'Signs of the Times'
Total Eclipse Of Sun & Very Strange Comet Together:
All You Need To Know
Jupiter Conjunct Uranus In Taurus:
Is It History in the Making?
Deadly Meeting At Eclipse Degree
The Next Big Climate Scare: Counting Climate Change Deaths
by Theodore White, mundane Astrolog.sci
In this edition of Global Astrology, I examine eclipse season of 2024.
In my stargazing and planetary transit analysis of the decade of the 2020s, 2030s and 2040s, I have determined that the course of human history, influenced by planetary transits, call for strict attention to that future.
It is a 'cardinal crisis' because Aries, a cardinal fire sign, will be in play during the spring season in the northern hemisphere in 2024.
The good reader of this global forecast should know that the new major planetary year of 2024 is on the horizon. And with the state of the world in this present era, it will not be a surprise to the reader to hear that significant changes are ahead.
The key to everything in life is communication.
Look and listen to your mainstream media; as most of it is noise, disruption and dysfunction, with many complaining about problems, but few resolving the problems.
We are entering the third year since the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction that took place back in December 2020.
These historic conjunctions mark a new 20-year era, of which there are 17 years to go before the next conjunction of 2040.
Here, to the best of my ability, I will outline what I believe is going to happen and how to best prepare yourself going into the middle years of this decade, the 2020s, and then into the 2030s.
Whether a natal or mundane forecast, I prefer to focus on practical guidance to best navigate the future ahead as celestial signs relative to Earth will be very active.
Solar year 2024 will feature a series of significant celestial signs and planetary transits: including a Lunar Eclipse in late March; a Total Eclipse of the Sun; a Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in April 2024 and a very active and new Mars orbital cycle.
And to add to that, there will be a series of waxing Jupiter-Saturn world squares that will also get underway in 2024.
Amid a war in Ukraine and the Middle East, along with their ideological political and religious tensions raging hot.
There will be strong geophysical activity that I continue to warn about - such as earthquakes and powerful storms around the world, especially the Ring of Fire in Asia, and in North & Central America in Spring 2024.
Seismic activity is common before, during and after eclipse season – as the planetary transits of 2024 and 2025 are sure to be energetic to say the least. Caution is advised.
The tensions in the Middle East after the October 7, 2023 Hamas attacks in Israel will continue to be inflamed going further into 2024.
From the looks of world transits over the region, unless there are determined attempts to secure peace before Mars enters Aries at the end of April 2024, and into May it is my opinion that matters will worsen.
Those who want a personalized forecast reading for 2024-2025 can contact me at astro730@gmail.com
As the northern hemisphere reaches the Vernal Equinox and the new solar year of 2024 in mid-March, the entire hemisphere can expect very active spring and summer summer season due to solar, lunar and planetary transits.
Eclipse season - both Lunar and Solar - is upon us in Spring 2024 throughout the northern hemisphere and my presages are for sudden and often violent events.
During the time zone change of daylight saving time as the Sun rises earlier over the northern hemisphere; it is wise to avoid crowds at this time of year through to April and May.
The good reader worldwide should know that the planetary transits in 2024 will be charged, so that by solar year 2025, a new era since the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction back in 2020, will begin.
Saying that, for now, as a forecasting astrologer I will explore the important celestial events of 2024, their transits, influences and effects so that the good reader can make some sense of it all as to the impact on their own lives and to use their free will to digest and prepare.
The good and intelligent reader will want to know that the celestial signs and planetary configurations of 2024 will determine the ‘atmosphere’ of the entire solar year, and will, after all is said and done - set the table for the major years of 2025-2026.
In the current era into 2024, as the battles in the Ukraine since February 2022 continue, in the Middle East, Israel’s robust military, the fourth-strongest in the world, is ravaging Gaza in the West Bank following the brutal Hamas massacres, rapes and kidnappings that took place on October 7, 2023.
Since then, the rise in anti-Semitism and attacks on Jews and Palestinians alike, fortify my knowledge of the astrological theological prophecies on our current times - and what it all will lead to if humanity doesn't wake up and repent over all its evil and sinning.
In our present era, with the concerns over artificial intelligence, the laziness and lollygagging of young workers in the post-pandemic era, the aging of the baby boomer generation and their dysfunctional ideologies from ‘man-made global warming,’ to the gender wars created to further divide men and woman and to destroy the nuclear family – all of this has serious future spiritual consequences that few may have not considered, but nonetheless will be enforced according to prophecies.
Solar year 2024 will see many revelations come to the surface, as everything, from the secrets of the COVID-19 pandemic, and vaccines, the contested results of the 2020 presidential election, and censorship these matters, along with other events, by traditional and social media outlooks will lead right back to where everyone left off – and that was a powerful populist movement in the United States.
In fact, I forecast that the populist movement will return to the U.S. and expand. It will also grow quickly, and in particular sweep across the European Union in 2024-2025.
As I have said before, it is my estimation that the major political themes going into the 2024 General Election in the United States will be these issues:
- Immigration
- The Economy
- Crime
- Individual Rights
- Energy
- Education
- Government Reform
The eclipses of 2024, solar and lunar, will also be joined by significant planetary transits that will rotate worldwide going into the new solar year.
However, for those keen on knowing how favorable transits match up with their own horoscopes and progressions; observe that there are opportunities and challenges in 2024 and 2025.

