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Monday, July 26, 2010

The Cardinal Crisis - Is American Middle Class Being Wiped Out? The Math Formula That Killed The Economy > And: China Braces For End Of Cheap Labor? Also > You Know You Are In A Depression When...? Plus > Future Shock: Are Things Changing Too Fast?

The Cardinal Crisis

Is American Middle Class Being Wiped Out?
You Know When You Are In A Depression When...

The Math Formula That Killed Wall Street?

China Braces For End of Cheap Manufacturing

Future Shock:
Are Times Changing Too Fast?

By Theodore White; mundane Astrolog.S

I continue to forecast on the economy, Wall Street, and the impacts on society here on Global Astrology for a reason. It has been, and remains my contention that we are now living in historic astrological times.

The transition between the closing of one era, that of the late 20th century, and the emergence of the new era of the decade of the 2010s.

 For instance, on July 26, we have begun the fifth, and last Saturn-Uranus opposition of our current time cycle.

This last exact opposition, along the Aries/Libra axis, is now in effect as the Cardinal T-Square involving Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Pluto strengthen during the summer of 2010 in the northern hemisphere.

In this edition of Global Astrology we look at the American Middle Class, which according to some, is being wiped out by the corrupt and uber wealthy.

 We also take a look at the mathematical formula that helped lead to the global Bank Crisis in The Math Formula That Killed Wall Street?

A writer asks, You Know You Are In A Depression When...?

 Also, we look to the past to understand the present with a retro-future look forward in Future Shock: Are Times Changing Too Fast?

We continue to see the power of this waning cycle of the original 1982 Saturn/Pluto square in China, where labor shortages and strikes have some western companies seriously considering a return of mass production manufacturing back to the United States?

The Cardinal Crisis
American Middle-Class Being Wiped Out?

By Michael Snyder
The Business Insider

The 22 statistics detailed below prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that the middle class is being systematically wiped out of existence in America.

The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer at a staggering rate.

Once upon a time, the United States had the largest and most prosperous middle class in the history of the world, but now that is changing at a blinding pace.

Why are we witnessing such fundamental changes?

Well, the globalism and "free trade" that our politicians and business leaders insisted would be so good for us have had some rather nasty side effects.

It turns out that they didn't tell us that the "global economy" would mean that middle class American workers would eventually have to directly compete for jobs with people on the other side of the world where there is no minimum wage and very few regulations.

The big global corporations have greatly benefited by exploiting third world labor pools over the last several decades, but middle class American workers have increasingly found things to be very tough.

Here are the statistics to prove it:

  • 83 percent of all U.S. stocks are in the hands of 1 percent of the people.

  • 61 percent of Americans "always or usually" live paycheck to paycheck, which was up from 49 percent in 2008 and 43 percent in 2007.

  • 66 percent of the income growth between 2001 and 2007 went to the top 1% of all Americans.

  • 36 percent of Americans say that they don't contribute anything to retirement savings.

  • A staggering 43 percent of Americans have less than $10,000 saved up for retirement.

  • 24 percent of American workers say that they have postponed their planned retirement age in the past year.

  • Over 1.4 million Americans filed for personal bankruptcy in 2009, which represented a 32 percent increase over 2008.

  • Only the top 5 percent of U.S. households have earned enough additional income to match the rise in housing costs since 1975.

  • For the first time in U.S. history, banks own a greater share of residential housing net worth in the United States than all individual Americans put together.

  • In 1950, the ratio of the average executive's paycheck to the average worker's paycheck was about 30 to 1. Since the year 2000, that ratio has exploded to between 300 to 500 to one.

  • As of 2007, the bottom 80 percent of American households held about 7% of the liquid financial assets.

  • The bottom 50 percent of income earners in the United States now collectively own less than 1 percent of the nation’s wealth.

  • Average Wall Street bonuses for 2009 were up 17 percent when compared with 2008.

  • In the United States, the average federal worker now earns 60% MORE than the average worker in the private sector.

  • The top 1 percent of U.S. households own nearly twice as much of America's corporate wealth as they did just 15 years ago.

  • In America today, the average time needed to find a job has risen to a record 35.2 weeks.

  • More than 40 percent of Americans who actually are employed are now working in service jobs, which are often very low paying.

  • For the first time in U.S. history, more than 40 million Americans are on food stamps, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture projects that number will go up to 43 million Americans in 2011.

  • This is what American workers now must compete against: in China a garment worker makes approximately 86 cents an hour and in Cambodia a garment worker makes approximately 22 cents an hour.

  • Approximately 21 percent of all children in the United States are living below the poverty line in 2010 - the highest rate in 20 years.

  • Despite the financial crisis, the number of millionaires in the United States rose a whopping 16 percent to 7.8 million in 2009.

  • The top 10 percent of Americans now earn around 50 percent of our national income.
Giant Sucking Sound?

The reality is that no matter how smart, how strong, how educated or how hard working American workers are, they just cannot compete with people who are desperate to put in 10 to 12 hour days at less than a dollar an hour on the other side of the world.

After all, what corporation in their right mind is going to pay an American worker 10 times more (plus benefits) to do the same job?

The world is fundamentally changing. Wealth and power are rapidly becoming concentrated at the top and the big global corporations are making massive amounts of money.

Meanwhile, the American middle class is being systematically wiped out of existence as U.S. workers are slowly being merged into the new "global" labor pool.

What do most Americans have to offer in the marketplace other than their labor? Not much.

The truth is that most Americans are absolutely dependent on someone else giving them a job.

But today, U.S. workers are "less attractive" than ever. Compared to the rest of the world, American workers are extremely expensive, and the government keeps passing more rules and regulations seemingly on a monthly basis that makes it even more difficult to conduct business in the United States.

So corporations are moving operations out of the U.S. at breathtaking speed. Since the U.S. government does not penalize them for doing so, there really is no incentive for them to stay.

What has developed is a situation where the people at the top are doing quite well, while most Americans are finding it increasingly difficult to make it.

There are now about six unemployed Americans for every new job opening in the United States, and the number of "chronically unemployed" is absolutely soaring.

There simply are not nearly enough jobs for everyone.

Many of those who are able to get jobs are finding that they are making less money than they used to.

In fact, an increasingly large percentage of Americans are working at low wage retail and service jobs.

But you can't raise a family on what you make flipping burgers at McDonald's or on what you bring in from greeting customers down at the local Wal-Mart.

The truth is that the middle class in America is dying -- and once it is gone it will be incredibly difficult to rebuild."


Mundane Analysis

 It has been my contention for some years that the earth would enter a transition phase which would then turn with the advent of the Cardinal transits by 2008 and continue through the new decade of the 2010s to the next Saturn/Pluto conjunction in 2020.

The American statistics cited above prove this to be true.

For years, Wall Street firms, hedge fund players, and international bankers have depended on a mathematical formula of variables to make huge sums of money in the derivatives market.

In astrology, we deal with multiple variables. This is because all planetary bodies, the stars, the Sun, and the Moon are always in motion.

Because of this fact, astrology is a very difficult field for most because of the every-changing mathematical interactions between moving bodies along various lines of declination. It is variable mathematics in its highest form.

A trained astrologer will require at least 20-30 years of knowledge and experience to gain enough insight required to extensively forecast; especially in mundane astrology.

The patterns observed, and studied, show astrologers what is more likely to occur, and what is less likely to occur, always through the science of celestial transits relative to the Earth over periods of time.

On the sector of the world economy, forecasts by rationalist financial engineers, some who despise astrology but never studied the science in any depth, turned towards using mathematical shortcuts in an attempt to do what astrologers have been doing well for centuries - accurate forecasting.

Wall Street hired these rationalist "quant mathematicians" to improve profits.

In effect, though the financial community had no actual historical data to base their investment forecasts on economic correlation, a shortcut was taken, based on less than 10 years of data on a corrupted, and bubble priced real estate market, which then led to the near collapse of the world economy.

We discover that this shortcut, or the "formula," was primarily the result of the work of a single mathematician.

David X. Li, born in China in the 1960s, became a quantitative analyst and a qualified actuary who, in the early 2000s had pioneered the use of what he called Gaussian Copula models for pricing of collateralized debt obligations (CDO)

But, in the wake of the global Bank Crisis, and the resulting economic crisis, Li's model now has been called a "recipe for disaster."

Li was quoted as saying about his disastrous financial model that:

"The most dangerous part is when people believe everything coming out of it."


For more, see ~ The Formula That Killed Wall Street.

Li left his celebrity forecaster status in the United States, and is now working in Beijing, China.

What also makes the above somber statistics even more confusing and sad is the fact that while China has benefited from the Baby Boomer corporate/political establishment moving quality American manufacturing to Asia for cheap workers, we now witness China suffering signs of a labor shortage?

This next feature highlights a mundane forecast made over three years ago where I pointed out that China would lose its primary hold on cheap manufacturing, and suffer a labor shortage that would return quality manufacturing gradually back to the United States.

The Saturn/Pluto square, highlighted in the July 23 feature of Global Astrology detailed the business climate from the last waning square of the 1982 Saturn/Pluto cycle to the new conjunction in 2020.

China's problems are typical to countries in transition. The economic crisis, as it is called, sees global trade not fractured, but de-fragmenting.

In order to keep up, nations have to train and educate workforces to meet the new demands of the times.

We are currently in one such cycle.

The Cardinal Crisis
Brace For The End of Made-In-China Era?
A Chinese garment worker at a factory in Pinghu, near Shanghai, China.
Credit: Philippe Lopez/AFP/Getty

Associated Press

July 2010-- SHANGHAI, CHINA -- Factory workers demanding better wages and working conditions are hastening the eventual end of an era of cheap costs that helped make southern coastal China the world's factory floor.

A series of strikes over the past two months have been a rude wakeup call for the many foreign companies that depend on China's low costs to compete overseas, from makers of Christmas trees to manufacturers of gadgets like the iPad.

Where once low-tech factories and scant wages were welcomed in a China eager to escape isolation and poverty, workers are now demanding a bigger share of the profits.

The government, meanwhile, is pushing foreign companies to make investments in areas it believes will create greater wealth for China, like high technology.

Many companies are striving to stay profitable by shifting factories to cheaper areas farther inland or to other developing countries, and a few are even resuming production in the West.

"China is going to go through a very dramatic period. The big companies are starting to exit. We all see the writing on the wall," said Rick Goodwin, a China trade veteran of 22 years, whose company links foreign buyers with Chinese suppliers.

"I have 15 major clients. My job is to give the best advice I can give. I tell it like it is. I tell them, put your helmet on, it's going to get ugly," said Goodwin, who says dissatisfied workers and hard-to-predict exchange rates are his top worries.

Beijing's decision to stop tethering the Chinese currency to the U.S. dollar, allowing it to appreciate and thus boosting costs in yuan, has multiplied the uncertainty for companies already struggling with meager profit margins.

In an about-face mocked on "The Daily Show with Jon Stewart," Wham-O, the company that created the Hula-Hoop and Slip 'n Slide, decided to bring half of its Frisbee production and some production of its other products back to the U.S.

At the other end of the scale, some in research-intensive sectors such as pharmaceutical, biotech and other life sciences companies are also reconsidering China for a range of reasons, including costs and incentives being offered in other countries.

"Life sciences companies have shifted some production back to the U.S. from China. In some cases, the U.S. was becoming cheaper," said Sean Correll, director of consulting services for Burlington, Mass.-based Emptoris.

That may soon become true for publishers, too. Printing a 9-by-9-inch, 334-page hardcover book in China costs about 44 to 45 cents now, with another 3 cents for shipping, says Goodwin. The same book costs 65 to 68 cents to make in the U.S.

"If costs go up by half, it's about the same price as in the U.S. And you don't have 30 days on the water in shipping," he says.

China's small businesses struggle to adapt to survive the global bank crisis. Chinese workers stitch teddy bears at a toy factory in Shenzhen.
Agence France-Presse/Getty Images

Even with recent increases, wages for Chinese workers are still a fraction of those for Americans. But studies do show China's overall cost advantage is shrinking.

Labor costs have been climbing about 15 percent a year since a 2008 labor contract law that made workers more aware of their rights. Tax preferences for foreign companies ended in 2007. 

Land, water, energy and shipping costs are on the rise.

In its most recent survey, issued in February, restructuring firm Alix Partners found that overall China was more expensive than Mexico, India, Vietnam, Russia and Romania.

Mexico, in particular, has gained an edge thanks to the North American Free Trade Agreement and fast, inexpensive trucking, says Mike Romeri, an executive with Emptoris, the consulting firm.

Makers of toys and trinkets, Christmas trees and cheap shoes already have folded by the thousands or moved away, some to Vietnam, Indonesia or Cambodia. 

But those countries lack the huge work force, infrastructure and markets China can offer, and most face the same labor issues as China.

So far, the biggest impact appears to be in and around Shenzhen, a former fishing village in Guangdong province, bordering Hong Kong, that is home to thousands of export manufacturers.

That includes Taiwan-based Foxconn Technology, a supplier of iPhones and iPads to Apple Inc. 

Foxconn responded to a spate of suicides at its 400,000-worker Shenzhen complex with pay hikes that more than doubled basic monthly worker salaries to $290. 

Strike-stricken suppliers to Honda Motor Co. and Toyota Motor Corp., among many others, also have hiked wages.

Foxconn refused repeated requests for comment on plans to move much of its manufacturing capacity to central China's impoverished Henan province, where a local government website has advertised for tens of thousands of workers on its behalf.

But among other projects farther inland, Foxconn is teaming up with some of the biggest global computer makers to build what may be the world's largest laptop production hub in Chongqing, a western China city of 32 million where labor costs are estimated to be 20 to 40 percent lower than in coastal cities.

Given the intricate supply chains and logistics systems that have helped make southern China an export manufacturing powerhouse, such changes won't be easy.

