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Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Lunar New Year 2025: The Year Of The Wood Snake: What Is Ahead: February, March & April 2025 >> Plus, The American People & President Trump Versus The Deep State

The Lunar New Year 2025

Year of the Wooden Snake

What Is Ahead: February, March & April 2025


The American People & President Trump Versus The Deep State


by Theodore White, mundane Astrolog.sci

“Cast out the scoffers, and contention will leave;

Yea, strife and reproach will cease.

He who loves purity of heart

And has grace on his lips,

The king will be his friend.

The eyes of the Lord preserve knowledge,

But He overthrows the words of the faithless.”

~ Proverbs 22:10-12

Our world has entered the new era of the mid-2020s. In the wake of the eclipses, comets and significant planetary conjunctions of 2024; I continue to remind the good reader that Solar Year 2025 will mark a crossroads in the history of the world as the second half of the 2020s gets underway.

The good reader may have noticed that since early January, when the Lunar Nodes shifted off the Aries-Libra axis and onto the mutable axis of Pisces-Virgo, that times appear to be gradually changing. 

Your observation would be correct.

The planetary transits and stations of the next four (4) months - January, February, March and April 2025 - are significant enough to use great care and caution, especially travel by air, land and sea.

The Lunar Nodes shifted onto the Pisces-Virgo axis (11 Jan. 2025) and the Lunar New Year of 29 January 2025 is followed by Uranus stationing direct on 30-31 January 2025 - igniting unexpected, sudden, electrical, even explosive and fatal accidents and events.

Planetary transits from January through July 2025 are seen further below in this edition of Global Astrology.

In these 'signs of the times,' the planetary presages through the first four (4) years of this decade of the 2020s have included a global pandemic, geopolitical uncertainties, and economic unease.

The rising geopolitical tensions and breakout of conflicts and intermittent war have further intensified underlying fissures in the global economy.

Some analysts may be noticing that our world is seeing a re-enactment of the 'Cold War era' the that can undermine growth and trust throughout economic systems.

With is appearing to be paths back reminiscent of the cold war era (1948-1989) nations are again being grouped into two blocs and phrases like friend-shoring have come to play as center stage in global policy making.

Are there tensions over trade? Yes. And there are conflicts over technology standards, trade and security have been expanding for many years.

The planetary transits into the mid-to-late 2020s means that this could undermine growth and trust in the present global economic system.

So, if there are fragmentation of economic, social and cultural stability this can be seen as a direct effect of a 'one-size-fits-all' emission that also conflicts with the cultural, social and labor standards by western nations.

My calculation of planetary transits from geopolitical to financial effects shows that gold and silver prices will climb in the weeks and months ahead in 2025.

During the first half of 2025, there will growing uncertainty about the path of the U.S. economy and global the anticipated trade war, and potential geopolitical tensions with China.

Into 2025, there will be many demand drivers of gold currently, but the planetary transits indicates that there will be intense demand for physical gold in the New York markets.

The astrological charts that appear with this forecast post are those that highlight the New Aquarius Moon of January 29th that will take us through the month of February ahead of the action of the busy months of March and April. 

The good reader would be wise to heed to my astrological advice on what is ahead as the new solar year of the Vernal Equinox arrives in mid-March.

This Lunar New Year for 2025 is that of the ‘Wood Snake’ and it will be celebrated by more than one billion people this week.

 Lunar New Year festivals and prayers marked the start of the Year of the Snake around Asia and farther afield on Wednesday, 29 January 2025 - including in Moscow, Russia.

A dragon figure is seen in front of the Kremlin during a celebration on the eve of the Lunar New Year, in Moscow, Russia on Tuesday, 28 January 2025.
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Hundreds of people lined up in the hours before midnight at the Wong Tai Sin Taoist temple in Hong Kong in a bid to be among the first to put incense sticks in the stands in front of the temple’s main hall.

This holiday, known as the 'Spring Festival' in China, also called 'Tet' in Vietnam and 'Seollal' in Korea - is a major festival celebrated by communities around the world. 

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The snake is one of the 12 animals of the Chinese zodiac and follows the just-ended Year of the Dragon of 2024.

The pop-pop-pop of firecrackers greeted the new year outside Guan Di temple in Malaysia’s capital, Kuala Lumpur, followed by lion dances to the rhythmic beat of drums and small cymbals.

Ethnic Chinese holding incense sticks in front of them bowed several times inside the temple before sticking the incense into elaborate gold-colored pots, the smoke rising from the burning tips.

People worship on the eve of the Lunar New Year in Bangkok.
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Many Chinese who work in bigger cities return home during the eight-day national holiday in what is described as the world’s biggest annual movement of humanity. 

