 villages across Assam's 15 districts.
Many people have moved to makeshift camps set up by the authorities on higher ground. Back in late June 2017, two Italian councils declared a state of emergency while others reported extreme floods, hailstorms and damage to infrastructure over the weekend across northern Italy.
A teenage boy is missing after being dragged away by strong currents in the Adda River.
Torrential rains, storms, hailstorms and strong winds were felt across northern Italy over the weekend, forcing the closure of roads and creating substantial damage to infrastructure.
Urban centres such as Milan and Bergamo experienced thunderstorms all weekend while two towns, Enego and Vittorio Veneto, have already declared a state of emergency.
A 13-year-old boy of Moroccan nationality has been declared missing after he was washed away by strong currents in the Adda river - a tributary to the Po, Italy's largest river - in the municipality of Lodi, near Milan.
The flood follows a week of record high temperatures and extreme weather conditions across Italy.
The storms across northern Italy follow a week in which whole areas of the south were placed on red alert, the highest warning for extreme weather conditions.
In some areas of Catania, more than 200 millimetres of rain fell in less than 24 hours one day in June 2017.
Cars were swept off the road and at least one person was reported dead. Four earthquakes also struck the central Italian region of l'Aquila midway in June.
In Bolzano, which sits at the feet of the Alps, temperatures summer temperatures spiked to 38 celsius just before 64 millimetres of rain fell in just a few hours.
Fire fighters responded to 120 emergencies in Bolzano alone, according to La Repubblica.
In Catania, the heel of the archipelago's boot-like shape and the other end of Italy, families in some parts were evacuated as a precaution last week.
The rains have seen rivers overflow and flood throughout northern regions, from Piedmont to Veneto and Lombardy.
Hailstorms destroyed camping grounds, garages and homes in the northeast.
According to an Italian farmers association, the torrential rains have also affected the annual prosecco harvest - with entire vineyards completely destroyed.
A spokesman said that 'hail grains like ping pong balls' had fallen all weekend.
I cannot stress strong enough that few regions of the world will escape the torrential rains and floods to come under the new climate regime of global cooling.
The extreme increase of low level clouds worldwide will see a marked and very significant rise in heavy rains and resulting flash floods in urban centers, with torrential rains and major flooding in more rural and semi-urban regions of the globe.
Consider that in early June even Florida suffered from days of constant heavy rains. The torrential rains that struck parts of South Florida on June 7, 2017 caused flash floods which left motorists stranded in streets.
Then, on the other side of the world in late June into early July 2017 several days of torrential rains triggered massive floods and landslides in many parts of south China, forcing the evacuation of more than 450,000 people.
Over 3,000 rescuers are searching for 93 persons still buried under rocks and mud by a landslide in southwest China's Sichuan Province.
The landslide engulfed 62 homes in Xinmo village in Maoxian County in the Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture of Aba Saturday morning, June 24, 2017, blocking a two kilometer section of river and burying 1,600 meters of road.
Ten people have been confirmed dead and 15 people had been taken off the list of missing as they were not in Xinmo village when the disaster struck, said Xu Zhiwen, deputy chief of Aba prefecture.
Only three people from one family were rescued hours after the landslide. The chance of survival for the missing ones is slim, rescuers said.
Rain-triggered disasters have also left at least 22 people dead and six missing in provinces of Jiangxi, Guizhou, Hunan, Yunnan and Anhui.
In Jianxi, heavy rain affected 1.8 million people and forced 270,000 people to be relocated to safe places in 47 counties and districts, the provincial flood control authorities said.
Flash floods and landslides have left six people dead and three others missing in Jiangxi.
In Guizhou, nine people were killed and two remained missing after torrential rain pounded the region over the past few days.
Heavy rain also damaged 35,418 hectares of crops and inflicted a direct economic loss of 610 million yuan (89 million U.S. dollars.)
In Hunan, 151,900 people were evacuated and 642 small and medium-sized reservoirs overflowed in wake of the largest rainfall this year. Three people of a family in Luxi County of Hunan were found dead in a landslide.
In Hunan, 151,900 people were evacuated and 642 small and medium-sized reservoirs overflowed in wake of the largest rainfall this year. Three people of a family in Luxi County of Hunan were found dead in a landslide.
The water in 14 rivers along the Yangtze River valley has risen above warning levels and heavy rains in the coming few days could further raise the water level in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, the Changjiang Water Resources Commission said.
I have been warning everyone to prepare for the advent of global cooling and its weather because lives literally depend on being prepared.
The entire planet will be affected by global cooling as the Sun enters its Grand Minimum cycle. The seasons of fall, winter and spring will be colder and wetter in many regions, while drought will become more common in other regions that suffer from ground soil that remains colder and lacking in nutrients.
Summer seasons will also be cool and dry in some regions with more cloud cover and heavier precipitation in other regions. Flood and drought can also co-exist.
Expect warmer temperatures to be pushed further into late August and September, rather than in June and July and early August.
The American Midwest, May 2017
Blasting storms in winter and spring will mean much more snow and ice storms - this will make the winter seasons longer (six months) as opposed to the usual three months.
During spring thaws the combination of melting snow and ice along with the arrival of torrential rains combine for floods just as crop planting season begins.
Of course, this will affect crop yields as the latitude lines for the growth of crops like canola, corn, soybeans and wheat will fall further south, and even in southern regions it will be cooler and cloudier than normal.
During spring thaws the combination of melting snow and ice along with the arrival of torrential rains combine for floods just as crop planting season begins.
Of course, this will affect crop yields as the latitude lines for the growth of crops like canola, corn, soybeans and wheat will fall further south, and even in southern regions it will be cooler and cloudier than normal.
Expect the next 36 years, counting from late 2017, as the global cooling era - in effect, a mini ice age.
So much time has been wasted on the lie of 'man-made global warming,' that is too late for many to prepare for it on the scale of making a difference.
Far too much time has been simply thrown away preparing for global cooling on the outright lie of 'man-made global warming.'
This means, of course, that it is up to individuals and small groups and organizations to begin to make preparations.
Those who laugh at your preparation now will be the very same ones crying cold and icy tears as global cooling rages worldwide.
So much time has been wasted on the lie of 'man-made global warming,' that is too late for many to prepare for it on the scale of making a difference.
Far too much time has been simply thrown away preparing for global cooling on the outright lie of 'man-made global warming.'
This means, of course, that it is up to individuals and small groups and organizations to begin to make preparations.
Those who laugh at your preparation now will be the very same ones crying cold and icy tears as global cooling rages worldwide.
Expect a great increase in cloudy days, a great decrease in sunlight with increased precipitation of torrential rains and heavy snows under the climate of global cooling.
Preparation means knowing that the climate is going to turn colder and much wetter. It also means understanding the kind of supplies you will need to survive as you battle the elements of global cooling.
How you prepare is a simple matter of just being prepared and that means getting to work now; for we are already on the cusp on the new climate regime of global cooling.
It will affect everything people do, how they work and feel as the weather of global cooling over the course of the next 36 years (2017-2053) will change the face of the planet.
The years now, 2017-2020, are the years to make significant changes in your life to be able to survive and then thrive during the first phase of global cooling (2017-2029) which will allow you to prepare the second and more deadly second phase (2029-2041) of the coming mini ice age.
Knowledge is power.
Be prepared.