But for manufacturers looking to boost sales inside fast-growing China, shifting production to the inland areas where many migrant workers come from, and costs are lower, offers the most realistic alternative.

"The new game is to find a way to do the domestic market," says Goodwin.

Many factories in Foshan, another city in Guangdong that saw strikes at auto parts plants supplying Japan's Honda, have left in the past few months, mostly moving inland to Henan, Hunan and Jiangxi, said Lin Liyuan, dean at the privately run Institute of Territorial Economics in Guangzhou.

Massive investments in roads, railways and other infrastructure are reducing the isolation of the inland cities, part of a decade-old "Develop the West" strategy aimed at shrinking the huge, politically volatile gap in wealth between city dwellers and the country's 600 million farmers.

Gambling that the unrest will not spill over from foreign-owned factories, China's leaders are using the chance to push investment in regions that have lagged the country's industrial boom.

They have little choice.

Many of today's factory workers have higher ambitions than their parents, who generally saved their earnings from assembling toys and television sets for retirement in their rural hometowns. 

They are also choosier about wages and working conditions. 

"The conflicts are challenging the current set-up of low-wage, low-tech manufacturing, and may catalyze the transformation of China's industrial sector," said Yu Hai, a sociology professor at Shanghai's Fudan University."


The high jobless rate as the Saturn/Pluto waning square begins in earnest in July 2010 will be stubbornly high until the generational transition is completed in the early years of the new decade.

The economy went south, as tens of millions of people struggle to survive as the volume of work continues to drop dramatically even as the need for infrastructure rebuilding and business expansion grows.

My general forecast shows the United States, Asia, Europe, and other nations continuing to feel the pinch of the contracted business climate.

I expect a slower recovery as the waning Saturn/Pluto cycle plays out. Each major aspect of the general 38-year cycle is broken down in 9.5 years.

The main story of this cycle will be the revelations of the major banks roles in the economic crisis and why the lenders of the past 18 years are not fit to manage their institutions.

Despite this, global transits shows a surprising uptick in the sector of dry bulk commodities just ahead.

Vincent Fernando reports July 26, 2010
The Business Insider

Iron ore forwards have had an extremely strong week, according to data from the Iron Ore & Steel Derivatives Association.

August 2010 forwards have had the largest gains, indicating expectations of a near-term rebound:

Despite concerns about Chinese demand growth, higher stockpiles of steel, a global growth slow-down, and Chinese plans to consolidate its steel industry into fewer players, iron ore and steel are rallying.

Where there's demand for steel, there's demand for many other commodities as well.

There's also demand for ships.

This, combined with a stabilized Baltic Dry Index and today's overall stock market rally, means it's a sea of green for dry bulk stocks today.

August & September could get interesting for the commodities space."

The Cardinal Crisis
You Know You Are In A Depression When...?

By David Rosenberg, Chief Economic Strategist
Gluskin Sheff & Associates

"Congress moved to extend jobless benefits seven times, as has been the case over the past two years, at a time when almost half of the ranks of the unemployed have been looking for at least a half year.

The unemployment rate for adult males (25-54 years) hit a post-WWII this cycle and is still above the 1982 recession peak, and the youth unemployment rate is stuck near 25%.

These developments will have profound long-term consequences – social, economic and political.

The fiscal costs of the depression continue to mount, with the White House on Friday raising its deficit projection for 2011 to $1.4 trillion from $1.267 trillion.

That gap in the forecast – $133 billion – was close to the size of the entire budget deficit back in 2002. 


You also know it is a depression when you find out on the weekend that the FDIC seized and shuttered another seven banks, making it 103 closures for the year.

What a recovery!

Meanwhile, how are the surviving banks making money?

By cutting their provisions for bad debts (at a time when the household debt/income ratio is still near record highs of 120% and at a time when one-quarter of the consumer universe has a sub-600 FICO score – which means they are also ineligible for
Fannie or Freddie mortgage financing.

The banks thus far have reduced their loan loss reserves between 23% (Cap One) and 73% (First Horizon) – as Jamie Dimon said last week - these are not real earnings.

You also know it's a depression when a year into a statistical recovery, the central bank is still openly contemplating ways to stimulate growth.

The Fed was supposed to have already started the process of shrinking its pregnant balance sheet four months ago and is now instead thinking of restarting Quantitative Easing.

Of course, we are in this bizarre environment where bank credit continues to contract – last week alone, bank wide consumer credit outstanding fell $2.2 billion; real estate lending contracted $9.2 billion; and commercial & industrial loans slid $5.1 billion.

 click on graphic to enlarge

What did the banks do this past week?

They replaced cash with government
securities – the $47.5 billion net buying was the second largest in the past three

As the banks find few opportunities to lend – households are either not
creditworthy enough to lend to or are busy paying off debts and companies that do have any expansion plans have enough cash on their balance sheet to
finance their initiatives.

They are likely to use their $1 trillion in excess reserves buying government and related securities, especially with the yield curve so steep and the Fed ensuring that it has no intention of taking the 'carry' away for a long, long time.

Did we mention that you also know you are in some sort of depression when
after two years of record $1+ trillion deficit financing to kick-start the economy, the yield on the 5-year note is sitting at 1.8%?

What do you think that tells you?

It tells you that the private credit market is basically defunct, especially when it comes to the securitized loans, which played such a critical role in promoting leveraged economic growth from 2001 to 2007.

The amount of securitized credit that has vanished since the credit bubble burst two years ago is $1.4 trillion – 40% of this market is gone.

And what replaced it was this rampant government intervention into the economy aimed at putting a floor under the economy.

But insofar as the government stimulus fades and the contraction in credit persists, it will be interesting to see what sort of spending, output and income growth we are going to see in the near- and intermediate-term."


Okay, we all know the economic news certainly is not positive. I would rather forecast much more positive news, but in the near-to-medium term what is needed much more is a clear view of what has been really happening since the 1982 Saturn/Pluto cycle.

The bigger picture matters.

I continue to state that until the establishment generation of Baby Boomers have completed their time as establishment, which they are now in the final months of doing, the economic recovery will be anemic at best under the current atmosphere of Boomer aging angst and severe economic deflation.

The management of economies of scale; especially since 1993, has been fleeced and pilfered from within by the Pluto in Leo generation, and their parents, who are coming to an end as the ruling oligarchy, now in their mid-80s.

These are world planetary transits at work. We cannot halt the passage of transits, nor the motions of time. Generations age, and they come and they go. The world is at a crossroads into a new future.

We are now living in historic times.

The Cardinal Crisis
Future Shock:
Are Times Changing Too Fast?

By Theodore White; mundane Astrolog.S
Global Astrology

When I was a kid, I came across a curious book called Future Shock, by the sociologist and futurist Alvin Toffler. The book appealed to my budding sense of world history, and I read this book during the first year of my astrological education at the age of 10.

The early-to-mid-1970s was a time of lots of expansive thoughts and talks about the future. It was the space age matured in a brand new decade - the start of the post-modern age.

Most people turned to forecasters of every ilk to predict the future. My own early reading and training in astrology added to the dimension of context I would later synthesize into a mundane outlook of history in all its context, including cultural, economic, political, technological and social.

Most of the orthodox historians, and futurists were not versed in the complexities of astrology. Many did not believe the future could be forecasted.

I felt different about this since I had already heard and read of a French mundane astrologer named Michel Nostradamus who did a pretty good job forecasting hundreds of years into the future by application of the science of astrology.

From the 16th century, mind you.

I knew the future was always in motion, but astrology was the answer to forecasting since we know where, and what kind of aspects the planets relative to the Earth will be at any time by our astronomical calculations.

This gives the astrologer a superior logic, and great advantage over conventional forecasters not skilled in the use of the science of astronomical forecasting and prediction.

Still, the conventional talk of Nostradamus in the 1970s were usually full of errors, especially about the science of astrology.

Moreover, the rationalistic skeptical bias of conventional science blocked any kind of deep understanding, much less basic knowledge, of astrology in general, and mundane astrology in particular.

The pop-culture views of astrology were as rampant and widespread in scientific circles then as they are now.

I was surprised by this, even as a elementary school student nearly 40 years ago. Most of the adults I knew back then, when asked by me to name the planets in our solar system, in a row from the Sun, could not do this. These people included some pretty "smart" people who snickered at the very term "astrology."

Can't name nine planets in a row. In your own solar system? But can roll eyes and snicker at astrology, a celestial science you know nothing about?

I found that curious.

Meanwhile, there were other people who had the astrological knowledge and who shared it with me. This got me thinking about science in general, and history in particular when it came to trends, and forecasting applying astrological principles.

So, I took the route of scientific astrology, which I found natural to my understanding, and from there, looked upon the transits of the world as a mundane historian, and a forecaster.

Back in the 1970s, a global convergence was underway I later discovered that had more to do with how people would absorb all the information, knowledge, and technology confronted by them on a daily basis.

One night, I watched a documentary by the famed film director Orson Wells that year of 1972-73. Though dated, it is a healthy reminder of what the world is experiencing at this time in history under the Cardinal Crisis transits.

This documentary would later have a profound impact on my thinking about world transits, and how people would be forced to incorporate and synthesize the rapidly speeding technological world which offered so many decisions to be made that it caused some people to go into a kind of "shock."

Toffler argued that when society experiences great structural change, such as the coming a revolution from an industrial society to a "super-industrial society" that the changes overwhelm people.

This occurs because of accelerated rates of technological and social change can leave people disconnected from the world as they suffer "shattering stress and disorientation" from the information overload – and, in the term Toffler coined, are thus "future shocked."

Toffler says the majority of social problems are symptoms of future shock. The term is sometimes used to describe a particular kind of psychological state of individuals and entire societies.

Toffler says his best definition of Future Shock is -

"Too much change in too short a period of time."

We live in a similar age. The advent of technology and the Internet has caused a type of "future shock" to occur with the onset of the global banking crisis and generational transition now underway.

The impact on society during the next ten years will reveal how successful or poor the last 28 years of the Saturn/Pluto economic cycle  has proven.

At this time, it looks poor, as many would already attest.

In this 1994 interview with New Scientist Magazine, Alvin Toffler explains his view of Future Shock further.

It is interesting that the time of the interview took place during the waxing global square of Saturn and Pluto, which was fixed by 1993-94, as the world struggled once again to emerge out of another recession.

Alvin & Heidi Toffler:
Still Shocking After All These Years

Alvin & Heidi Toffler
The New Scientist
March 1994

Alvin Toffler burst into the limelight in 1970 with the publication of Future Shock, a book that caught the spirit of the age with its challenging vision of a society being torn apart by the "premature arrival of the future."

It became a worldwide best seller. Since then, he and his wife Heidi (who recently owned up to her half of the creative effort and put her name on their books too) have published a string of influential books:

The Third Wave (1980) and Power Shift (1990) form a trilogy with Future Shock. 

Each one and the Tofflers' most recent book, War and Anti-War, takes a different lens to explore the technological and culture forces shaping the future.

Although the Tofflers are often thought of as the world's most famous futurologists, two words that are definitely not in their vocabulary are "predict" and "trend."

"We believe nobody can predict the future," says Alvin. 

"We'll read the stuff that comes out of mathematical models, but we'll read it with a degree of skepticism. What we have constructed is a model of historical and social change."

That model is seen most clearly in The Third Wave, which maps out three gigantic waves of change. 

The First Wave corresponds to the agricultural revolution which dominated human history for thousands of years. 

The Second Wave - industrial civilization - is now playing itself out after 300 years of dominance. 

The Third Wave is crashing over us right now, having started with the birth of a postindustrial, high-technology, information economy in the 1950s.

The transforming power of technology always plays a central role in the Tofflers' books, but their first love was not science. 

Both studied English at New York University and then plunged into the Bohemian world of postwar Greenwich Village, writing poetry and planning novels. 

"I was your typical liberal arts student. Math and science were absolutely the subject that gave me the most difficulty. 

"But for some reason, I knew at a very young age that technology was important, that science was important, and so I took a course in the history of technology and then read, read and read.''

The Tofflers' interest in technology (plus early left-wing leanings) even extended to working on a factory production line in their New York days. 

After that came years of journalism, with the Tofflers writing for everyone from Fortune and Playboy to the Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, and acquiring a "dogmatic belief in never becoming dogmatic.''

Then, in the 1960s, the Tofflers were asked to write a paper for IBM on the long-term social and organizational implications of the computer. 

That gave them a period of immersion in technology. Future Shock followed soon afterward, when they were living in Washington DC and Alvin was working as a correspondent for a Pennsylvania newspaper.

What led you to write Future Shock? 

"Having spent several years watching the political process, we came away feeling that 99 per cent of what politicians do is keep systems running that were laid in place by previous generations of politicians.

Between 1955 and 1960, the birth control pill was introduced, television became universalized [sic], commercial jet travel came into being and a whole raft of other technological events occurred.

Our ideas came together in 1965 in an article called, 'The future as a way of life,' which argued that change was going to accelerate and that the speed of change could induce disorientation in lots of people.

We coined the phrase "future shock'' as an analogy to the concept of culture shock.
With future shock you stay in one place but your own culture changes so rapidly that it has the same disorienting effect as going to another culture. 

Were you surprised by the reaction to the book?