Beijing, China’s capital, has turned into a bit of a ghost town, with many shops closed and normally crowded roads and subways emptied out.

Traditionally, Chinese have a family dinner at home on New Year’s Eve and visit “temple fairs” on the Lunar New Year to watch performances and buy snacks, toys and other trinkets from booths.

Many Chinese take advantage of the extended holiday to travel both in the country and abroad.

Booking agencies reported that the most popular overseas destinations this year are Japan, Thailand, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore, Australia, the United States, South Korea, Macao, and Vietnam

The Lunar New Year 2025:
Year of the Wooden Snake

by Theodore White, mundane Astrolog.sci

The Lunar New Year, or the ‘Spring Festival,’ is celebrated in China and much of Asia, including the nations of Korea, Vietnam and Singapore, and throughout all of the world’s Asian diaspora.

Rooted in astrological history, the Asian legends reminds of celebrations that in their origin were efforts to frighten away a beast called ‘Nian’ (which means ‘year in Mandarin Chinese. 

The ‘nian’ stalked cities and villages every spring, attacking people. Because ‘nian’ was afraid of sudden movements, loud noises, fire and the color red, people used firecrackers and red paper to scare the mythical creature away.

Performers create sparks with molten steel at a Lunar New Year lantern festival in Nantong, in China’s eastern Jiangsu province.
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It is a largely secular holiday but includes cultural rituals that derive from Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, as well as from ancient myths and folk traditions.

In Chinese zodiac follows the 12-year cycle with one animal assigned to each zodiacal Sign.

The year 2024 was the Year of the Dragon – a strong planetary year of eclipses, comets and their presages on the events that have taken place to date.

People touch the Lunar New Year wood snake figure on a stone wall at the Baiyun Taoist Temple in Beijing, China to open 2025.
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In this Year of the Wood Snake for 2025, the planetary transits offer new opportunities, directions and paths that will be determined by what eventually determines all our destinies – your spirit and character.

What this New Moon in Tropical Aquarius in our times represent are favorable days in February to prepare for the busy months of March and April 2025.


The New Moon of Wednesday, January 29th calls attention for the good reader to make calm, prudent, and proper preparation for a very busy solar new year, and specifically, in the short term, the months of March and April 2025.



click on astrological chart to enlarge

The month of February will be under the New Moon at 9-10 degrees tropical Aquarius. It is a month of promise as the week long holiday of the Lunar New Year will end on 4 February 2025, the day that Transiting Jupiter will station direct at 11-degrees Tropical Gemini.

In the astrological chart I cast for the Lunar Year for Hong Kong, the Lunar Nodes are poised on the east-west axis with the South Lunar Node at the anaretic 29th degree of Virgo rising on the Ascendant and the North Lunar Node in Pisces setting on the Descendant.



click on astrological chart to enlarge

The angles - Ascendant (sunrise) Midheaven (noon) Descendant (sunset) and Nadir (midnight) of the Lunar New Moon over Hong Kong and China are 'anaretic,' - meaning 'fated.'

This Lunar New Year of 2025 will be a critical solar year in that many matters will reach a critical phase in 2025 and must be dealt with. Any delays or ignoring issues can lead to failures and frustrations. 

As all the angles of the Hong Kong mundane chart are anaretic, and are mutable (releasing) it means that 2025 will see significant and even great changes for China and Hong Kong in particular and for the Asia-Pacific region in general.

There is also help, as the New Lunar Moon in tropical Aquarius is trine to Jupiter by 120-degrees, a favorable air trine that marks important long-term benefits for those aware of these planetary influences relative to Earth.

Consideration, kindness and cooperation in family relationships will go far under the Lunar New Moon's trine to Jupiter.

Jupiter, hovering among the stars of tropical Gemini, has been shining brightly in the night skies and retrograde since 9 October 2024 will station direct on 4 February 2025 as it races through Gemini and makes ingress into exaltation in tropical Cancer by 9 June 2025.

The helm of our solar system - the planet Jupiter.
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Focus on financial prosperity to improve family living conditions are most likely for those willing to engage in positive cooperation - especially with women and those in positions of cultural prominence.

This air trine is excellent for expanding the family, for pregnancies and child care.

Many of the economic and financial benefits will be connected to the financial affairs of cultural, educational and religious institutions, as well as with schools, charities and hospitals.

I have written on the transits of 2025 before.

After a very challenging 2024, the recovery will go well for many, so, by the time of June, July and August 2025, new lives will begin to get underway.

The entry into the middle years of the 2020s require that individuals and their families know their own nativities (horoscopes) their Transits, Secondary Progressions and Solar Returns.