Compiled by Theodore White, mundane Astrolog.sci
These solar, lunar & planetary transits of 2024 initiate a year filled with action and presages:
· January-March 2024 – JUPITER SEXTILE SATURN

· May 6, 2024 – SATURN SEMI SQUARES PLUTO (first of three aspect contacts.)
· June 2, 2024 – JUPITER TRINE PLUTO
· August 19, 2024 – JUPITER SQUARE SATURN (first of three world aspect squares)
· August 28, 2024 – MERCURY DIRECT AT 21-LEO
· September 1, 2024 – URANUS RETROGRADE AT 27-TAURUS
· September 18, 2024 - PARTIAL LUNAR ECLIPSE AT 25-PISCES
· September 26, 2024 – SATURN SEMI SQUARE PLUTO (2nd exact world semi-square)
· October 12, 2024 – PLUTO DIRECT AT 29-CAPRICORN
· November 15, 2024 – SATURN DIRECT AT 12-PISCES
· December 6, 2024 – MARS RETROGRADE AT 6-LEO (until February 23-24, 2025)
· December 7, 2024 – NEPTUNE DIRECT AT 27-PISCES
· December 24, 2024 – JUPITER SQUARE SATURN (2nd of 3 world squares)
· January 26, 2025 – SATURN SEMI SQUARE PLUTO (3rd exact world semi square)
· February 24, 2025 – MARS STATIONS DIRECT AT 17-CANCER
· April 4, 2025 – SATURN SEXTILE URANUS 1st of three sextile aspects)
· June 15, 2025 – JUPITER SQUARE SATURN (3rd and final world square)

Total Eclipse of The Sun & Very Strange Comet Together:
'Signs of the Times'
The monster will be seen in full day:
Quite otherwise will one interpret it,
High price unguarded: none will have foreseen it."
~ Michel Nostradamus, Century III, Quatrain 34
The Centuries
by Theodore White, mundane Astrolog.sci
A Total Eclipse of the Sun will make passage over North America on Monday, April 8, 2024 at 18:17 Universal Time (UT.)
Length of maximum eclipse will be 4 minutes 28 seconds and the worldwide duration will be 5 hours 10 minutes.
Eclipse totality will be seen in North America.
It starts at the Pacific coast, then rises through Mexico, the United States and eastern Canada.
The total eclipse will also be observed in Central America.
A partial solar eclipse will be visible in Iceland, Ireland and Norway; along with western regions of England; including northwest regions of Portugal and Spain; the Azores and the Canary Islands.
On that day, the Moon will pass between the Earth and the Sun, blocking the Sun and briefly darkening the sky as if it were dusk or dawn - and a comet now entering our solar system can be seen during and after the eclipse of the Sun.
Other stargazers have also now seen the spiral 'yin-yang shape' of the comet's core and reported that it appears to be real.
See for yourself - here is the inverted luminance layer view of Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks now racing into our inner solar system:
Also see: 'A very strange Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks,' here
The Moon will darken slightly, but not completely. The March 2024 Lunar Eclipse will be visible through all North America, Mexico, Central America, and South America.
click on graphic to enlarge
Much of Europe, North/East Asia, much of Australia, half of Africa, and all of North America, South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Arctic and Antarctica will see the lunar eclipse.
Cities with clear skies that will be able to observe the penumbral Lunar Eclipse on March 25, 2024 are:
Tutorial by Theodore White, mundane Astrolog.sci
A lunar eclipse can occur only when the full Moon is near either lunar node (within 11° 38' ecliptic longitude) while a solar eclipse can occur only when the new Moon is near either lunar node (within 17° 25')
The mathematically calculated Lunar Nodes are sensitive points in space where the Moon’s orbit around the Earth intersects the ecliptic - the Earth’s orbit around the Sun.
The planet was split into two parts representing the lunar nodes, termed the Head (ra’s) and Tail (dhanab) of the mythological dragon.
Similarly, the nodes are termed rosh ha-teli u-zenavo (ראש התלי וזנבו)[verification needed] in Hebrew, and caput draconis (head of the dragon) or cauda draconis (tail of the dragon) in Latin.
The ascending node is referred to as the dragon's head with the astronomical or astrological symbol of ☊ and the descending node is known as the dragon's tail with the symbol ☋.
Most astrology software will show only the North Node marked in horoscopes, as the South Node is exactly opposite the North Node on an zodiacal axis.
In Vedic astrology, which I also practice, the North and South Nodes are called 'Rahu' and 'Ketu' respectively, and both are marked in the chart.
Astrologically, the Nodes are thought to powerfully influencing both the affairs of nations and of populations.
The precession of the moon's orbital plane does not align it with the ecliptic plane.
The angle between those two planes is approximately 5.14° (it varies by ~±0.15° - mostly due to perturbation by the Sun.)
Precession causes the orientation of the lunar plane to vary, but the angle between the two planes remains nearly the same.
It is very similar to the precession of the gyroscope; except that the fixed point of the lunar plane is at the center of the plane (the Earth-Moon barycenter.)
Astrologer Anne Whitaker has compiled a compendium on the Moon's Nodes that you can find here.
The current Aries-Libra Nodal axis (July 17, 2023 to January 11, 2025) worldwide has revealed significant changes and shifts that continue internally within nations, the failing diplomatic relationships among nation, also political legalities, and decisions of justice.