"I think that it touched a nerve. Remember we were coming out of the Sixties, countries were being torn apart, change was almost out of control for a period.
It touched a nerve, it gave a language, it introduced a metaphor that people could use to describe their own experience. 
Looking back to the 1970 when the book came out, how would you have done it differently? 
"The great weakness was the book wasn't radical enough, although everybody said it was a very radical book. The reason for that is that we introduced the concept of the general crisis of industrialism. 
Marx had talked about the general crisis of capitalism and the argument of the left was always that capitalism would collapse upon itself and socialism would triumph. 
We argued that both capitalism and socialism would collapse eventually because both were the offspring of industrial civilization, and that we were on the edge of a new way of life, a new civilization. 
Had we understood more deeply the consequences of that idea we would not have accepted as naively as we did the forecasts of the economists. If you think that economists are arrogant now, in the Sixties they were really riding high. 
They claimed we would never have another recession, and the reason was that we understand how the economy works, and 'all we have to do is fine-tune it,' as one economist told us. We were young and naive and we bought that notion. 
We should have anticipated that the revolution we were talking about would have hit the economy in a much deeper way.  
There seems to be some profound dislocation between this wave and all previous waves. Is there no going back? 
"I don't think you can understand today's changes without recognizing the revolutionary nature of these changes. 
We say we are going from a brute-force economy to a brain-force economy, and it's clear that skill and knowledge are becoming the central resource for economic activity. If I had studied economics I would have been taught that the factors of production are land, labour and capital. 
'Knowledge'' doesn't appear. 
Today, knowledge not only must appear in that list, it dominates the others. If you have the right knowledge at the right place at the right time, that means less labor, less energy, less capital, less raw materials and less time. 
All the other inputs of economic production for the conversion of natural elements into what we call wealth can be done far more effectively and efficiently through the application of knowledge.  
Is it computers that have been mainly responsible for this shift?
We are talking about knowledge in a much broader sense. I don't mean just computer data, I also mean ideas. I think we use the word almost in a sense of culture. What's really interesting is that we believe the nature of technology and the nature of the economy will drive the nature of social change. Which makes us sound like technological determinists. However, it is the culture that increasingly drives the technology and the economy. The economy is based on knowledge and that's based on culture. It's Marx stood on its head.  Are there limits to how adaptable culture is? How far can we go?
There are obviously circumstances where you have to make the change to survive, and there are other circumstances where if you make them too fast, you destroy. A good example is Russia. We had these economists rushing in with their attaché cases stuffed with Newtonian models, telling the former Soviet officials that they had to change overnight.
They had obviously not read Future Shock, and had totally ignored non-economic realities - the social, political, cultural and religious realities.
They were prime examples of Second Wave thinking, acting as though economics was a self-contained machine untouched by all these other forces and as though you could drive 250 million people into a new system in X number of days.
That's ridiculous and dangerous, and what they have given us is Zhirinovsky. Cultures have limits.

As you travel to different countries how do you feel that different cultures have reacted to these changes?

I think that the US is still the spearhead of this change, is still the leading edge of the Third Wave, that a lot of our increasingly inflamed racial problems, our unemployment problems, are directly related to transfer from a brute force to a brain-force economy, which does not provide employment, for example, for uneducated people and even for some educated people.

Europe has made a number of fundamental strategic errors and they have a lot to do with the Common Market and the European Union.

One of the things that has always struck me as absolutely stupid has been the contrast between the billions of dollars of subsidy for agriculture and the pennies put aside for research, Research budgets have been - in contrast with the US - minimal.

And at a time when every major company is trying to flatten the hierarchy, the European Union takes 12 bureaucracies and puts another one on top.

At a time when we are discovering that small businesses are more renumerable, the Brussels folks still think in terms of economies of scale.

The European Union should not be a bureaucratic, nation-based union - it will have to be a Europe of regions.

And it will have to recognize the importance of science and technology much more than even now, and it will have to break up the remaining centralized PTTs and accelerated the development of the electronic infrastructure.

But on the other hand if you're saying that knowledge is so important, that knowledge is very portable item; does that mean that the leaps and overtaking will be so much more rapid?
They will, and they will come from strange places. Right now Silicon Valley is talking about the fact that there are companies buying cheap programming from India.
The Third Wave technologies are not going to be monopolized, they are going to proliferate rapidly around the world. Ideas are going to be very, very hard to bottle up, and your lead time in controlling that information is increasingly short. Isn't that a theme which you pick up in your new books, War & Anti-War? The basic argument is that as new civilizations emerge they bring with them new forms of warfare and new forms of warfare emerge, new forms of peace-fare are required.   The Industrial Revolution did not simply industrialize the economy, it industrialized warfare.  The machine age gave us the machine gun. Societies organized around mass-production, culminated in nuclear weapons, the ultimate in mass destruction. That came as a revelation to us. Never having had much contact with the military, we shared the common stereotypes.
We argue that to the degree that knowledge is in fact becoming central to the new economy, it is also becoming central to the new form of war. The US Air Force has just bought 300,000 personal computers. 
There will be more computers in the armies of the world than there will be guns. Just as in the economy you need skilled workers, you need skilled soldiers.
One of the things we discovered in writing this book was that you need smart generals. The generals we met researching this book, are super, super-smart. They have studied everything from aerospace to computer sciences to international relations. 
The other thing that interested us in the book was how an institution as large and recalcitrant to change as the US military went from complete demoralization after Vietnam - drug-drenched, bureaucratic, bloated and despised - to its performance in the Gulf War.
If you can speak of war as elegant, that was elegant. 
You paint in the book a very chilling prospect of this lean, mean intellectual, elegant fighting machine that can zap the hell out of First and Second Wave civilizations...
Yes, but the other thing I say is that you can't keep secrets and you can't monopolize this technology.
The proliferation of Third Wave technology has a profound military implication because the weapons of the future are going to come from civilian production - that's a fundamental change - and it's going to be possible for poor countries with minimal amounts of money to smarten their weapons. They're doing it right now.

You don't feel it's possible for the more advanced nations to constantly keep ahead?
War is not going to be fought just with material weapons, but with electronic terrorism. 
We know a former US intelligence officer, who is also deep into artificial intelligence and computers, who says that if you give him 20 people and $1 million, which is peanuts, he can shut things down.

They could shut down every computer, they could shut down the banking system, the ATM machines, the hospitals, transportation systems.

You only need one super-hacker, he could work for Terhan, he could work for Zhirinovsky.

So it isn't that the West or the US in particular has this lifetime lead. On the contrary, I think we are exceedingly vulnerable and the vulnerability is magnified by the ignorance of the public and the self-confidence.

You know: 'We won the Gulf War, look how well we did, we can do that to anybody, any place.'

So knowledge isn't necessarily wisdom?

Right now I don't think there is a clue in the White House as to what the interests of the US are in the emerging world.

I think that a vacuum exists because there is an intellectual error being made, a profound error.

For fifty years, the model was the Cold War and that explained everything. Now it's the end of the Cold War that explained everything.

And if we look back on this period in a hundred years from now, the historians will say, yes, there was this thing called the Cold War - it was like some big tribal conflict in ancient times, they had these big bombs they could kill each other with.

But in fact the most important thing that happened in that period was the emergence of a new civilization. You can call it postindustrial, Third Wave, or techno-tronic.

Basically the change in the relationship of knowledge to production and other social processes means that everything has begun to change. 

It has cultural dimensions, religious dimensions, and certainly scientific dimensions.

You're getting models of change that are what I would call essentially Third Wave models, certainly not mechanistic.
You mean complexity, chaos?
Yes, and these are not the classical theories of the industrial age.
If science begins to change its assumptions about change itself, that's pretty profound. 
If we are beginning to shift from the popular use of machine models to describe various things, to computer models, to biological models, then to ecological models, we are moving into a multi-logic culture.
There is a logic that goes with print, and we call that literal logic. Video has arrived and video has its own logic. Pictures have their own grammar, and computers too.
We are going from a culture dominated by literal logic to a culture in which there are clashing logics. And I think we are moving into an era in which we are going to explode existing cultures. Heidi and I are asked all over the world: "Can we become Third Wave and stay Chinese, or English, or Mexican?" The answer is you can't stay anything. The Third Wave permits and even encourages cultural diversity. You can define your own unique culture, but it isn't going to be the culture of the past and it's going to be configured out of elements that come into your culture from outside. When you have messages beamed to you automatically translated into your own language, and you watch television from Nigeria, or Fiji, or anywhere in the world, gradually you pluck pieces or elements from those cultures and you put them together. Then you create your own unique English-of-the-future culture, or Japanese-of-the-future culture. People do not simply relive the past." ~

Friday, July 23, 2010

The Cardinal T-Square Crisis - Effects Of Saturn/Pluto Square; Moon's Transits Of July & August Has Thursdays/Fridays Unfavorable; Also > American Unemployment Benefit Checks Back In Mail & Historic Wall Street Reform: President Obama Scores Double Win > Plus: Federal Reserve Predicts Slower Economy Ahead? Also > Mundane World Forecast: 2010-2015

The Cardinal Crisis
U.S. President Barack Obama delivers his remarks as Vice-President Joseph Biden looks on before signing the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform & Consumer Protection Act in Washington, July 21, 2010.
Credit: Jim Young/Reuters

The Waning Saturn-Pluto Square

Moon's Transits To Cardinal T-Square Intensifies
American Unemployment Benefits Back In The Mail?

President Obama Makes It Reality:
Historic Financial Reform In America?


Federal Reserve Predicts Slower Economy Ahead
Mundane World Forecast: 2010-2015

By Theodore White; mundane Astrolog.S

The world is now entering into the peak season of the powerful Cardinal Crisis transits I have been highlighted on Global Astrology for several months.

We have seen how world events correlate to these powerful cardinal transits.

On the very day Saturn entered Libra, we have witnessed new legislation just signed into American law that is expected to have far-reaching impacts in the years ahead.

This past week has seen events tilt in favor of President Barack Obama and the Democratic Party with two major wins: historic Wall Street financial reform and the return of extended unemployment benefits for millions of Americans.

Meanwhile, the Federal Reserve Chair says a slower economic growth is just ahead as the bank crisis continues into the third quarter of 2010.

Saturn will perform a waning square aspect to Pluto which is the final strong aspect from their cycle begun in 1982. We look at the current Saturn/Pluto cycle, and what we can expect over the next 10 years as their phase winds down.

The Moon's motion kicks off the Cardinal T-Square transits in the month of July, August and September.

In my forecasts I have warned about travel this year being dangerous in light of the powerful world transits. We update events into mid-July.

All this and more, in this edition of Global Astrology:

The Cardinal Crisis
The Waning Saturn/Pluto Cycle: 2010-2020

August 21, 2010 - > The Cardinal Crisis over Ireland. Featured as part of the powerful Cardinal T-Square configuration is the waning Saturn/Pluto Square: the 1982 Saturn/Pluto cycle the world continues to experience. The waning cycle will continue through the 2010s towards a new Saturn/Pluto conjunction that arrives in January 2020.

The Saturn/Pluto Economic Cycle
By Theodore White; mundane Astrolog.S

Saturn's entry into tropical Libra signals the start of the waning square, sextile, and semi-sextile to transiting Pluto in Capricorn as part of our current Saturn/Pluto cycle that began in 1982.

It is going to be back to basics for many, for at least 10 years, in my mundane view.

Let's see how Ireland, the vaunted "Celtic Tiger" of the European Union, is dealing with the power of the global Saturn/Pluto cycle and Cardinal Crisis:

Ireland: In Recession

Irish Economy Goes Bust

Ireland, by the numbers

The Irish Face Up to Austerity

The 1982 Saturn/Pluto cycle, now waning worldwide, will continue through the 2010s, until a new Saturn/Pluto conjunction, and a new business cycle, occurs in January of the year 2020.

From this mundane outlook, we can take the time period we have just entered to reflect the waning Saturn/Pluto square, sextile, and semi-sextile of the period of 1973-1982, which, according to my calculations, shows a similar financial period will ensue between 2010 to 2020.

The Saturn/Pluto Square is exact on August 21, 2010, and, for the most part, will dominate the remaining part of this year until Saturn moves out of orb as it transits deeper into tropical Libra.

The effects and inclinations of the exact Saturn/Pluto square have been highlighted here before on Global Astrology.

For instance, see the report just below that says at least 80% of the billions of dollars in bonuses paid out to bankers was unmerited.

It is a pure example of the kind of greed and corruption I have been saying has been going for years in the financial community.

This story is typical of a waning Saturn/Pluto cycle:

Sensitive Federal Report Faults Banks On Huge Bonuses

By Eric Dash
The New York Times

July 22, 2010 -- With the financial system on the verge of collapse in late 2008, a group of troubled banks doled out more than $2 billion in bonuses and other payments to their highest earners.

Now, the federal authority on banker pay says that nearly 80 percent of that sum was unmerited.

In a report to be released on Friday, Kenneth R. Feinberg, the Obama administration’s special master for executive compensation, is expected to name 17 financial companies that made questionable payouts totaling $1.58 billion immediately after accepting billions of dollars of taxpayer aid, according to two government officials with knowledge of his findings who requested anonymity because of the sensitivity of the report.

 Kenneth R. Feinberg, the Obama administration’s Special Master for Executive Compensation says 8 out of 10 of the more than two billion dollars in executive bonuses paid out in 2008 was "unmerited."
Credit: Brendan Hoffman/Bloomberg

The group includes Wall Street giants like Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase and the American International Group as well as small lenders like Boston Private Financial Holdings.

Mr. Feinberg’s report points to companies that he says paid eye-popping amounts or used haphazard criteria for awarding bonuses, the people with knowledge of his findings said, and he has singled out Citigroup as the biggest offender.

Even so, Mr. Feinberg has very limited power to reclaim any money. He can use his status as President Obama’s point man on pay to jawbone the companies into reimbursing the government, but he has no legal authority to claw back excessive payouts.

Mr. Feinberg’s political leverage has been weakened by the banks’ speedy repayment of their bailout funds.

Eleven of the 17 companies that received criticism in the report have repaid the government with interest, so they have no outstanding obligations to reimburse.

As a result, Mr. Feinberg will merely propose that the banks voluntarily adopt a “brake provision” that would allow their boards to nullify or alter any bonus payouts or employment contracts in the event of a future financial crisis.