Those reaching the ages of 28-30, 34-36, 43-45, 53-57, 75-77, will want to know what 2025 holds for them in changes as the world enters the mid-2020s.

The major planetary transits relative to Earth from January through to July 2025 will be of notable interest to the good reader as the entry indicates it will be a major year for a great many people worldwide.

The year itself opens in a manner that brings to an end most matters that governed the first four years since the historic Jupiter-Saturn conjunction that began in December 2020. 

Since the COVID-19 pandemic that also began in 2020, most people have had to seriously adjust their domestic and working lifestyles during and after the pandemic; sparking significant changes for populations worldwide.

As solar year 2024 comes to an end, the planetary transits of 2025 and the mid-2020s can offer you very positive changes, if you are conscious and willing to map a course personalized for you and your family going into the middle to latter years of this decade.

Your goals, thoughts, aspirations and planning will determine how you will successfully meet your wants, needs and desires throughout the mid-to-late 2020s.

It will also determine how you will be able to successfully navigate into the early-to-mid 2030s. 

If you want to know what your personalized transits, progressions and returns hold for you in 2025, you can contact me at

When you write, please include your birthday, time and place of birth. Also include your current geographic region if different from your city/town of birthday.

Briefly comment on your current situations, as well as your aspirations, goals and plans for 2025.

My analysis of the planetary transits of  the common year 2025 hold significant importance for a great many people worldwide.

According to my calculations, 2025 will be a major year of events, and also include bright futures for those who us the planetary transits well in their lives so as to successfully meet their aspirations, goals and plans.

Here are major world transits of the Common & Solar Year 2025:

·  11 January 2025 - LUNAR NODES ENTER PISCES-VIRGO AXIS (until July 2026)

·  26 January 2025 – SATURN SEMI SQUARE PLUTO (3rd exact world semi square)



·       30-31 January 2025 – URANUS STATIONS DIRECT AT 23-TAURUS

·       4 February 2025 – JUPITER STATIONS DIRECT AT 11-GEMINI

4 February 2025 - VENUS ENTERS 0-ARIES

·        February 24, 2025 – MARS STATIONS DIRECT AT 17-CANCER


·      March 2, 2025 – VENUS RETROGRADE AT 10-ARIES

·  March 14, 2025 - LUNAR ECLIPSE at 23-24 VIRGO







 April 4, 2025 – SATURN SEXTILE URANUS - 1st of three sextile aspects)

·        April 7, 2025 – MERCURY STATIONS DIRECT AT 26-PISCES

·        April 13, 2025 – VENUS STATIONS DIRECT AT 24-PISCES

·        April 17, 2025 – JUPITER SESQUI QUADRATE PLUTO





·        June 4, 2025 – JUPITER SEMI-SEXTILE URANUS


·        June 15, 2025 – JUPITER SQUARE SATURN (3rd and final world square)

·        June 19, 2025 – JUPITER SQUARE NEPTUNE

·        June 24, 2025 – JUPITER QUINCUNX PLUTO



These major transits through to July 2025 will be of notable interest to the good reader as the entry indicates it will be a major year for a great many people worldwide.

The American People & President Donald Trump Versus The Deep State

by Theodore White, mundane Astrolog.sci

The chart for the Lunar New Year over Washington DC clearly reveals the internal division and battles of a newly-elected President, his administration, the hopes and dreams of the American People against what is known as the 'Deep State.'

According to an American political theory, the 'Deep State' is a clandestine network of members of the federal government - many who work hand-in-hand with high-level financial and industrial entities and leaders, to exercise unelected power alongside or within the elected United States government.

It has been a week since the inauguration of President Donald Trump as the 47th President of the United States and it should be evident to the good reader that the ‘powers that were’ continue to behave as though nothing has changed in the United States.

Wednesday, 29 January 2025
New Moon in Tropical Aquarius
Washington, District of Columbia

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The New Moon in tropical Aquarius occurs on the early morning of Wednesday, 29 January 2025.

There is no cardinal energy, or fire and little earth element in the New Moon
 chart, but there is a strong 'fixed' air element as the events taking place appear to be what was expected after Trump's return to the White House - and that is cleaning out the ideological swamp that many say has remained for far too long in and around Washington DC.

In fact, one of the most celebrated executive orders recently signed by President Donald Trump just after his inauguration was order declassifying the assassination files of President John F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy, and Martin Luther King Jr.

Trump's executive order declassifies all U.S. government files regarding the assassinations of the three men.

A 1992 law ordered the release of the files related to the John Kennedy assassination, but the publication of the documents has been delayed several times as the CIA and FBI claimed they had to review the required redactions.