With the South Lunar Node in Libra, focus on individuality and partnerships indicates turmoils in power dynamics within and around existing structures.
Geographic location: New York City, USA
Monday, March 25, 2024
3:11:38 a.m. EDT
click on chart to enlarge
The Lunar Eclipse is a precursor to April's Total Solar Eclipse that arrives two weeks later.
The April 8, 2024 Total Eclipse of the Sun will travel across the United States in an arc that will touch more than a dozen U.S. states, including Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine.
Observers who are in the total solar eclipses' path of totality - the viewing area where the Moon will totally block the Sun - revealing the sun’s outer atmosphere, called the corona - will be treated to a dazzling display.
Click on graphic to enlarge.
On top of the Total Solar Eclipse, there will be a naked eye comet seen as well.
The Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks will shine as the total solar eclipse takes place and will be at its brightest in April 2024.
Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks was discovered in solar year 1812.
The comet takes a little more than 71 years to orbit the Sun in a path that sends it racing past Neptune’s orbit and then turning back through the inner solar system.
During Comet 12P’s current pass, trackers have observed a series of outbursts from the hurtling ice ball that appeared to give it horns, earning it nicknames such as “Millennium Falcon” and “Devil Comet.”
Click on graphic to enlarge.
“This is one of the brightest comets in history,” says Rosita Kokotanekova, a planetary scientist at the Institute of Astronomy and National Astronomical Observatory at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.
Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks is an object with a medium-length orbit and is highly inclined to our solar system's ecliptic plane, so much so that is listed as a Near-Earth Asteroid.
Click on graphic to enlarge
Again, the comet will make its closest approach (perihelion) to the Sun on April 21, 2024, the same day as the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in tropical Taurus and less than two weeks after the Total Solar Eclipse.
On the very day of the Total Eclipse of the Sun on Monday, April 8, 2024, Comet 12P/Pons Brooks can be seen in sidereal Aries, speeding past the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction and toward its perihelion with the Sun.
Observers will be able to see Venus brightest at magnitude –3.9 and it can be seen about 15-degrees southwest of the Sun
On the other side - about 30° northeast of the eclipsed Sun - the planet Jupiter can be seen at magnitude –2, second brightest only to Venus.
In Mundane Astrology, Earth's history abounds with wars, the overthrow of governments, famines, pestilences and the disasters of Nature that have coincided with the appearance of great comet we may say that when a grat comet appears then to expect outstanding events to follow.
Your clenched fist held at arm’s length can be used to measure about 10 degrees across in the sky.
In Mundane Astrology, comets and their positions across the Zodiac where they appear can tell of its effects on nations.
In cardinal signs, like Aries, comets like 12P/Pons-Brooks can warn and presage the deaths of great men and women.
Jupiter-Uranus synods, like the one approaching in April 2024 can act in the political and individual sphere to produce their effects suddenly, unexpectedly, quickly and violently.
Moreover, with the planet Mars to transit tropical Pisces and Aries from march to June 2024 my presage is for shocking and critical events to take place.
Caution is strongly advised.
April 8, 2024
“The mundane astrologer finds that eclipses and transits define special areas on the earth which are found to possess great meaning in mundane affairs.”
~ Charles Jayne, mundane astrologer
Forecast by Theodore White, mundane Astrolog.sci
There will be two eclipses, one Lunar and the other Solar, within two weeks of each other during the early spring of 2024 in the northern hemisphere that will mark the eclipse season months of April, May and June.
The Lunar Eclipse of March 25, 2024 will take place at 5-degrees Libra and will be seen throughout the northern hemisphere. It arrives two weeks before the total eclipse of the Sun on April 8, 2024.
It will occur at 19-degrees tropical Aries, passing from southwest to the northwest.
The Sun and Moon conjunction by total eclipse in tropical Aries marks a crossroads into what will set the theme for the mid-2020s into the new solar year of 2024.
Though five months from the time of this forecast post, the good reader would be well advised to think and act ahead of the solar, lunar and planetary transits to come, for that is the purpose of humanity – to think and act ahead – in short, to be prepared.
Other than the eclipses to come, there also are major planetary transits in 2024 that will mark the new solar year, such as the Jupiter-Saturn waxing sextiles; the Lunar Eclipse of late March 2024 before April’s total solar eclipse; then a Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Taurus; and a series of Jupiter-Saturn world squares afterward.
It is my perspective that this follows the mundane astrological principle that the effect of any major conjunction is to create a new sensitive point in the world consciousness.
And that is exactly what is going to happen in 2024.
You see, the state of the world in the present, the popular culture, political and warring ideologies, the violence, technological distractions, the cheating, greed, narcissism and lack of courtesy, tolerance and consideration for one another – all of it will, in the end, lead to great perdition for those who do not realize what this prophecy reveals to those with eyes to see and ears to hear:
“If you address as Father the One who impartially judges according to each one’s work, then conduct yourselves in fear during the time of your stay on earth.”
~ 1 Peter 1:17
According to my calculations, the slowly cooling effects of the Lunar Eclipse of March 2024 and the Total Solar Eclipse of April 2024 will remain in their various signatures through to May 2028.