All 17 companies have told Mr. Feinberg that they will consider adopting the provision, though none has committed to do so.

Mr. Feinberg is expected to call the payouts ill advised but not unlawful or contrary to the public interest, the people with knowledge of his report said.

On Wall Street, meanwhile, profits and pay have already rebounded.

Goldman Sachs is on pace to hand out an average of $544,000 per worker in salary and bonuses, though many could earn several times that amount.

JPMorgan Chase’s investment bank is on track to pay its workers, on average, about $425,000, while the average Morgan Stanley employee could collect about $260,000.

If the second half of 2010 plays out like the first half, Wall Street bonuses will be paid out at about the same level as last year and similar to 2007 levels, when the crisis had just started to unfold.

 click on graphic to enlarge

“It’s healthier than I would have ever expected a year ago,” said Alan Johnson, a longtime compensation consultant who specializes in financial services.

Mr. Feinberg was named last month as the independent administrator for claims tied to the BP oil spill, making it likely that the release of his findings on the financial firms will be his final act as the overseer of banker pay.

The review, mandated by the 2009 economic stimulus bill, broadened the scope of Mr. Feinberg’s duties to include examining the pay packages of top earners at 419 companies that accepted bailout funds.

However, it did not give him the power to demand changes to the compensation arrangements, as he did in each of the last two years at seven companies that received multiple bailouts.

Mr. Feinberg spent five months reviewing compensation paid to each company’s 25 highest earners between October 2008, when the first bailouts were dispensed, and February 2009, when the stimulus bill took effect.

He narrowed his scrutiny to about 600 executives at 17 banks, with payouts totaling $2.03 billion.

Mr. Feinberg’s criteria for identifying the worst offenders were large payouts, in aggregate or to specific individuals; overly generous exit packages; or a failure to provide clear performance criteria or other rationale for extra pay.

Mr. Feinberg then approached each of the 17 companies with his proposed remedy during conference calls over the last two weeks.

The 11 companies that have fully repaid their bailout money are American Express, Bank of America, Bank of New York Mellon, Boston Private, Capital One Financial, Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan, Morgan Stanley, PNC Financial, US Bancorp and Wells Fargo.

The six companies that have not fully repaid their bailout funds are A.I.G, Citigroup, the CIT Group, M&T Bank, Regions Financial and SunTrust Banks.

Among the banks that have not fully repaid the government, Citigroup was identified by Mr. Feinberg as having the most egregious compensation packages during the bailout period, according to officials with knowledge of his report.

The bank handed out several hundred million dollars in pay in 2008 as it struggled to stay afloat.

Roughly two-thirds of the outsize payouts were from bonuses awarded to Andrew Hall and another trader who were part of the bank’s Phibro energy trading unit.

Citigroup sold that business to Occidental Petroleum last fall, under pressure from Mr. Feinberg, after the disclosure that Mr. Hall had received a $100 million payout.

Mr. Feinberg is not expected to name individual executives who received the highest awards.
His review is among several compensation initiatives scrutinizing banker pay.

In June, the Federal Reserve ordered about two dozen of the biggest banks to address several pay practices that, even after the crisis, it said encouraged excessive risk-taking.

European banking regulators introduced tough new standards for bonus payments earlier this month.

And the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation is developing a plan that would partly tie bank insurance premiums to the perceived risk of their executive pay packages. That proposal could be reviewed by the agency’s board as early as next month.

So, we can see here how one form of the Saturn/Pluto waning square is playing out in the financial community.

It appears that the continued fleecing from within - also through billions of dollars in bonuses - seems to be the chosen way to enrich oneself while working for banks and Wall Street firms - while the economy continues in severe recession.

Generally, the Saturn/Pluto waning square is an attack on hard, cold, and unsympathetic people and organizations who, over the last 28 years, have corrupted their organizations through abuse of finances and regulatory laws designed to protect investors and the general public.

Power struggles are also endemic to Saturn/Pluto squares, and this one will be no different.

Because of the breakdown of "business-as-usual," individuals and groups who've had to wonder why billions and millions of dollars have gone wasted will also witness attempts at coercion and blackmail from those who feel that things are changing too fast, that there is too much light, and who want out - but not before making a "killing on the markets" as they see their political and economic clout also waning.

This explains the unusual 1,000-point drop on the New York Stock Exchange on May 6, 2010, and, it also shows why there has been a flurry of previous activity to prevent the new Wall Street Reform Bill that was recently signed into law by President Barack Obama.

The sources of conflicts associated with Saturn square Pluto can relate to a wide spectrum of issues, including inheritances, tax reform, insurance, joint finances, alimony, political matters, corporations, and business in general.

Others, who have long complained things have been very dishonest and corrupt: on Wall Street, at mortgage firms, banks, insurance companies, accounting firms and regulatory agencies, have had to face dismissals & threats against them for being honest and calling a rat a rat.

They've struggled against the cynical corruption of their own institutions and companies, from among their own colleagues, and their bosses.

I will remind people that there is an ancient mundane saying:

"What goes around, comes around."

This is astrologically karmic of course. And not once, in the history of the world, has this saying, in all its meanings, failed to come true.

So, those who have been deeply involved in all the corruption to gain advantage and wealth at the expense of others under Saturn/Pluto are about to receive a very rude awakening as the waning cycle begins in earnest with a cardinal square.

From this outlook, we can also observe that the next 10 years will feature a time of challenges to recover from the deepest economic recession since the 1930s.

This graphic below shows the current state of unemployment in the United States. It is not a pretty picture out there.

Source: U.S. Dept. Of Labor
click on graphic to enlarge

This coming decade will feature a wide spectrum of much-needed adjustments, recovery, and fresh change from the economic corruption and greed which has defined the last 28 years.

 The fixed, waxing Saturn/Pluto Square of 1993 -> featured the ongoing recession of 1991-1994. The new, cardinal and waning Saturn/Pluto square is exact on August 21, 2010.

Waning cardinal Saturn/Pluto Square-> Exact August 21, 2010 at 2-3 degrees Libra/Capricorn

The idea behind handling the waning Saturn/Pluto square, sextile, and semi-sextile over the next 10 years is to come to terms with radical changes taking place in the world of commerce, and trade, and to effectively discover ways to deal with the business contraction that arose out of massive levels of greed and stupidity since 1982.

This will not be easy, but the general transition now underway along with the world transits will tend to speed up the de-fragmentation taking place among the economies of nations.

Each waxing and waning square of Saturn to Pluto always inclines toward business contractions and attempts to expand amid credit crisis, along with high rates of unemployment - a signature of Saturn/Pluto hard aspect cycles.

The financial pressures on people, and nations depend on the ability of economists and policy-makers to weather the disruptions which occur during Saturn to Pluto contacts - especially the squares and oppositions.

Until economists and policy-makers pay close attention to mundane astrology, and the forecasts based on the cycles of time, we will continue to see more severe recessions in the future until people wake up, and become more efficient by planning in advance, and working along with the transits of time rather than against them.

The expectations that things will run more or less smoothly, the bull market run since 1982, with "bumps" or "recessions" along the way, will be thrown for a loop during 2010-2020.

This is because the configurations of the other outer planetary bodies are stronger than they were in 1982.

And is particularly the case with the cardinal Uranus/Pluto squares of the early-to-mid 2010s.

The Uranus/Pluto square aspect of the 2010s calls into question the severe austerity programs now being planned by governments throughout Europe.

Moreover, the 2010s is a decade of major change and transitions from the economies of the late 20th century into a 21st century mode.

The global transits of the year 2010 clearly shows us the world is in the midst of historic changes, as forecasted.

Businesses, corporations, organizations, city, state and federal governments, and individuals who have not been prepared to shift into this new era now opening will have a very difficult time attempting to make a go of it in the 2010s - unless they adapt their outlooks to the new demands of the changing times.

And believe me, times are changing.

Surviving the waning Saturn/Pluto cycle means to be creative, honest, and to utilize your will power to achieve aspirations while knowing that opportunities will arise between 2010-2020 to make a fresh start in the lead-up to the new Saturn/Pluto conjunction in January 2020.

The next 10 years of the waning Saturn/Pluto cycle does bring with it a wealth of opportunities available to those willing to forge ahead without being weighed down by past outworn methods proving useless in dealing effectively with the global transition underway.

The coming opportunities will be open to anyone willing to come to terms with the past quickly, while shaping a new way forward into the next decade.

It will require a sense of purpose, determination, and creativity that allows for expansive growth for those willing to take the risks and who know their transits.

As the world now enters into the Cardinal Crisis transits, the theme of change, and transition will continue through 2010 and into 2011.

Meanwhile, we come to the cycles of late July through early September 2010, when the transiting Moon will spark a series of powerful inclinations from the positions of the outer planets relative to the Earth as part of the Cardinal T-Square and Cardinal Cross transits.

This gives way to additional months of further transitions during the autumn and winter months in the northern hemisphere, before a new series of astrological cycles begins in March 2011.

The Cardinal Crisis
Moon's Cardinal Transits Of July, August & September Unfavorable

Lunar Transits Through Cardinal Signs A Rough Go

By Theodore White; mundane Astrolog.S

As July begins to give way to the month of August 2010, the world will be in the midst of the peak of the Cardinal Crisis transits.

The next five to six weeks show transits that incline negatively.

As I have for over a year, I continue to warn against travel in 2010 because of the unfavorable world transits.

Violence, crime, and accidents associated with vacation travel via the air, on the road, in and on the water through July and August will increase, according to my forecasts.

It is also important to remember our climate and weather. Also regulated by transits.

I have forecasted prior that 2010 is the year of the flood. We continue to witness heavy rains, flash floods, and environmental disasters associated with the double conjunction in tropical Pisces/Aries.

See the most recent accidents listed to highlight why I warned about the danger of this year and summer in the northern hemisphere:

American Midwest Is Hammered By Storms, Heavy Rains

51 Bodies Found At Northern Mexico Dumping Ground

Eight suspects killed in clash with Mexican Soldiers

Police suspect Murder-Suicide in New York City

Canadian Jet Crashes During Air Show Practice

Toddler Killed By Car in Driveway

Long Island Man Severs Arm In Fireworks Accident

California Greyhound Bus Crash Leaves Six Dead, 9 Injured

NYC Police Office Leaves Scene After Striking Cyclist

Mayor of LA Breaks Arm in Bike Accident

Train in India that Crashed Going Three Times Too Fast

14 People Die When Bus Goes Off Cliff

Bus With 27 Children At Summer Camp Turns Over On Kansas Highway

Police Officer Vacationing With Family Killed By Drunk Driver

Partiers Crushed To Death At 'Love Parade' In Germany

It is advised for people reading my forecasts to remain put, and not allow themselves, or loved ones to take part in hasty, and impulsive behaviors that could lead to serious accidents, and even worse, deaths under the unfavorable cardinal world transits.

Moreover, Jupiter & Uranus will rejoin in tropical Pisces in September. Both planets are also conjoined to the fixed star Scheat - a star associated in mundane astrology with mass events and accidents involving water.

I continue to warn that trends are highly unfavorable over, in, and on bodies of water in general.

Drownings Cap Deadly Week In Water

Medical Examiner Rules Man Died From Accidental Drowning

Drowning Draws Attention To Danger of Low-Water Dams

Drowning Claims Life of 17-Year Old in North Carolina

Drowning Victims Names & Details Of Accident Released

Dramatic River Rescue Saves 9-Year Old From Drowning

Horror on the High Seas: Young Women Sexually Assaulted on Cruise Ships

List of Other Events on The High Seas in 2010

I have continually warned through my mundane forecasts that this year is most definitely not a year for summer fun in the northern hemisphere.

Although many people would like to believe that each summer season is the same, I say that they are not - and the summer of 2010 is not a safe summer according to the global transits

Most of the action surrounds the current global transition underway, and concerns over money, jobs, real estate and the overall economy. 

It has been my mundane view that much valuable transit time has been wasted by people, policy-makers, and financiers, who continue to wish for a return to the heady bubble days of the late 1990s and the decade of the 2000s.

In desperately searching for a return to "bubble recovery" that resembles the "bubble-mentality" that built up over the last 28 years, they will find nothing but the ashes of an outworn, abused, and corrupted bull market and financial system that has led to the new austerity of the 2010s.

Those "bubble" times will not return, at least not in the medium-term, and will not return in the ways expected by some people, according to my mundane calculations.

On Friday, July 23, transiting Jupiter will station retrograde at 3-degrees Aries.

This begins a four-month Jupiter retrograde cycle lasting to November 18, 2010, when Jupiter will station direct at 23-Pisces, and begin its official transit back into tropical Aries by January 2011.

By August 13,14, 2010, transiting Uranus will re-enter Pisces. Transiting Jupiter will follow with a re-entry back into tropical Pisces on Sept. 8-9, 2010.

Both planets will then conjoin for a second time at 28-Pisces on Sept. 18-19, and continue their conjunction over the months of October, November, December and January.

This cycle of Jupiter & Uranus during the coming fall months in the northern hemisphere reveal a time of review, repose, and planning for the new astrological year to come in March 2011. 

Uranus and Jupiter, as they transit Pisces from August through early March 2011, can be used well by those with knowledge of transits to continue the life transitions which have been underway since early 2010 in preparation for the new cycles which start in the month of March.

The autumn season will not be easy for those who have wasted 2010 awaiting others to do things for them.

This is because the fifth, and last exact Saturn/Uranus opposition of July 26, 2010, will have finally begun the end of the clashes between that which is outworn against the new emerging on the horizon.

The next 5-6 weeks from July 23 show enormous amounts of energy which will impact the positions of those with placements of planets in the last degrees of mutable signs and the early degrees of cardinal signs.

My best advice is to take it easy, and not engage in activities that could easily lead to confrontations on petty matters, and disruptions due to haste, and impulse. 