Trump’s order requires the attorney general and director of national intelligence to present a plan for the release of President John Kennedy files within 15 days.

It gives them 45 days to do the same for Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King.

Read the executive order here.

The 'deep state' of entrenched political and financial interests are at odds with their strategies to circumvent the results of the 2024 General Election that saw Trump win the popular vote as well as the election on 5 November 2024.

Instead of a group comprised exclusively of government entities, Lofgren calls the deep state in the United States “a hybrid association of elements of government and parts of top-level finance and industry that is effectively able to govern the United States without reference to the consent of the governed as expressed through the formal political process.”

The Deep State, wrote Lofgren, is not “a secret, conspiratorial cabal - the state within a state is hiding mostly in plain sight, and its operators mainly act in the light of day.

 Headquarters of the National Security Agency at Fort Meade, Maryland
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It is not a tight-knit group and has no clear objective. Rather, it is a sprawling network, stretching across the government and into the private sector.”

In some ways, Lofgren’s description of a deep state in the United States echoes parts of President Dwight Eisenhower’s 1961 farewell address, in which he warned future presidents to “guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex.

Following the 2016 presidential election which I forecasted that Donald Trump would win; after Trump's first administration came into being; his supporters suggested that certain unnamed executive branch officials and intelligence officers were secretly operating as a 'deep state' to block his policies and legislative agenda by leaking information critical of Trump.

President Trump, White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon, along with others within and outside the government claimed that former President Obama was orchestrating a deep state attack against the Trump administration.

The allegation grew out of Trump’s claim that Obama had ordered the wiretapping of his telephone during the 2016 election campaign.

In a June 5, 2017 article published in The Hill Magazine, retired veteran CIA field operations agent Gene Coyle stated that while he doubted the existence of “hordes of government officials” operating as an anti-Trump deep state, he then added that he did believe the Trump administration was justified in complaining about the number of leaks being reported by news organizations.

“If you are that appalled at the actions of an administration, you should quit, hold a press conference and publicly state your objections,” said Coyle.

“You can’t run an executive branch if more and more people think, ‘I don’t like the policies of this president, therefore I will leak information to make him look bad.’”

Other intelligence experts argued that individuals or small groups of individuals leaking information critical of a presidential administration lack the organizational coordination and depth of deep states such as those that existed in Turkey or the former Soviet Union.

In Washington, the new Trump administration has inspired Americans who say that Trump is doing what he promised during the 2024 campaign season; while those who caused division by attempting to prevent Trump from running for the presidency again by means of 'lawfare' are being fired and read the riot act.

Shortly after taking the oath of office on 20 January 2025, President Donald Trump signed an executive order revoking the security clearances of about four dozen former national-security officials. Included in the letter’s signatories are three former CIA directors, including John Brennan, as well as former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper.

Their offense was that in 2020, they had signed an open letter suggesting that the publication of emails found on a laptop purportedly belonging to Joe Biden’s son Hunter might be the result of a Russian-government operation designed to “influence how Americans vote in this election.”

You may remember the letter, but if not, you should reacquaint yourself with this episode, which remains a fixation of the president and many voters who discovered that the Hunter laptop story was spiked by news organizations who did not want Trump to have an edge in the 2020 general election.

There was pressure from the Biden campaign on the mainstream and social media to censor the story which turned out to be true.

The Hunter Biden laptop letter inspired the executive order that is Trump’s first shot in a war he has long promised against the 'deep state' - a collection of CIA officers, FBI agents, and other career bureaucrats who he believes have conspired against him for nearly a decade.

Trump's order was written in the light of day and accuses 51 former officials - by name - of “election interference,” which is a serious crime.

This is from the acting Attorney General of the United States:
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Bernard B. Kerik, 40th Police Commissioner of the New York City Police Department, and NY Times bestselling author posted this on X on 28 January 2025 as tensions heighten just eight days after President Donald Trump was inaugurated:

Kerik writes:

"The DC prosecutors that targeted President Donald Trump have been fired, but that is not enough. They violated the law… deceived the court, tampered with evidence, fabricated evidence, and threatened witnesses.

If a local or state police officer or prosecutor did the same thing, they would be charged by the Department of Justice. 

It’s time to hold these people accountable."

There are other voices who agree with Trump, his incoming administration and those in Washington DC and around the United States who say that they want the 'deep state' out of the way.

In an opinion piece in January 2025, Steve Hecht wrote: ‘Trump must stop the Deep State before it stops him.

He writes:

“A recent poll found that 42 percent of federal managers ‘intend to work against the [Donald Trump] administration.’ 