And yet, this eclipse will have an immediate effect through the spring of 2024 due to the specific transits of several planets across the solar eclipsed degree of 19-Aries.
click on graphic to enlarge
Commenting on the astrological techniques of denoting the influences of eclipses, Bill Meridian writes:
The idea came from Edmund Troinski, who developed tertiary progressions, his notion was that when an eclipse occurred, think of it like an umbrella that you are holding up, it would have a control and rulership over the events that occur plus or minus 3 months from the date of occurrence.
Johndro, an astrologer [ born in Quebec, Canada] living in New York & Los Angeles was a mathematician and radio engineer, his astrology was very advanced even by today’s standards, he died around 1951.
He worked with a man named Ken Brown of Cleveland, Brown being the front man, bringing in the business and Johndro being the man that developed advanced techniques, in order to give good advice.
Charles Jayne told me that they were the astrologers that did all the work for the legendary stock market trade of W.D. Gann.
Of course, there was Charles Jayne himself who was quite funny in his delivery and it was quite a challenge to edit his work because he never discovered the magic of punctuation.
Johndro developed the idea of the birth eclipse thinking that if an eclipse occurs, like I said myself being born April 25th and then April 28th there was an eclipse, that eclipse is the ruler, or Lord, of that time period and anything that occurred within it.
If a social club is started, a corporation, a team plays its first game, any event, it is under the rulership of that eclipse.
That was the hardest thing for me to accept when I started reading this in the ‘80s. As that eclipse chart moves forward, you progress the chart of the eclipse and if Jupiter or Saturn become prominent then all the entities under that eclipse feel it, some will feel it quite directly because their charts tie into the eclipse chart quite closely, then there are some people whose do not tie so closely, so the effect is variable.
But that was the idea. Jayne developed the idea much further, Johndro came up with concepts and it might be one line in an obscure magazine and never repeated, but Jayne would find these ideas and applied them again and again and developed concepts and additions to the rules.
So, if the eclipse has something to do with you then the eclipse’s shadow must be very important. And Johndro wrote, and this explains it:
“For most of us, however, the eclipses that affect our nativities are anything from a few days to 6 months, and in some cases a full year before or after our birth dates.
In any case, the prime consideration is not just how near this or that eclipse falls to a birth date, but whether the eclipses, or the planet thereat, closely overlay or closely aspect any of the natal planetary positions.
If they do, then that eclipse chart is extremely important to you; because in such case the eclipse or its planets intensify or amplify any planet they configure in your birth chart…
And by eclipses, I do not mean merely the position of the eclipse itself, I mean the position of any planet or planets at the time of an eclipse relative to any planetary position in the nativity.”
To summarize, Johndro would look plus or minus 6 months, which is what I do, and what Jayne did, and then do a synastry between the eclipse chart and the person’s natal chart.
For example, if the eclipse greatly energizes the person’s Mars and that person is an athlete, the eclipse and the shadow are both important. In the case of Charles, two eclipses were both essential, I could not distinguish the strength of one from the other."
In my childhood years studying under Jayne's mastership, direct observation of the Sun, Moon, planets and stars was mandatory - even for a child apprentice.
Jayne's understanding of eclipses, connected to Johndro's electrical magnetism via planetary transits relative to Earth expanded my knowledge of how astrological transits work on nature and humanity.
Johndro was also intrigued by the new field of electronics and worked as an electrical engineer during the First World War (1914-18) and after the war attended the National Radio Institute.
His understanding of electricity and electromagnetism greatly affected his approach to astrology as he felt that changes in the electromagnetic energies might account for astrological phenomena.
Fixed stars, those brightest stars that form the major points of light in the night sky, have had a role in traditional astrology, with each being assigned characteristics much like the planets.
The conjunction of planets with fixed stars of related characteristics should manifest in the individual's life.
In this instance, Johndro's work has been largely forgotten, in that contemporary astrologers have largely dropped consideration of fixed charts from their work.
He considered this point the most fated, i.e., least susceptible to choice, in a person's chart, hence of vital importance in any interpretation. American mundane astrologer, Charles Jayne discovered the same point on the chart and also incorporated it in his forecasting work.
Charles Jayne, Jr. was born on October 9, 1911 in Jenkintown, Pennsylvania. He was educated at Princeton University in philosophy; then Virginia Polytechnic Institute where he took electrical engineering; and Columbia University and the Asia Institute studying Psychology.
A technical analyst on Wall Street from 1961 to 1969, Jayne was mentioned very favorably by James Dines in his book about technical stock market analysis.
Well schooled in theosophy, he was vice-president of Nicholas DeVore's Astrological Research Society. He was president of the Astrologers' Guild of America (1958-60) and founded Astrological Research Associates in 1958.
He and his artist wife, Vivia Jayne, edited the magazine 'In Search' from 1958 to 1962, an international astrological journal.
In 1970 he founded the Association for Research in Cosmecology, an organization specializing in the reintegration of astrology into mainstream science.
Jayne also wrote the mundane astrology column for Dell Horoscope for 15 years. He was also one of the founders of the National Council for Geocosmic Research and was a recipient of the Marc Edmund Jones Award.
Charles worked on eclipses for 50 years. Much of my knowledge of this subject derives from his work. He discovered that the shadow of the eclipse embodies or holds the nature of the horoscope of that eclipse.
He also discovered that past paths can be activated by current eclipses. Writing in Dell Horoscope in the 1940s, he accurately predicted a good deal of the course of WW2.