Again, caution, patience, and prudence is strongly urged.

The bigger picture remains the same.

The world is in the midst of historic generational transition that, until complete, will continue to reveal an unraveling of society, business interests, and government until the generational transition has been consummated.

The months from July through to March 2011 is the time of this transition, which will continue into next year, but will be on the positive end of world transits, and not the negative end, which the Earth continues to experience at this time in history.

During late July, all through August, and into September 2010, the transits of the Moon in the cardinal signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn form cardinal cross configurations that fall on Fridays.

These are unfavorable transits, as the Moon will act as a sort of spark, mainly on the emotions of people, causing accidents, and all manner of disruptions. See more on the Transits of the Moon and the Cardinal Cross below.

The Transits of the Moon & Cardinal Cross

The Moon's cardinal transits and aspects to and from the planets involved in the Cardinal T-Square from mid-July through August and September 2010 are unfavorable. Most will fall Thursdays and Fridays due to the Moon's irregular speeds, and motions.

It is my advice to push up all activities and plans so as to treat Thursdays, and Fridays as days to take it easy, and not get involved in confrontations with people easily inclined by the world transits.

It is wise not to allow others, through ignorance, haste, and impulse, to make you rush or to travel on Thursdays & Fridays during the months of August and September.

There are four (4) Thursdays & Fridays in the list below which are unfavorable when it comes to the cardinal crisis transits.

The action begins on July 23, 2010, a Friday, and continues into early September.
  • Friday, July 23 - Moon in Capricorn, conjoins Pluto. Jupiter stations retrograde.
  • Friday, July 30 - Moon enters Aries at 4:40 p.m., EDT, conjoins Uranus, then Jupiter.
  • Friday, August 6 - Moon enters Cancer, 5:50 p.m., EDT
  • Thursday, August 12 - Moon enters Libra, 6:42 p.m., EDT
  • Thursday, August 19, Moon enters Capricorn, 10:17 a.m., EDT
  • Thursday, August 26, Moon enters Aries, 10:49 p.m., EDT
  • Friday, September 3, Moon enters Cancer, 2:50 a.m., EDT
  • Thursday, September 9, Moon enters Libra, 5:00 a.m., EDT
The lunar cycle begins to ease after September 9th, however, by Wednesday, September 15, the transiting Moon in the late degrees of Sagittarius, squares Jupiter, and Uranus, now retrograde, and both back in tropical Pisces.

The Moon will perform mutable squares, oppositions, and conjunction from the late degrees of the Signs through the autumn of 2010, and into the winter of 2011.

The idea behind navigating the Moon's transits from July 23 through to September 15, 2010 is to see the days of Thursday & Friday as red days, where regular expectations and aspirations do not go as planned. 

Most of the strongest irritations and upsets will occur when the Moon is between its full lunar phase through its last quarter phases.

Trouble on the roads, during rush-hour, in the mornings, and late afternoons, are bound to find multiple accidents taking place.

Expect roads to be unusually busy, and packed, with high traffic rates amid the busiest vacation month of August.

Avoid fights, confrontations, and the general stupidity one observes in others - especially on the roads and highways. Accidents are forecasted to spike due to the powerful cardinal transits.

The stress days of Thursdays, and Fridays, as inclined by the Moon's transits in the late degrees of mutable signs, and the early degrees of the cardinal signs, are bound to be high.

Avoiding all of this will require making notations on your calendar, and remembering the transits of mid-July through early September.

Often people will superimpose those things that they want, or desire to accomplish without regard to the "weather" which does not shift or change for one's schedule.

Therefore, understand that if you want to avoid most of the negative lunar-inclined events associated with the Cardinal T-Square, and the role the Moon performs as part of the Cardinal Grand Square when in the sign of Cancer, then it is best to take things easy, and not push on matters heading into the end of each workweek.

The transiting Moon will form squares and oppositions to the major planets that are part of the Cardinal Crisis, that is, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Pluto.

During the month of August, and into September, expect the end of the work week, that is Thursdays & Fridays, to be mainly unfavorable because of the Moon's aspects.

Transit of the Moon in Capricorn
July 23, 24, 25

This would be the conjunction of the transiting Moon to Pluto in Capricorn. Another powerful conjunction that squares both Jupiter/Uranus and Saturn. This transit of the Moon in Capricorn plays off the cardinal t-square by inclining Pluto's energies into lunar force.

The Moon in Capricorn conjoined to Pluto as part of the Cardinal T-square involving Jupiter/Uranus and Saturn can usher in powerful emotions that, in light of the cardinal crisis transits, are very unfavorable.

Emotions under the Moon's phase in Capricorn are cold, and distant. The impulse, haste, and impatience, most related to financial issues, does not lead to resolution, but to a heightening of stress in an already stressed atmosphere.

Transit of the Moon in Aries
July 30, 31 & August 1

Can be tough, but useful. When the Moon transits in the first three-degrees of Aries, it will form conjunctions to both Jupiter, and Uranus.

These conjunctions are useful for quickly earning money from previous work, and to think about initiating plans for future expansion.

However, the opposition from the Moon in Aries to Saturn in Libra, and the square to Pluto in Capricorn, can make for some tense confrontations during the Moon's transit in Aries.

It is best to avoid fights, or irritations by remembering to use caution, and to also avoid haste and impulsive behavior during the Moon's transit in Aries.

The Transit of the Moon in Cancer
August 6,7,8

Here, in the sign the Moon rules, there is the opposition to Pluto in the early degrees of Capricorn, and the squares to Jupiter/Uranus, and Saturn.

It is in Cancer that the transiting Moon forms what is a "cardinal cross."

This configuration is tight, very strong, and during these times, it is best to again avoid confrontations, and impulse.

The energies of the Moon in Cancer against the planets that form the Cardinal T-Square are very strong, and require careful handling.

The inclinations are mainly the same - impulsive, hasty actions, usually accompanied by observations and interactions with unstable people, who are unaware of the effects on them from the inclinations, but who otherwise act out.

Use this time when the Moon transits Cancer to relax, rest, and not take part in hasty, or impulsive actions, or travel. Stay put to avoid the stresses others have allowed themselves to be inclined towards.

Transit of the Moon in Libra
August 12, 13, 14

This is a conjunction to Saturn, while the Moon in Libra opposes Jupiter/Uranus, and squares Pluto in Capricorn.

Possibly the strongest transit of the Cardinal Crisis years due to the influence of Saturn on the transiting Moon coming out of Virgo, and into the early degrees of Libra.

This transit, again, occurs on a Friday, and continues the releasing of outworn ideas, methods, and people from long-term situations that have outlasted their usefulness.

The reaction, due to the Moon's transits in August and September can sometimes be angry, and/or violent, depending on how long situations have been boiling just under the surface within individuals and groups.

The Bank Crisis, and the resulting near-collapse of economies, the lay-offs of millions of people, along with the fast declining real estate bubble market, has placed incredible stress and pressure on families, businesses, and individuals under the powerful Cardinal T-Square transits.

It appears that some politicians in the United States Senate chamber believed Americans were not hurting enough, so just before the July 4th holiday, unemployment benefits were stopped, leaving some 2.5 million unemployed Americans without income.

The cut-off of unemployment benefits has only served to further anger people who have been under economic assault for years.

While politics is being played ahead of the American mid-term elections in November, it appears that some just do not understand the historic times they are now living.

Business-as-usual politics that use American families as pawns in strong-arm power plays in Washington D.C. is about to experience a backlash in the months and years ahead against those seen responsible for playing games with the lives of Americans.

I continue to remind the aging generation of policymakers, bankers, and those responsible for the Bank Crisis and the resultant severe economic recession and business contraction, that there is a reckoning on the way - from younger Americans - who continue to seethe with anger after several years of economic stress and the lack of jobs in an economy poised for a double-dip recession.

The Cardinal Crisis
Americans' Unemployment Benefits Stopped By Republicans...
But Checks Now Back In Mail Says Democrats?
 July 22, 2010: U.S. President Barack Obama signs the Emergency Unemployment Benefits Bill in the Oval Office at the White House in Washington, DC. The emergency law restores unemployment benefits for over two million Americans following a bitter four-month standoff with Republicans who cut-off unemployment benefits for millions of people just before July 4th.
Credit: Mandel Ngan/AFP

By Andrew Taylor
Associated Press
July 22, 2010-- WASHINGTON D.C. – Federal checks could begin flowing again as early as next week to millions of jobless people who lost up to seven weeks of unemployment benefits in a congressional standoff.

The White House said President Barack Obama would quickly sign the legislation Congress approved Thursday to restore benefits to people who have been out of work for six months or more.

This ends an interruption that cut off payments averaging about $300 a week to 2 1/2 million people who have been unable to find work in the aftermath of the nation's long and deep recession.

At stake are up to 73 weeks of federally financed benefits for people who have exhausted their 26 weeks of state jobless benefits.

About half of the approximately 5 million people in the program have had their benefits cut off since its authorization expired June 2.

They are eligible for lump-sum retroactive payments that are typically delivered directly to their bank accounts or credited to state-issued debit cards

Many states have encouraged beneficiaries to keep updating their paperwork in hopes of speeding payments once the program was restored.

In states like Pennsylvania and New York, the back payments should go out next week, officials said.

In others, like Nevada and North Carolina, it may take a few weeks for all of those eligible to receive benefits.

The 272-152 House vote Thursday will send the measure to the White House, where Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said Obama would sign it as soon as it arrived.

The House vote came less than 24 hours after a mostly party-line Senate vote Wednesday on the measure, which is just one piece of a larger Democratic jobs agenda that has otherwise mostly collapsed after months of battles with Republicans.

 Millions of Jobless Americans Search For Jobs

"Americans who are working day and night to get back on their feet and support their families in these tough economic times deserve more than obstruction and partisan game-playing," Obama said Wednesday night.

The measure is what remains of a Democratic effort launched in February to renew elements of last year's economic stimulus bill.

But GOP opposition forced Democrats to drop $24 billion to help state governments avoid layoffs and higher taxes, as well as a package of expired tax cuts, and a health insurance subsidy for the unemployed.

Wrangling over the larger measure consumed about four months. The jobless benefits portion picked up enough GOP support in the Senate — Maine moderates Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe — only after it was broken off as a stand-alone bill.

It would have passed last month were it not for the death of Robert Byrd, D-W.Va.; Byrd's replacement, Democrat Carte Goodwin, cast the key 60th vote Tuesday to defeat a GOP filibuster.

Most Republicans opposed the measure because it would add $34 billion to a national debt that has hit $13 trillion, arguing that it should have been paid for with cuts to other programs, such as unspent money from last year's economic stimulus bill, which is earning mixed grades at best from voters as unemployment stands at 9.5 percent nationwide.

Thirty-one House Republicans, about one in six, voted for the measure Thursday, while 10 Democrats opposed it.

"The other side says that these unemployment benefits stretching to almost two years are needed and must be added to the $13 trillion debt, even as they claim their trillion-dollar stimulus plan has been a success at creating millions of jobs," said Rep. Charles Boustany, R-La.

"It makes you wonder if they're looking at the same jobs data as the rest of us."

Republicans Blocked Unemployment Benefits For Millions of Americans: Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky grimaces as he talks to journalists on Capitol Hill July 20, 2010, just before the Democratic majority voted 60-40 to stop a Republican filibuster that denied unemployment benefits for an estimated 2.5 million Americans. Senator Carte Goodwin, Democratic of West Virginia, newly-sworn in as successor to West Virginia's Robert Byrd who died in June, provided the critical 60th vote to pass the Emergency Unemployment Benefits Bill then signed into law by President Barack Obama. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, Republican of Alaska, looks on at left.
Credit: Scott Applewhite/AP

Opposition marked a change of heart for many Republicans who had voted for deficit-financed unemployment benefits in the past, including twice during George W. Bush's administration.

Earlier this year, Republicans twice allowed temporary unemployment measures to pass without asking for a roll call vote.

Opinion polls show that deficits and debt are of increasing concern to voters, especially Republicans' core conservative supporters and the tea party activists whose support the GOP is courting in hopes of retaking control of Congress.

Republicans winced in February when Sen. Jim Bunning, R-Ky., blocked a temporary benefits measure for several days, only to relent amid a wave of bad publicity.

But just a few weeks later, all but a handful of Republicans were opposed to renewing benefits unless they were paid for with cuts elsewhere in the $3.7 trillion federal budget.

Democrats countered that many economists say unemployment benefits boost the economy since most beneficiaries spend them immediately.

But any such effects are likely to be modest when measured against a $14.6 trillion economy.

"Unemployment benefits protect those who have lost their jobs through no fault of their own but would lead to more jobs, higher wages and a stronger economy for all Americans," said Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif.

"The money will be spent immediately on necessity, injecting demand into the economy, creating jobs."

The program is being renewed through the end of November.

The White House signaled earlier this week that another extension may be sought if the jobless rate remains high, as many expect.

Meanwhile, a sweeping financial overall bill was also signed into law July 22, 2010 by President Obama. This new bill is said to bring to an end the era egregious abuses by Wall Street, banks, and financial institutions which has brought the United States to the brink of economic disaster.

The Cardinal Crisis
A New Era Of Financial Honesty Forced On Banks & Wall Street?
U.S. President Barack Obama signs the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform & Consumer Protection Act on July 21, 2010 as Senator Chris Dodd (C) and Congressman Barney Frank (R) watch at the Ronald Reagan Building in Washington, DC. The new law is the most sweeping financial reform since the Great Depression years of the 1930s. Obama promised everyday Americans that they would no longer have to pay for Wall Street's "mistakes."
Credit: Jim Young/Reuters

By Jim Kuhnhenn
Associated Press

July 21, 2010 - WASHINGTON D.C. – Reveling over a new milestone in his presidency, a triumphant Barack Obama on Wednesday signed into law the most sweeping overhaul of lending and high-finance rules since the Great Depression, adding safeguards for millions of consumers and aiming to restrain Wall Street excesses that could set off a new recession.