To defeat this unconstitutional effort and deliver his promises, President Trump must return the bureaucracy to its constitutional role.

That means firing en masse, repealing agency-initiated regulations, punishing lawlessness, and finding hundreds of thousands of trafficked children.

A 1984 Supreme Court decision enabled federal agencies to interpret legislation. This led to more regulations and turned unelected bureaucrats into a de facto fourth branch of government - AKA the Deep State - with unaccountable power.

The Deep State undermined Trump in his first term and was key to removing him in 2020.

The Deep State violated the Constitution by working with big tech to censor information helpful to Trump and promote information harmful to him.

The Supreme Court in 2024 reversed the 1984 decision. Interpretation of statutes now rests with the judiciary.

This permits Trump to reverse harmful regulations that have impeded productive activity and increased prices of goods and services.

Proponents of limited government will argue its practicality and conformity with the Constitution

 Proponents of intrusive government will argue we need protection from unscrupulous businesspeople.

The big-government crowd needs to explain who will protect us from the unscrupulous people who wield government monopoly power.

Joe Biden regime managers arrogantly believed they were above the law; they manipulated and deceived the public to remain in power.

This led to disastrous criminality that Trump could expose to gain support for dismantling the Deep State.

The November 19 congressional hearing, “Trafficked, Exploited, and Missing: Migrant Children Victims of the Biden-Harris Administration,” included bone-chilling testimony.

Former Border Patrol Agent J.J. Carrell stated, “The United States federal government is the world’s largest child sex-trafficking organization in modern history.”

Carrell, who served for 24 years, said the Biden regime “weaponized illegal immigration,” which he called treason.

Health and Human Services (HHS) whistleblower Tara Rodas was fired after she reported to the Inspector General that HHS had delivered minors to MS-13 gang members.

She explained that US taxpayer money puts children “in what is modern-day slavery.”

HHS has thus far refused to release the data investigators could use to find the missing children.

 Trump’s border czar, Tom Homan, has pledged to find them. Trump’s HHS will release the data to all official agencies that can help.

Finding the missing migrant children will expose the unspeakable horrors various whistleblowers have described to Congress and the media.

They include organ harvesting, sexual exploitation, dangerous work conditions, indentured servitude, and more.

The Biden regime and its media partners have hidden the regime’s questionable actions and criminality from the public. Democrat voters for four years have not known the truth.

In the November 19th hearing, some Democrat representatives condemned the horrors they heard testimony about, although they did not blame the Biden regime.

On Christmas Eve, Biden signed into law the “Stop Institutional Child Abuse Act.” It provides for “the health, safety, care, and treatment of youth in youth residential programs.” The bill passed the Senate by unanimous consent and the House by 373–33.

Considering Congress’s overwhelming support for US youth safety, Democrat elected officials will neither deny nor spin the criminal treatment of migrant youth once they hear and see overwhelming evidence of it.

The revelation of the horrors our government inflicted on migrant minors extends to State Department (DOS) criminality in their countries of origin.

Rodas testified to Congress in 2023 that the government child-trafficking network “begins with recruiting in the home country, smuggling to the U.S. border, and ends when [HHS] delivers a child to a sponsor.”

Rodas said Guatemala has more missing children than any other country.

Guatemalan Attorney General Consuelo Porras has been investigating her country’s missing 85,000, out of 320,000 migrant children the Homeland Security Department Inspector General reported missing in August 2024.

Porras has received no US government help for her investigations and has been the victim of DOS crimes.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken even admitted in 2024 that U.S. embassy officials extorted Guatemalan congressmen to vote for a law they believed would permit Porras’s removal from office.

The Trump administration’s Justice, Homeland Security, Health and Human Services, and State departments must work with Porras to investigate and put an end to child trafficking. 

This should include the illegal flows of migrants and narcotics.

It will expose DOS criminality that promoted these flows, including the 2023 electoral fraud that made Bernardo Arévalo president of Guatemala.

The vastness and lack of accountability in the federal bureaucracy led to the missing migrant children.

This revelation should dramatically increase public support for reforming the federal bureaucracy, the core ingredient for the Trump administration’s success in saving US liberty, greatness, and world leadership.

The Generation X actor Keanu Reeves once said:

"Pain changes shape, but it never disappears. You can’t control what hurts or breaks you, but you can control how you choose to move forward.

Fight for what you love, because no one else will do it for you. Every moment in your life is an opportunity to change who you are.

Don’t define yourself by what you lost, but by what you do with what’s left."  

Copyright © 2007-2025 Theodore White

Excerpts may be republished with attribution in the body of the material. Please include the Global Astrology link to your site.