This includes the break between Germany and the USSR and the time and the location of the US victory at the Battle of the Coral Sea. Before his passing, he forecasted the breakup of the USSR by 1989-1990.
However, the process of locating the vertex is a somewhat sophisticated mathematical operation and few astrologers adopted it as part of their interpretive scheme.
They had more appreciation for his attempt to build a scientific rationale for astrology in his 1929 book, 'The Stars, How and Where They Influence.' He also proposed an alternative theory for the manner in which planetary rulerships operate.
When doing individual financial forecasts, Jayne, Johndro and Brown utilized not only the birth charts but conception charts, but even charts of the planetary positions at the time their clients were actually conceived.
Johndro believed that the conception charts show how creative people think or 'conceive' of things, and hence had a vital role in predicting their financial life. Johndro continued in this work for the rest of his life.
In Abu Dhabi, in 1985, a Saudi television show came on. It was about the largest oil field and it says it was hitting its peak production and it came online in 1949, the year of my birth, and I thought ‘this feels like a peak in my career as well’ and looking back it was.
So, the oilfield and I were ruled by the same eclipse, as I said it does not have to be a living being, it can be a club or corporation.
Johndro also wrote: “Eclipses quite largely define issues for whole groups. But eclipses forward destiny through the medium of mortals far more than merely through varying the climate, the rainfall, the crops, etc. That is to say, men are so born in time as to respond, in an allotted way, to some particular cosmic purpose delegated, so to speak, through the eclipses.
The importance of your allotted role depends greatly upon if and how your nativity ties in with the eclipses (and their) planets in and around your birth year.”
The eclipse itself is the whole group, it energizes individual people to fulfil that task.
When he says “in an allotted way”, the eclipse of April 1949, that affected people in different ways, with me you could say, fortunately, it was on my Venus and it is amazing how many people during my life have asked me if I am in show business.
I have a lot of friends who are artists, in fact my friend who is an astrologer, Carol Furman is now one of the world’s most famous sculptors and when I am at an art show people come up to me and ask “Bill are you an artist?” and I say “if you took me to an art gallery I could not distinguish a Rembrandt from a Beethoven, so no I am not.”
I just had this eclipse fall on my Venus. “Readers must not suppose an eclipse is affect on mankind is limited to the date thereof; not that events follow in the exact order of the eclipse sequence.
Rather, eclipses are the highlight patterns of the trends of their joint times.” [L. Edward Johndro, 1930s] We just had an eclipse in December at 4° Capricorn and now we have had one at 0° Cancer, anybody caught in the middle of that is energized, if they are hit by the first eclipse you know they will be energized by the second eclipse.
Charles [Jayne] said after 50 or so years of research he was uncertain of the length of time an eclipse was in affect, but the rough rule of thumb, which is what we use is 90 days in advance of a Solar eclipse and as long as a year afterwards, for a Lunar eclipse, it was up to six weeks prior and six weeks following.
For example, say the eclipse falls on a client’s Jupiter and the client says to the astrologer, “I think this could be the start of something big” you can assure your client that is true.
Ninety days before the Solar eclipse is conjunct Jupiter, it begins to heat up and as you get closer and closer to the eclipse, it is getting hotter and hotter and the transit to the natal Jupiter of the client is more meaningful, more energized, they will hit a peak and for the next year it will decline somewhat in effect.
Astrological Rules of Eclipses

1.) Events which occur in the days around an eclipse are memorable. The ‘time orb’ is plus or minus ten (10) days. Events taking place in the 7 to 10 days before an eclipse work out in an unexpected fashion.
Affairs take turns that are not anticipated. [Jayne]
2.) Solar eclipses can have an effect up to 3 to 6 months before they occur and as long as one year afterward. Their lunar brethren have an effect for about 6 weeks before and after the lunar eclipse. [Jayne]
This is important and easy to use, ‘time orb’ is an idea or a concept that comes from Johndro and Jayne developed the rule. He shortened the time frame to 7 days and said it lasted up to 48 hours after the eclipse.
For example, the marriage of Lady Diana to Prince Charles was a week before an eclipse, if an event occurs on the day of an eclipse then it is fated and if the eclipse sweeps one up, it is like being in the surf you have to let the wave carry you, you cannot fight it.
This is something that I use whenever I look at a situation or anyone’s horoscope I tell them in a week prior to the eclipse it is best to defer decisions until the week after the eclipse because the week before the eclipse you are, so to speak, in the shadow of the eclipse and the week following you will uncover news, or discover something that will change your mind and will cause you to make a different decision.
I went to change jobs as an astrology student the week before an eclipse and Jayne told me it will not work out and that turned out to be true.
If you are forced to make a change in the week prior to the eclipse then it will work out in an unexpected fashion, you will have to make extraordinary efforts in order to achieve your goal, you will run into all sorts of things you could not possibly expect.
When Jayne wrote for Dell during World War II and the military campaigns started in the week prior to an eclipse rarely went as planned.
As I said, sometimes a client is forced to make a decision and if that person cannot extend the deadline then the astrologer can advise the client based upon the position of the eclipse and all the planets in the eclipse chart as to how to proceed and what the person might face.
Now, our current President just kicked off his campaign with a talk in Tulsa, Oklahoma only hours before an eclipse, so we will see how that works out.
3.) There is a difference between the 7 to 10 days before and the 7 to 10 days after an eclipse.