The president's signing ceremony capped nearly two years of intense and partisan debate over how to avoid a recurrence of the 2008 financial meltdown that buckled the U.S. economy and left sharp, lasting imprints on the nation's politics and in Americans' homes.

"Because of this law, the American people will never be asked again to foot the bill for Wall Street's mistakes," Obama said.

In a heated midterm election season that has dented his public support, Obama sought to put the complex law in pocketbook terms. Emphasizing provisions that guard borrowers from abusive lenders, he claimed "the strongest financial protections for consumers in the nation's history."

Not everyone agreed. Republicans portrayed the bill as a burden on small banks and the businesses that rely on them and argued that it will cost consumers and impede job growth.

Rep. Mike Pence of Indiana, a member of the House GOP leadership, on Wednesday joined House Minority Leader John Boehner of Ohio in calling for the law's repeal.

The law, passed despite nearly unanimous Republican opposition, attempts to catch up to a financial system that has sped ahead of outdated regulation and slackened rules that allowed banks, traders and others to take increased risks.

Wall Street's near collapse, Obama said, "was a crisis born of a failure of responsibility from certain corners of Wall Street to the halls of power in Washington."

The new rules, however, are only at a midpoint.

Banking and market regulators will have up to two years to write many of the new regulations required by the law, extending uncertainty and ushering in a new phase of lobbying by financial firms.

 Chairman of the Federal Reserve Ben Bernanke attends the signing of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act by US President Barack Obama at the Ronald Reagan Building in Washington, DC. Bernanke warned the outlook for the world's largest economy remained "uncertain" Wednesday but said the central bank could step in to bolster the recovery.
Credit: Saul Loeb/AFP

"Regulators will have to be vigilant," Obama said.

The president sought to quell public anger over the $700 billion bank rescue fund the government created at the height of the crisis to reassure the markets.

While the infusion is credited with providing stability, the public recoiled at the idea of taxpayer money being used to help prop up huge banks.

The law gives regulators new authority to liquidate large, interconnected financial firms that are failing.

"There will be no more tax-funded bailouts, period."

The law, however, does permit the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. to borrow taxpayer money from the Treasury temporarily to help cover the costs of winding down a large firm.

Other large banks would have to pay the Treasury back over time.

Firms have been poring over the massive bill, anxious to assess its most immediate impact.  

Credit rating firms, for instance, say they will no longer allow the issuers of debt-backed securities to put their ratings for them in public sale documents, wary of a provision in the law that makes it easier to sue ratings agencies.

The law assembles an influential council of regulators to be on the lookout for risks across the finance system

It also creates a powerful independent consumer financial protection bureau within the Federal Reserve to write and enforce new regulations covering lending and credit.

It places shadow financial markets that previously escaped the oversight of regulators under new scrutiny and gives the government new powers to break up companies that threaten the economy.

Major Wall Street banks have welcomed some provisions in the bill, but have fiercely opposed others that would limit their banking business and cut into their profitability.

Republicans have argued that the law will hurt rather than help people still reeling from the recession.

"Millions of Americans are struggling to find jobs, and yet all they see in Washington are Democrats passing massive bills that, at their core, seem to have one thing in common: more job loss," Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said on the Senate floor Wednesday.

Thomas Donohue, the president and CEO of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, called the law "a financial regulatory boondoggle."

The new law comes at a politically delicate time for the president. A growing number of business leaders describe his administration as antagonistic to their interests, and polls show the American public increasingly wary of his policy initiatives.

Eager to portray the law as one with broad appeal, the White House included some top bankers among those at the bill signing ceremony.

They included Vikram Pandit, CEO of the financial giant Citigroup, and top executives from Bank of New York Mellon and Barclay's PLC.

 President Barack Obama, left, shakes hands with Vikram Pandit, right, CEO of Citigroup, after signing the Dodd-Frank-Wall Street Reform & Consumer Protection Act.
Credit: Pablo Martinez Monsivais/AP

Noticeably absent, however, were JPMorgan Chase & Co.

CEO Jamie Dimon, a past Obama backer, and Goldman Sachs Group Inc. CEO Lloyd Blankfein were not there. Dimon has been vocal in his criticism of some provisions in the bill.

"The CEOs who opposed reform never expected to be invited to the bill signing, and not a single one has complained to the administration," Deputy Communications Director Jen Psaki wrote in a White House web log Wednesday.

 President Barack Obama, right, greets Andrew Giordano, center, from Locust Point, Md., and Robin Fox, left, from Rome, Ga., before signing the Dodd Frank-Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act in a ceremony in the Ronald Reagan Building in Washington, Wednesday, July 21, 2010.
Credit: Pablo Martinez Monsivais/AP

Also in the audience were Maryland Vietnam veteran, Andrew Giordano, who was hit with bank overdraft fees, and Robin Fox, a Georgia teacher stung by retroactive interest rate increases on her credit card balance — two issues the legislation aims to remedy.

 U.S. President Barack Obama greets Chairman of the Economic Recovery Advisory Board Paul Volcker, as Elizabeth Warren (C) smiles. Warren is expected to head her brain-child, the newly-created Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, which was signed into law July 21, 2010 by President Obama.
Credit: Jim Young/Reuters

Former Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker and Elizabeth Warren, head of the panel assigned to oversee the bank bailout fund, also attended.

Both have been instrumental in shaping parts of the bill.

The Cardinal Crisis
Federal Reserve Predicts Slower Economy Ahead?

By RTT News

July 22, 2010 -- WASHINGTON D.C. -- Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke Thursday told a House panel that he foresees a somewhat slower economic recovery, with unemployment rates expected to come down only slightly.

Bernanke, testifying before the House Financial Services Committee, said that the Fed believes the economy will likely grow by 3 to 3.5 percent for the rest of the year, with the pace likely increasing to between 3.5 and 4.5 percent in 2011 and 2012.

Efforts to reduce unemployment, Bernanke said, are also likely to be slower than expected, projecting an unemployment rate between 7 and 7.5 percent by the end of 2012.

 Federal Reserve Board Chairman Ben Bernanke

"One factor underlying the Committee's somewhat weaker outlook is that financial conditions--though much improved since the depth of the financial crisis--have become less supportive of economic growth in recent months," he said.

He added, "After two years of job losses, private payrolls expanded at an average of about 100,000 per month during the first half of this year, a pace insufficient to reduce the unemployment rate materially.

In all likelihood, a significant amount of time will be required to restore the nearly 8-1/2 million jobs that were lost over 2008 and 2009."

On the brighter side, Bernanke said, businesses have been increasing their investments in equipment and software over the first half of the year as companies make upgrades and improvements that were deferred during the depths of the recession.

He also credited U.S. export growth with providing a boost to the manufacturing sector.

Bernanke also noted that the Fed is winding down several of the steps it took to ease the financial crisis last year, particularly its programs to inject liquidity into the sector.

"As financial markets stabilized, the Federal Reserve shut down most of these programs during the first half of this year and took steps to normalize the terms on which it lends to depository institutions," he said.

"The only such programs currently open to provide new liquidity are the recently reestablished dollar liquidity swap lines with major central banks."

He added, "Importantly, our broad-based programs achieved their intended purposes with no loss to taxpayers. 

All of the loans extended through the multi-borrower facilities that have come due have been repaid in full, with interest."

But Bernanke also left the door open for the Fed to take additional action should the economic climate worsen.

"Even as the Federal Reserve continues prudent planning for the ultimate withdrawal of extraordinary monetary policy accommodation, we also recognize that the economic outlook remains unusually uncertain," he said.

He added, "We will continue to carefully assess ongoing financial and economic developments, and we remain prepared to take further policy actions as needed to foster a return to full utilization of our nation's productive potential in a context of price stability. 

Dates of Cardinal T-Square Transits
Mundane planetary configurations & dates 2010-2011
Compiled by Theodore White; mundane Astrolog.S

  • April 6-7 - Pluto stations retrograde at 5-Capricorn
  • April 7, 2010 - Saturn re-enters tropical Virgo
  • April 26, 2010 - Saturn opposes Uranus (4th opposition)
  • May 23, 2010 - Jupiter opposes Saturn (first time since 1990-91)
  • May 27-28, 2010 - Uranus enters tropical Aries
  • May 30th, 2010 - Saturn stations direct motion at 27-Virgo
  • June 5-6, 2010 - Jupiter enters tropical Aries
  • June 6-7, 2010 - Mars enters tropical Virgo
  • June 8, 2010 - Jupiter conjoins Uranus at 0-Aries
  • July 5, 2010 - Uranus stations retrograde at 0-Aries
  • July 8, 2010 - Jupiter turns North in declination
  • July 11, 2010 - New Moon total eclipse at 19-Cancer (not seen in N. America)
  • July 21, 2010 - Saturn re-enters tropical Libra for good
  • July 23, 2010 - Jupiter stations retrograde
  • July 25, 2010 - Jupiter Squares Pluto
  • July 26, 2010 - Fifth Saturn/Uranus opposition
  • July 31, 2010 - Mars & Jupiter turn S in Declination
  • July 31 - Mars conjoins Saturn at 0-Libra
  • August 3, 2010 - Jupiter, retrograde, Squares Pluto again
  • August 6, 2010 - Venus turns South in Declination
  • August 13-14, 2010 - Uranus re-enters tropical Pisces
  • August 16, 2010 - Jupiter Opposes Saturn
  • August 20, 2010 - Mercury retrogrades in Virgo
  • August 21, 2010 - Saturn Squares Pluto
  • September 8, 2010 - Saturn turns South in declination
  • September 8, 2010 - New Moon at 15-Virgo
  • September 8, 2010 - Venus enters Scorpio
  • September 8-9, 2010 - Jupiter re-enters tropical Pisces
  • September 12, 2010 - Mercury stations direct
  • September 14, 2010 - Pluto stations direct
  • September 14, 2010 - Mars enters Scorpio
  • September 19, 2010 - Jupiter conjoins Uranus for first time in Pisces
  • October 8, 2010 - Venus retrograde in Scorpio
  • October 29-30 - Venus turns to "morning star" phase for ten months
  • November 6, 7, 2010 - Neptune direct in motion
  • November 18 - Venus stations direct
  • November 18 - Jupiter stations direct
  • December 5, 6- Uranus stations direct motion
  • December 10-30 - Mercury retrograde
  • January 4, 2011 - Jupiter conjoins Uranus a third time
  • January 22, 2011 - Jupiter enters Aries
  • Jan. 25, 26 - Saturn stations retrograde 17-Libra
  • February 25, 2011 - Jupiter Squares Pluto

  • March 3, 2011 - Transiting Lunar Nodes shift to Mutable Quality of Sagittarius & Gemini
  • March 11-12, 2011 - Uranus enters Aries (first time in 84 years)
  • March 28, 2011 - Jupiter opposes Saturn 

Mundane Survey Of Global Events: 2010-2012
 The Cardinal Cross of August 2010: This chart, set for London, England, shows the Cardinal Cross in action for most of the world as global transits rotate. August 2010 is a powerful month of conflicts, clashes, and global stresses according to my mundane forecasts.
World events are strongly highlighted. From the crisis in the Middle East, to crisis in Thailand, Greece, Europe, Asia, Korea, and North & South America.

The Cardinal Crisis is basically forcing long-standing, unresolved issues to the surface, demanding change, betterment, and, as a result, evolution, from how people live and work, to how public and private institutions serve their wider communities.

The events of the world from now to the mid-2010s are reflective of the decisions and actions of the 1990s and 2000s that are now being exposed by the global transits.

Geopolitical stresses will force leaders to tackle a host of challenging issues worldwide that require vision and a new way of looking at the world to promote peace and advance healthy progress into the new decade.
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton with her diplomatic team in China in May 2010.
Credit: AP

The oil leak crisis in the Gulf of Mexico will become a epic disaster, casting British Petroleum into financial ruin, and threatening the future existence of the company. 

By summer 2010, a hurricane will sweep through the Gulf, with hopes it will clear out much of the tens of millions of gallons of oil that has spread along the U.S. southern coasts.

May 2010 satellite image of BP's oil leak into the Gulf of Mexico.
Credit: NASA

The internal battles in Greece because of heavy sovereign debt and deep austerity will re-ignite over the summer months of 2010.
Groups battling severe economic austerity measures in Greece urge Europeans to "rise up" during the late spring and summer of 2010.

 The crisis in the Middle East beckons between Israel, Gaza, Turkey, Iran, Syria, Jordan, Egypt, and the Arab states highlighted threatening war over international aid to Palestine.

 The crisis on the Korean Peninsula will also continue to be tense, threatening to re-ignite a war between both those nations.

 Thailand's crisis is far from over. The coalition government is due to fall from the repression of groups intent on ending what they see as a illegal killer government.

 The economic crisis is also far from over. The pressures on Wall Street, bankers and hedge fund moguls will increase in 2010 and 2011 with calls for major, and sweeping financial reforms across the board, pitting the status quo against a very angry American middle class:

The climate & weather will become major news again with volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, climate extremes of hot and colder than normal temperatures, La Nina, droughts, and most of all floods, as world transits strengthen into 2010-2011:

 Nature Erupts: Volcanic activity as Uranus enters Aries.

Criminal underworlds undergo vicious struggles: As Pluto transits Capricorn, and forms a T-square to Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus, the drug wars raging in Mexico will expand, forcing ever more soldiers onto Mexican streets and pitting the average person against killer drug gangs.