4.) The events occurring before the eclipse take on the added attribute of being unpredictable and fated. The period of unpredictability to last until 24 hours after the eclipse. Matters work out unexpectedly. If one must make a decision in the week prior to an eclipse, then expect to make significant changes in your plans in order to reach your objective.
There is a sharp difference between events in the week before an eclipse and the week after an eclipse, any event occurring near an eclipse is going to take on extra importance but in the week prior to an eclipse there is an element of uncertainty and the week after the eclipse there is not.
So, if your birthday is in the week prior to an eclipse you have a very unexpected year coming up, a lot of changes, it is a year you will remember.
However, if your birthday is one or two days after the eclipse it is simply going to be an important year, but matters do not necessarily work out unpredictably.
5.) Eclipses near birth have an effect upon the life of the individual. This eclipse may occur before or after birth. [Johndro]
6.) If the natal eclipse is again eclipsed, the effects are powerful.
7. Rules governing the eclipse paths:
A) The total eclipse is the strongest
B) The central path is the most powerful part of the eclipse’s shadow.
My experience with an eclipse on your Sun is, it strengthens everything related to the Sun, your will, your desire to accomplish things, you become fairly indefatigable and you refuse to accept any defeat.
How many of us heard the name Julian Assange before there were eclipses conjunct and opposite his Sun?
Or how about the 1963 John Profumo affair? An eclipse conjunct his Sun, there is talk about making him high in the government, he was a Minister of Defense at the time, six months later the eclipse opposes his Sun and he is swept up in a scandal involving prostitutes that removed him entirely from the public eye.
That is the effect, an eclipse conjunct your Sun emboldens and strengthens you, opposite your Sun, I can guarantee you, it is like being knocked down on the soccer field, suddenly you are looking up at the sky wondering ‘how did I get here?’
And as I have said, if the native eclipse is eclipsed again, I have found that is particularly important.
8.) If an eclipse occurs after your birth, see when it comes exact by secondary progression. This can be a vital year. [Johndro]
9.) If a natal planet is conjunct or opposite this eclipse, the planet becomes very powerful for life. [Johndro]
10.) Eclipses conjunct are opposite the Sun, ascendant or midheaven are always more powerful. This is due to the fact that these points have zero latitude by definition. The eclipse will also have zero latitude.
Thus, there will be conjunctions and oppositions in both longitude and latitude which are very powerful. [Jayne]
Of course, the total eclipse is the strongest, the central path is the most powerful part of a total eclipse.
If the eclipse obscures 50% of the sunlight, then it is only half as powerful as a total eclipse, if it’s 75% of the sunlight, so.
In other words, a total eclipse is the most important eclipse, a partial eclipse is a not nearly as strong."
This follows another mundane rule when it comes to total eclipses of the Sun, which are the most powerful in their effects than annular, partial or lunar eclipses.
In Cardinal Signs, their effects are often produced quickly and could soon be over with, but often bringing disastrous effects.
Another issue of concern is that in Applied Astrology, it is stated that when both the Moon and the Sun are eclipsed within 30 days of each other, much trouble will arise over the locations where the eclipse is visible.
This matter is worrisome, considering that an annular Lunar Eclipse in Libra will take place on March 25, 2024, just two weeks before the total eclipse of the Sun in tropical Aries.
What I am saying here is that the spring of 2024, in fact, the entire solar year, will be challenging due to the ‘woke’ ignorance and stupidity of those in media, society, in governments, and companies, groups and organizations.
The loud temper-tantrum ideological propaganda: from the violence in the Ukraine to the killings in the Middle East; to the anti-Semitism and racial hatred; to the widespread criminal activity; to the to the fallacy of ‘man-made climate change,’ to the pettiness of the ideological, gender, political and pop culture wars can only lead to more division that goes nowhere and produces nothing good.
Be not misled: the dysfunction, destruction and dumbing-down – I say to all – will eventually lead to great disasters, including for the hypocrites pushing ‘man-made global warming.’
In the meantime, ahead of 2024’s power-packed eclipses and strong planetary transits, as I said earlier, there are opportunities to do good and prepare using the Jupiter-Saturn sextiles before the powerful eclipse spring of 2024 gets underway over the northern hemisphere.
For instance, when eclipses occur or comets appears in Earth Signs, they often portend barrenness and scarcity of droughts in astrometeorology.
When in Water Signs, torrential rains, storms and floods. In Air Signs, they arouse seditions, great winds and pestilences.
In Fire Signs, eclipses can arouse to murderous rages, with emotions so high as to lead toward wars, and any planetary transits crossing over the eclipsed degree will depend upon the culmination of other key configurations that have been gathering strength beforehand.
Taking place in that cardinal fire Sign of Aries, the total solar eclipse of April 8, 2024 will highlight the politically adverse issues of immigration, drug cartels and police activity that has been smoldering for years when it comes to the southern border of the United States with Mexico.
This eclipse will be seen in both countries, and is a direct threat and warning from the Divine to the drug cartels, especially the Mazatlán, Sinaloa, Mexico drug cartels; their leaders, agents and pawns working in both Mexico and the United States.
Be not misled, no amount of earthly power, stealth nor wealth can save you from the Most High LORD of Spirits - who sees and hears everything.
Repent and pursue good, truth, righteousness and fear of the LORD and change your lives before it is too late.
Here are just two these latter day prophecies concerned with this forecast - one is from Luke 12:5 and the other from the mundane astrologer Isaiah 66:
First, Luke 12:5
“But I will warn you whom to fear: Fear the One who, after He has killed, has authority to cast into hell; yes, I tell you, fear Him!”
"Thus saith the LORD: The heaven is My throne, and the earth is My footstool:
'Where is the house that ye build unto Me?
And where is the place of My rest?
For all those things hath mine hand made, and all those things have been, saith the Lord:
But to this man will I look, even to him that is poor and of a contrite spirit, and trembles at My word.
He that kills an ox is as if he slew a man; he that sacrifices a lamb, as if he cut off a dog's neck; he that offers an oblation, as if he offered swine's blood; he that burns incense, as if he blessed an idol.
Yea, they have chosen their own ways, and their soul delights in their abominations.
I also will choose their delusions, and will bring their fears upon them; because when I called, none did answer; when I spoke, they did not hear: but they did evil before Mine eyes, and chose that in which I delighted not.
Hear the word of the LORD, ye that tremble at his word:
Your brethren that hated you, that cast you out for my name's sake, said, 'Let the Lord be glorified: but he shall appear to your joy, and they shall be ashamed.
A voice of noise from the city, a voice from the temple, a voice of the Lord that renders recompense to his enemies.
Before she travailed, she brought forth; before her pain came, she was delivered of a man child.
Who hath heard such a thing? Who hath seen such things?
Shall the earth be made to bring forth in one day? Or shall a nation be born at once? For as soon as Zion travailed, she brought forth her children.
Shall I bring to the birth, and not cause to bring forth? saith the Lord: shall I cause to bring forth, and shut the womb? saith thy God.
Rejoice ye with Jerusalem, and be glad with her, all ye that love her: rejoice for joy with her, all ye that mourn for her:
That ye may suck, and be satisfied with the breasts of her consolations; that ye may milk out, and be delighted with the abundance of her glory.
For thus saith the Lord, Behold, I will extend peace to her like a river, and the glory of the Gentiles like a flowing stream: then shall ye suck, ye shall be borne upon her sides, and be dandled upon her knees.
As one whom his mother comforts, so will I comfort you; and ye shall be comforted in Jerusalem.
And when ye see this, your heart shall rejoice, and your bones shall flourish like an herb:
And the hand of the Lord shall be known toward his servants, and his indignation toward his enemies.
For, behold, the Lord will come with fire, and with his chariots like a whirlwind, to render his anger with fury, and his rebuke with flames of fire.
For by fire and by his sword will the Lord plead with all flesh: and the slain of the Lord shall be many.
They that sanctify themselves, and purify themselves in the gardens behind one tree in the midst, eating swine's flesh, and the abomination, and the mouse, shall be consumed together, saith the Lord.
For I know their works and their thoughts: it shall come, that I will gather all nations and tongues; and they shall come, and see My glory.
And I will set a sign among them, and I will send those that escape of them unto the nations, to Tarshish, Pul, and Lud, that draw the bow, to Tubal, and Javan, to the isles afar off, that have not heard my fame, neither have seen My glory; and they shall declare My glory among the Gentiles.
And they shall bring all your brethren for an offering unto the Lord out of all nations upon horses, and in chariots, and in litters, and upon mules, and upon swift beasts, to my holy mountain Jerusalem, saith the Lord, as the children of Israel bring an offering in a clean vessel into the house of the Lord.
And I will also take of them for priests and for Levites, saith the Lord.
For as the new heavens and the new earth, which I will make, shall remain before Me, saith the Lord, so shall your seed and your name remain.
And it shall come to pass, that from one new moon to another, and from one Sabbath to another, shall all flesh come to worship before me, saith the Lord.
And they shall go forth, and look upon the carcasses of the men that have transgressed against Me:
April 8, 2024
click on graphic to enlarge
First, please allow me to outline some regions where the totality of the April 8, 2024 eclipse of the Sun will be fully observed:
Nazas, Durango, Mexico
Monday, April 8, 2024
1:14:37 PM CDT
At 1:15 p.m., Mexican Central Daylight Time, the umbra arrives at Nazas. This town of 4,000 in population will see that number rise because it is the nearest location to the point of longest totality of the Sun.
The town itself will enjoy that duration, but the actual spot is about 3 miles (5 km) to the north, just east of Durango Paso Nacional, the road that connects Nazas to San Luis del Cordero. If you’re headed here for the longest possible totality, get there at least a day early.
Eclipse starts: 11:58:24 a.m. MCDT
Eclipse end: 2:39:42 p.m. MCDT
Maximum eclipse: 1:17:17 p.m. MCDT
Sun’s altitude at maximum eclipse: 69.8°
Duration of totality: 4 minutes 28 seconds
Width of Moon’s shadow: 122.6 miles (197.4 km)
Mazatlán, Sinaloa, Mexico
The Moon’s umbra touches the coast of the United Mexican States at 12:07 p.m. Mexican Pacific Daylight Time less than 12 miles (19 km) southeast of Mazatlán, which was one of the main destinations for travelers viewing the July 11, 1991 total solar eclipse. This city knows how to host a large influx of travelers, so it’s a good bet that it will be a prime destination.