 Mexican Drug Wars: Mexican federal police & forensic experts inspect the scene after two men were shot dead by unknown gunmen in the northern border city of Ciudad Juarez, Mexico on May 26, 2010. Ciudad Juarez has been hit by waves of very brutal drug-related violence, making it one of the deadliest cities in the world.
Credit: AP

The Economy
  That 1,000 point drop: May 6, 2010 proved to be one of the strangest days in the history of the Dow Jones. A mysterious "1,000-point" plunge in the afternoon hours, blamed on a "fat finger," lost money for tens of thousands of traders and nearly collapsed the stock market. Federal authorities investigate, but the "glitch" still has not been explained nearly a month later.

So, in my mundane perspective, the world is, in effect, dealing with the outworn views and methods of the past, while seeking to forge a new way forward into this new century.

The year 2010 is a transition year, and will be historic in my view. In 2010, we are in the predawn of a new age, and some are in the sunset of a old age, mainly that of the late 20th century.

The year 2011 is the start of a new cycle, mainly brought on by the official entry of Uranus into Aries, the first time in 84 years.

This cycle opens up the decade of the 2010s, and practically dominates it with a long-running square aspect between Uranus and Pluto in Capricorn.

~ Mundane Review: 2010-2015 ~
Forecast By Theodore White; mundane Astrolog.S

There are six (6) major transits of the Cardinal Crisis Years - signified by the planets involved & their inclinations:

- Saturn oppose Uranus -
Frustrating attempts to change existing conditions
The new versus the old
Virgo/Pisces - Aries/Libra

Negative attitudes within personal areas of responsibility against those of personal freedom. People generally demand strict obedience to their authority but will rebel against authority at the same time.

Much cooperation is needed to avoid falling into the unfavorable inclinations of Saturn's opposition to Uranus.

A sustained cycle where much insight, honesty, and awareness is needed to offset the powerful tendency to be rigid and unforgiving in personal and professional affairs.

Extreme viewpoints expressed by the ignorant and mentally ill fall under this influence. Loud public pronouncements shouted with wild mannerisms expressing inconsistent attitudes can be observed.

Common sights are: bugged-eye pundits uttering unsubstantiated personal opinions as facts; personal attacks, insults, and acerbic comments designed to bring attention to oneself.

Impulse, haste, snap judgments, immaturity, poor communication skills lacking any sign of social grace and basic manners can be observed.

Negative emotional attitudes bordering on signs of stress and mental illness is also quite common.

There is widespread conflict between the old order and the new emerging order. This is generational.

Groups and individuals battle against corruption of the old establishment, while the old establishment denies losing their clout, and remain fixated on old methods, rejecting anything "new" that threatens their established order.

Concepts and ideas in economic, business and political affairs tend to be impractical, unreliable, and eccentric. Economic life continues to run at a low ebb.

These conflicts play out with professional and personal relationships in a pre-revolutionary manner - pushing relationships to breaking points.

Saturn's opposition to Uranus is unfavorable when dealing with joint accounts, finances, corporate business affairs, inheritances, insurance, and all economic matters important to organizations, groups, and individuals.

The economic climate is highly stressed, with conflicts between the "old" and the "new" at extremes and waiting for the breaking points to arrive.

Selfish motives within organizations, and groups tend to be those where others try to take credit for the work of others in order to advance their own careers leading to estrangements between associates, colleagues and friends.

Ulterior motives abound, as do negative emotions, rampant cynicism; along with personal and professional betrayals. The feelings are quite intense, as oppositions tend to be.

Saturn's inflexibility grinds against Uranus' desire for significant change. The events that have taken place in the world since 2001 is now moving into the "release" phase and into the second decade of the 2010s.

As the fifth and last Saturn/Uranus opposition peaks by July/August 2010, we should observe strong emotions worldwide; seeking a "release" from the pent up energies, anger, and recriminations that have built up over the recent decade of the 2000s.

- Saturn Square Pluto -
Power Plays, Plots, Cold, Evil & Unsympathetic People

General signs of paranoia exists within groups and organizations is one feature of a Saturn/Pluto Square. 

The large-scale implications of actions taken in government, business, and political groups often force people to face dangerous situations of a sinister nature.

The will power of those involved in personal and professional intrigues is heightened to the point of very negative inclinations with some people using coercive methods to achieve what they perceive as success.

Under Saturn/Pluto this can feature acts of blackmail, threats, and plots at the highest levels of government, within political groups, and corporations.

Paranoid individuals with extreme opinions, and viewpoints is also common under  A Saturn/Pluto square. 

The emotions can be deep, but the insights are often clouded by dishonorable associations and emotions to individuals and groups who do not have the best interests of others at heart.

Some individuals will find themselves battling against corruption and rampant dishonesty within organizations, or within associations, be they professional or personal with attacks on their reputation coming as a result of fighting dishonest persons and groups.

The coming revelations of widespread corruption in global financial markets, on Wall Street, and other stock markets will be under the Saturn/Pluto square.

Forcing major players to fight for their freedom because of accusations of the theft of tens of billions of dollars leading to a worldwide global recession.

Corporate power plays take center stage under the cardinal crisis transits with increasing political pressure and regulatory scrutiny on major banks, insurance companies, and those implicated in widespread financial malfeasance over the last decade.

The focus on these areas: unemployment, insurance, housing, stock markets, hedge funds, secret bank accounts, general economics, political and government affairs, alimony, and inheritances - is all common under the influences of Saturn's square from Libra to Pluto in Capricorn.

It is also common under these inclinations for opposing groups and individuals to use negative, dishonest, and evil means to obtain personal/profession advantages over others; or attempts to hide past acts of malfeasance to avoid implicating others involved in acts of corruption.

This often backfires under the Saturn/Pluto square and results in public scandal along with damage to the reputation and the careers of those who used negative means to gain what they "perceive" to be an advantage.

Nowhere does "do unto others as you would have them do unto you' applies more than under a Saturn/Pluto world square.

The effect on personal and professional connections can be long-lasting with people completely breaking off any further association with friends, family and colleagues.

Power struggles - both internal and external - is a main theme of a Saturn/Pluto Square.

The will-power is increased, but the personal judgment is often very poor. This gives way to intense emotions that are not clearly understood enough to make valuable judgment calls on all levels of decisions.

Often, decisions are based on perceived "associations" with others who are not one's friends, nor who share one's common interests, except to advance their own personal interests while using others as a means to and end. Very common under Saturn's square to Pluto.

After the square aspect passes, the events which have taken place under its influences are fully revealed, leading to permanent estrangements from those once trusted and valued as friends, associates, or lovers.

Saturn's continued transit through Libra (2010-2012) then features a full distrust and estrangement from those who used dishonest means during the Saturn/Pluto inclinations. 

These estrangements will last a very long time and trust will never be restored after the world square aspect has moved out of orb.

- Jupiter Square Pluto -
Coercions, False Promotions, Litigation & Dishonesty
Aries/Capricorn - 2010-2011
Opposition from Jupiter in Cancer to Pluto in Capricorn arrives 2013-2014

The Jupiter/Pluto Square acts much like that of Saturn's square to Pluto. Jupiter's motion into Aries in mid-2010, and then again in February 2011, will square Pluto in tropical Capricorn.

The same kinds of conflicts under Saturn's influence by square to Pluto comes into action with hasty, impulsive and headstrong promotion of one's opinions as facts to gain a perceived advantage over others.

Temptation is strong with inclinations to use dishonest means to get what one thinks they want.

Rampant litigation under Jupiter's inclinations lead to a rush toward legal wars without first seeing the bigger picture. With the Jupiter square to Pluto: it is the forest first, the trees second, but do make sure you count each tree.

The contradictions of this is simple:

Jupiter's square to Pluto, in combination to its conjunction to Uranus in opposition to Saturn, and by square to Pluto, and back, fully complicates matters, so as to act as a powerful feedback loop with amplifiers about to blow loudly if the volume of intensity is not turned down.

The energies of the Cardinal Cross transits are simply too strong. Patience, slowing down, and reposing are the keys to effectively neutralizing these powerful cardinal inclinations.

Under the Jupiter/Pluto square, serious mistakes are often made preparing legal cases without first laying down the proper practical groundwork.

Often, this comes about because of ego, and headstrong acts featuring arrogance and pride; but wholly failing to take into account the small, but very important details.

The majority of litigation made under these influences will collapse like a house of cards after months of what seemed like a iron-clad case.

The only way to neutralize this transit, as with all the others of the Cardinal Crisis transits is to slow down, and to be strictly honest at all times in all personal and business affairs.

Also, the need to remain detached and practical while plodding step-by-step without ego, impulse, and haste. This is the antidote to the impulsive inclinations of cardinal transits.

Power-plays, and forced acts of coercion, with promotions of extreme expressions of personal, political and religious viewpoints is quite common under this global square.

Often, one's aspirations to remake others comes with neglecting one's own house while confused attitudes about ethics and morality are cast aside in favor of haste and impulse - rushing to judgment.

Struggles with corrupted individuals and groups is also common under a Jupiter/Pluto Square. 

Criminal underworld groups, and their associates often war against one another in the perceived struggle for "power," without understanding the dire future implications of their violent acts which, in time, will return upon the very people involved in these evil affairs.

There can be dubious spiritual practices featuring over-optimistic false spiritual, religious and political beliefs shaped by the realization that there are large-scale forces at work that the individual (s) have been forced to see as a result of changes in lifestyles.

The square aspect in this respect can be positive if the individual (s) remember to not act in haste or impulse in accepting too easily that which is being realized.

Under the cardinal crisis transits, there are efforts by others to remake or coerce others to partake in evil behaviors - effectively using people to do the things which "appear" to advance the interests of those who agree to take part in actions, or groups. 

After the 2010 Jupiter/Pluto Square comes another one by mid-2013 into the year 2014.

This will be part of the Grand Cardinal Cross of 2014 showing powerful cardinal inclinations of haste, and impulse that feeds into the coming Uranus-Pluto Squares of the 2010s.

Again, there is a sense that things are not changing as quickly as people would like them to, and the ramifications of the decade of the 2000s continue to persist into the early years of the 2010s.

Unless the problems of rampant past corruption - especially in the financial sector - then this world Grand Cross, with Jupiter now in Cancer, as part of another series of cardinal crisis configurations - will return to bite back with a vengeance in 2014.

- Jupiter Oppose Saturn -

Bad Business Timing, Questionable Tactics &  Promised Favors Undone
Pisces/Aries - Virgo/Libra
Jupiter at 0-10 degrees Taurus

Jupiter/Saturn oppositions arrive every 20 years. The last one took place in 1990-91. They usually always feature an economic recession, usually deep ones, which can take several years to emerge out of before conditions gradually improve.

Such will be the case with the 2010-2012 opposition of Jupiter/Saturn. During these oppositions expect business to suffer as the generational transition continues over the course of Jupiter's opposition to Saturn.

Because of the poor economic climate some people may resort towards using questionable tactics to get ahead and make money.

With the business climate contracted, some will seek shortcuts and dubious actions to get ahead while others continue to face competition with limited resources.

The desired expansion of business is fraught with frustration after frustration, red-tape, barriers, blocks, delays, and legal problems. Rising defaults & bankruptcies increase as a result of past mismanagement of resources and corruption with credit conditions tighter than normal.

It is an unfavorable time to expand business concerns, or to take chances because of the uncertainty of finances, contracts and commitments from others, who tend to be unreliable due to limited resources, confusion, lack of planning, procrastination, and a general lack of honesty and fair play.

The crush of competition, fighting for a limited amount of customers, with resources lacking can further cause disruptions in professional and personal lives to the point of some leaving entire industries for good.

This will continue under the inclinations of Jupiter's opposition to Saturn.

It is a poor time to seek favors from others, as the business climate of 2010-2012 will continue to suffer from immense commercial & residential real estate losses, double-digit unemployment, and a general sense of malaise from an aging generational establishment.

Those seeing support from official institutions, such as federal, state, and local agencies, may find themselves frustrated with the lack of help usually expected from these offices.

This is because those in positions of power are either on their way out the door themselves, or have become cold and unsympathetic to those in need; preferring instead to look out only for themselves.

While this takes place, many people will see their own personal and professional responsibilities increase; while wages continue to stagnate from the lack of resources, which will be limited because of prior economic corruption and waste.

The opposition of Jupiter to Saturn can test what the true balance really is between being optimistic, and being pessimistic. Much will depend on the ability of the individual to be creative, and patient, while the opposition is underway.

It will not last forever, so those who are looking for opportunities during this time should be aware to remain cautiously optimistic, while clearly seeing what the true barriers to success will be during 2010 to 2012.

Most, if not all of the barriers are those held by people with cold, conservative and uncompromising attitudes. Hypocrisy and distorted moral values is also common under a Jupiter/Saturn opposition.

What used to make sense, and would be expected as normal modes of operation and procedures is perverted by the unyielding attitudes of uncompromising people.

Many of these people will be older, and due to the transit of Saturn, will exhibit rigid views without realizing that in a short period of time after the opposition has waned and passed; that they themselves will receive similar treatment from the very people whom they denied opportunities and relief.

The conflicts which come about during 2010-2012 under the Jupiter/Saturn opposition will tend towards ethics; morals; joint finances, family responsibilities, friendships, associations, romantic relationships, partnerships and corporate struggles that will test the reliability and strength of relationships in general.

The Jupiter/Saturn opposition will begin to weaken in February 2012, and by the end of March 2012, will move out of orb.

By this time, those who were frustrated, or blocked from advancement will find an easier go of things gradually in 2012 as Saturn moves out of opposition to the outer planets, and brings a sense of relief by 2013.

However, memories will be still fresh from the red tape, delays, and barriers put up by those with unyielding attitudes. This will come back to haunt those who denied others the potential for advancement during the 2010s, and leads into the coming Uranus/Pluto squares of the 2010s.

The relief in 2013 doesn't last long due to Jupiter's motion out of tropical Gemini, and into tropical Cancer where Jupiter will transit to oppose Pluto in Capricorn - initiating yet another chapter of the Cardinal Crisis Years.

- Jupiter Oppose Pluto -
August 2013 - June 2014
Part of the Cardinal Grand Cross of April 2014

Forced Reforms, Business Clash, Coercions, International Tensions &  Revolts

By the end of June 2013, transiting Jupiter will have moved out of tropical Gemini, and enter Cancer. Making a nice trine to transiting Saturn in Scorpio by early July, it would appear that the struggles, and tensions of the previous two-and-a-half years are over.

However, this is not so according to the world transits. This is simply a breather with more to come by the following month of August, when transiting Mars conjoins Jupiter in Cancer and oppose Pluto in Capricorn.

Jupiter's opposition to Pluto is a time of what appears to be continued stresses around finances, economics, and what policies should be enacted, and which should not.

There can be tendencies to push things too quickly, to overreach with big plans, and grandiose ideas without firming up foundations.

During the period of the Jupiter-Pluto opposition, it is important to take time to make certain that the practical matters of business and personal life are attended to by balancing one's sense of organization against one's desire to push out and expand.

Under this influence come attempts to force, to coerce, or to remake others - claiming one's desires to reform other while not paying attention to one's own need for it personally. This is also extended internationally.

A fine balance must be taken under a Jupiter-Pluto opposition before initiating wide reforms carelessly without prior deep thought, insight, and understanding of the long-term consequences.

Jupiter is in Cancer - the home sign of the United States - so in 2013 and 2014, the opposition to Pluto can indicate tensions from the people towards government, or, to an administration in power at the time as well as international tensions abroad.

The areas highlighted are those around political policies, philosophical ideology, education, religion, and cultural beliefs and norms clashing against anything that appears to be autocratic in nature.

The strongest date of the opposition is in the year 2014, when transiting Mars, Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto form a Grand Cross in the cardinal signs of Aries, Libra, Cancer, and Capricorn. The peak of this grand cross is in April 2014.

Jupiter will oppose Pluto, while in square aspect to both Uranus in Aries, and Mars, retrograde in Libra by April 2014. Tensions are high and this grand cross speaks of both international and national tensions at a peak under yet another Cardinal Crisis.

Mixed with a sense of over-optimism, underneath the public feelings at this time is also impatience, and a strong lack of practical common sense that allows many to jump to conclusions - which is part of the cardinal inclinations of haste and impulse once again coming to the fore.

The sense of adventure and grandiose idealism at this time is marked by a hesitancy seen by the retrograde of Mars in Libra at this time.

There are unexpected hostile dealings with foreigners for those outside their home countries, and those overseas tend towards being unpredictable and unreliable.

Spring 2014 into summer 2014 is not a good time for overseas travel. Moreover, the diplomatic tensions are high, so diplomats may come into contact with those in foreign states those who may be difficult to contend with at this time.

Prudence, tact, and foresight is strong advised among all parties, be they individuals, groups, companies, organizations or nations.

The Grand Cross of 2014 signals a sort of "peaking" of the previous cardinal transits of 2010 and 2011 with inclinations of demanding freedom at all cost without taking on the mantle of patience, and responsibility that comes along with demands.

Before 2014, the sense of optimism fueled by the coming and going of the year 2012 when the world did not come to an end, and the inclinations of the year 2013 with a sense of new-found, but cautious optimism, is met by April 2014 with a sense that rebellion and revolt is once again on the horizon.

The international tensions at this time in 2014 will stem from former disagreements and beliefs among nations which appear to have undermined future matters by ignoring principles with empty words - saying one thing, but doing another.

This obviously leads to international clashes when trust appears to be broken between some nations. This shows in world transits of 2014. It is the year of the diplomat.

Mars' retrograde in Libra (March 1, 2014 to May 19, 2014) plays a strong role in the Cardinal Grand Cross of that year.

Wise decision-making is at a premium; so heads of state, and their diplomats should be careful not to overreach, nor to promise more than they can deliver, but to balance threats with peaceful acts, and with careful solutions via prudent diplomacy and tact.

Mars' opposition to Uranus in Aries in 2014 speaks of conflicts, and clashes among states, organizations, friends, and family who take sides on the broader issues of the times. The transit of Mars in Libra (December 7, 2013 to July 25, 2014) is a long one. 

The retrograde of Mars from March to May 19, 2014 takes part during the strongest months of the Cardinal Grand Cross in April & May.

Decision-making is important here, and, with Mars declining in Libra, it is essential to have the right players in position during this time of global transits. The wrong personalities involved as "diplomats" are apt to make things that much worse simply because of their personal and political ideologies.

It is wise to remove ideological hotheads in critical positions at this time in 2014 and to replace them with calm, cool, and smart diplomats who can be trusted and relied upon to create atmospheres for leaders where positive progress can be made.

Compounding this will be a total Lunar eclipse at 25-Libra during the early morning hours of April 15, 2014 that will be visible over the Americas, the Pacific, and east Australia. 

The degrees indicated by Sabian symbols say ~
  • 25º Libra - "The sign of an autumn leaf brings to a pilgrim the sudden revelation of the mystery of life and death."
  • 26º Libra - "An Eagle and a large White Dove Turning into each other."
 My forecast is for an international conflict at this time of the Grand Cross, that continues into July 2014, before either being resolved fully, or which escalates into warfare.

The choices indicated here by Jupiter's opposition to Pluto show that successful advance diplomacy must be made prior to spring 2014, and that signs of the coming conflicts will be seen in late 2012, and early 2013.

Spring 2014 in the northern hemisphere is a tense time of international tension that should be resolved by carefully handling the energies with proper decision-making, diplomacy, and a fine balance between leadership and international cooperation. 

In this way, President Theodore Roosevelt's advice to "speak softly but carry a big stick" applies very well at this time in the world. The energies of the solar year of 2014 are about the promotion of peace, calm, and wise diplomacy. 

Though the ignorant may propound immediate military action; the consequences are far-reaching into the future - so leaders at this time in 2014 will need to exercise wise restraint while carefully balancing the advice of doves and hawks to come to a solution that will satisfy everyone.

Compounding the problem at this time is the fifth exact square between Uranus and Pluto which occurs in April 2014. This is part of the Global Grand Cardinal Cross that year. We will now take a look at the roles these two outer planets will play, along with their powerful inclinations.

 - Uranus Square Pluto -
2011-2020 overall
Rebellions, Revolts & Revolutionary Sentiments
early Taurus/Capricorn

If anything defines some of the more tense cardinal energies of the 2010s, it will be the Uranus transit of Aries in global square to transiting Pluto in Capricorn. 

Handling this world square will not be an easy matter after the failures of the past generation to resolve many of the outstanding issues of the end of the 20th century, and the decade of the 2000s.

By July 2011, transiting Uranus will come very close to performing a near-exact square to Pluto in Capricorn, but Uranus will station retrograde on July 9, 2011 - delaying the first exact square with Pluto for 11 more months.

Uranus and Pluto, as slow moving outer planets, will remain in orb for most of the decade of the 2010s. Their most powerful inclinations occur from 2011 to the year 2018.

The first of seven (7) exact squares begins officially on June 24, 2012 with Uranus and Pluto square at 8-Capricorn. This is the first in a series of very powerful world square aspects between both planets relative to the Earth.

The Uranus/Pluto Cardinal squares lasts, overall, from 2011 to 2020.

An unprecedented Seven (7) exact squares occur in just three (3) years: 2012 to 2015
(*) = significant dates

1. June 24, 2012 – first global square at 8-degrees Aries/Capricorn
2. *September 18-19, 2012 second square at 6-degrees Aries/Capricorn
3. May 20, 2013 – third square at 11-degrees Aries/Capricorn
4. November 1, 2013 – fourth square at 9-degrees Aries/Capricorn
5. *April 21, 2014fifth square at 13-degrees Aries/Capricorn
6. December 14-15, 2014 – sixth square at 12-degrees Aries/Capricorn
7. *March 16-17, 2015seventh global square at 15-degrees Aries/Capricorn

The last time Uranus and Pluto met in global square aspect was during the 1930s. This was a decade of reactionary, extreme right-wing politics, revolutionary socialism, rising crime, rebellions, revolts, and restrictive laws gradually reducing freedoms throughout Europe and the then-Soviet Union.

The Bank Crisis and Stock Market Crash of 1929-33 fueled the early years of the Great Depression with rising waves of petty crime and bank robberies. The resulting foreclosures of homes, businesses and family farms amid a depressed global economic system cast a dark shadow over the world.

The NYSE reaching its lowest trading point in history. Weather anomalies under the influence of Uranus in Aries led to the hottest year in U.S. history in 1933-34 with drought and dust storms raging across the American Midwest.

Meanwhile, political extremism ensued with the rise of tyrants, as Adolf Hitler rose to power in Germany while in Japan, radical forms of militarism spread so much that it was being openly taught in elementary and high schools.

The revolts, rebellions and revolutionary sentiments under the Uranus/Pluto squares thus paved the way for the Second World War that followed by the end of the 1930s.

Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn revolve their squares worldwide for much of the 2010s, but the most powerful periods are between 2012 through 2015.

This is a time of great upsets within nations which have now experienced at least four to seven years in the wake of the global economic crisis.

Uranus' penchant for sudden change against Pluto's desire structure in Capricorn for a kind of transformational war that butt heads over the "kinds" of new changes to be realized and those not to be supported.

While this is happening, populations around the world seem to have had it to their chins with the constant disruptions of their lives; the losses of lifestyles over the years. 

They react powerfully by demanding immediate changes without question while the forces of the status quo and old establishment refuse to yield - deciding to procrastinate even more.

Groups, organizations and individuals have become radicalized by the events since 2008. So much so, that by the time (June 2012) of the first of seven exact Uranus/Pluto square social unrest is a certainty in regions around the world.

There are increasing signs of rebellions, revolts and foreboding examples of revolutionary sentiments expressed in various nations upset with the status quo, represented by Pluto in Capricorn.

It seems everything is on the table here: economic, social, political and religious structures are be challenged from all sides. People want change, and intend on getting it.

The headstrong inclinations of Aries, with Uranus in it's 7-year transit in this sign, squaring Pluto can indicate sudden deaths coming about unexpectedly; usually through acts of violence, and from common accidents, and unexpected large-scale disasters related to weather extremes.

Past associations, friendships and relationships can become radically changed under Uranus and Pluto's cardinal squares. It is at this time, between 2012-2015 that companies that were hanging on by a thread financially - can suddenly break and fall into bankruptcy.

The entry of Neptune into tropical Pisces in February 2012 will impress dissolution on failing companies afterward, with a slow, but gradual death into the mid-to-late 2010s.

The sudden losses associated with Uranus' transit in Aries can bring about greater financial losses than expected while corporations continue to witness power struggles as the generational transition picks up speed in the early to mid-2010s.

The revolutionary sentiments inclined by Uranus/Pluto come about as a result of the frustrations of the decade of the 2000s.

The global economic crisis, and the resulting societal effects have angered many populations who feel that their governments and representatives were not representing them, but corporate monied-interests that pilfered society's resources.

The resulting backlash featured under the Uranus/Pluto squares of the 2010s will be widespread, and quite unsettling for those involved in the mismanagement of trillions of dollars and euros over the previous decade.

Rising crime can be a problem; also fueled by the lack of resources because of the Banking Crisis of 2008-2012. 

Hasty and impulsive actions to acquire money through illegal acts become more public as law and order seems to be failing to take hold of the rising tide of criminal acts perpetuated by career criminals let out on the streets after being released from prison, but not reformed.

State officials, under pressure financially, are forced to release thousands of prisoners in the early 2010s to relieve the system from overcrowding.

State lawmakers all over the U.S., who say they need to save money from the devastating losses in state revenues say must release tens of thousands of convicts from prison in the 2010s, including drug addicts, thieves and violent criminals.

If there has been little reform of the system during the time of incarcerations, then obviously the lingering effects of the economic crisis that awaits convicts on the street can be a threat to public safety under the Uranus/Pluto squares.

By the spring of 2014, things become quite tense again globally with another Cardinal Cross - this time a Grand Cross configuration featuring Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, and Pluto in the Signs of Libra, Cancer, Aries and Capricorn.

Grand Cross configurations in cardinal signs seek immediate release of strong, emotional pent-up energies.

By April 2014, there is a sense among populations that they have had enough. They eject the usual explainations behind the causes of the economic crisis, which, by this time, will have persisted at various levels significantly enough to cause outright revolts in some nations.

At the same time, international tensions are sure to be high as well. There is a strong need for calm, but strong diplomacy as the Cardinal Grand Cross energies peak by April & May 2014.

Resolution of conflicts between nations can occur by utilizing cooperative stances, as well as using the carrot and stick method to bring unwilling parties to the bargaining tables to resolve differences.

The energies of Uranus Square Pluto can be violent. Accidents, and deaths are caused by haste, impulse, and the refusal to be patient, and tolerant.

Aries is the Sign of haste/impulse, while Pluto seeks general transformation, but through a gradual and steady use of the authority, forms, disciplines and structures of Capricorn.

The clashes between pre-revolutionary forces and those managing the old systems of structure can meet in the middle, but this can only be accomplished through diplomacy, understanding with all sides being flexible.

Uranus' transit in square to Pluto will undoubtedly shape much of the international climate of the 2010s to the point that presidents, prime ministers, diplomats, national leaders, CEOs, managers, and all those in executive positions will have to carefully determine how best to handle their respective leadership roles over the next 10-12 years.

It will not be easy. Those who make the effort to plan ahead, and who are flexible in their thinking, and their attitudes, will do much better than those who are not.

Nonetheless, expect the global square of Uranus to Pluto to be the prime cardinal inclinational force that will make world news time and again through the decade of the 2010s, and into the mid-2020s.