· Eclipse starts: 9:51:28 a.m. MPDT
· Eclipse ends: 12:32:11 p.m. MPDT
· Maximum eclipse: 11:09:39 p.m. MPDT
· Sun’s altitude at maximum eclipse: 69.1°
· Duration of totality: 4 minutes 18 seconds
Lampasas, Texas
Monday, April 8, 2024
1:35:27 PM CDT
Eclipse starts: 12:18:03 p.m. CDT
Eclipse ends: 2:58:23 p.m. CDT
Maximum eclipse: 1:37:35 p.m. CDT
Sun’s altitude at maximum eclipse: 66.5°
Duration of totality: 4 minutes 24 seconds
Width of Moon’s shadow: 119.7 miles (192.6 km)
Indianapolis, Indiana
April 8, 2024
The eclipse umbra will cover a wide swath of Indiana, but most of the attention will focus on the state’s capital city. Downtown Indianapolis is a metropolis served by four interstate highways and will surely be one of the most sought-after destinations. It offers plentiful lodging, excellent cuisine, and many attractions for travelers.
Eclipse starts: 1:50:31 p.m. EDT
Eclipse ends: 4:23:10 p.m. EDT
Maximum eclipse: 3:07:56 p.m. EDT
Sun’s altitude at maximum eclipse: 53°
Duration of totality: 3 minutes 49 seconds
Width of Moon’s shadow: 114 miles (183.4 km)
Cleveland, Ohio
Monday, April 8, 2024
With a metro population of more than 2 million, this city will host a multitude of eclipse chasers. Get there a couple of days early and fill the waiting time with visits to some of Cleveland’s highlights, including the Cleveland Museum of Arts and the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.
Eclipse starts: 1:59:20 p.m. EDT
Eclipse ends: 4:28:57 p.m. EDT
Maximum eclipse: 3:15:37 p.m. EDT
Sun’s altitude at maximum eclipse: 48.6°
Duration of totality: 3 minutes 49 seconds
Width of Moon’s shadow: 111.9 miles (180.1 km)
Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada
April 8, 2024
Those Canadians who may not wish to cross the border can opt for Sherbrooke, which is only a 100-mile (161 km) drive from Montréal. With a metro population of nearly a quarter million, Sherbrooke is a quick 10-mile (16 km) drive south that will bring you to the center line for five (5) additional seconds of totality.
Eclipse starts: 2:16:35 p.m. EDT
Eclipse ends: 4:38:13 p.m. EDT
Maximum eclipse: 3:29:23 p.m. EDT
Sun’s altitude at maximum eclipse: 38.8°
Duration of totality: 3 minutes 25 seconds
Width of Moon’s shadow: 107.8 miles (173.5 km)
Niagara Falls, New York
April 8, 2024
The Northeastern United States will have good weather on eclipse day, the most picturesque images of the event could come from Niagara Falls.
One of the best perspectives will come from the outlook called Terrapin Point, where the eclipsed Sun will stun viewers halfway over the southwestern skies - directly over Niagara Falls.
Science buffs who observe or photograph the eclipse from this region will want to visit the Nikola Tesla Statue within Queen Victoria Park on the Canadian side of Niagara Falls. It is only 0.3 mile (0.5 km) north of Terrapin Point.
Eclipse starts: 2:04:50 p.m. EDT
Eclipse ends: 4:31:57 p.m. EDT
Maximum eclipse: 3:20:02 p.m. EDT
Sun’s altitude at maximum eclipse: 45.6°
Duration of totality: 3 minutes 31 seconds
Width of Moon’s shadow: 110.8 miles (178.4 km)
The 2023 & 2024 Solar Eclipses
click on map to enlarge
The path in 2024 will make its way through North America, from Mexico to the United States and into Maine and eastern Canada.
Here are other main cities where the total eclipse of the Sun will be observed in clear weather:
· San Antonio, Texas
· Austin, Texas
· Dallas, Texas
· Little Rock, Arkansas
· Carbondale, Illinois
· Indianapolis, Indiana
· Toledo, Ohio
· Cleveland, Ohio
· Akron, Ohio
· Buffalo, New York
· Rochester, New York
· Montpelier, Vermont
· Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Here are a list of American cities on the path of totality divided by state.
San Antonio
Fort Worth
Hot Springs
Little Rock
Mountain Home
West Plains
Poplar Bluff
Mt. Vernon
Niagara Falls
Tupper Lake
Lake Placid
St. Albans City
In my weather and climate forecasting, which is how I began to learn Applied Astrology, I always observed the reactions of the weather and climate to astrophysical forces.
As we will see in 2024, transiting Mars will make ingress in Aries, which will also change to northern declination in the Ingress charts I have cast.
Mars will transit tropical Aries, and in May 2024 will later conjoin the eclipsed degree of 19-Aries.
These planets are Mercury, Venus and then, Mars, - all within 1-2 months within the Total Solar Eclipse degree at 19-Aries.
Mercury hits 19-Aries three times within range of the April 8, 2024 total solar eclipse, once before the eclipse, and then two times afterward:
· At the Vernal Equinox: March 19th-21st – Mercury direct in motion
· April 16-17 – Mercury retrograde.
· April 21, 2024 - Venus transits 19-Aries on the same day as Jupiter conjoins Uranus in tropical Taurus.
· May 4-5 – Mercury direct in motion
Mercury especially marks that eclipsed degree of 19-Aries; and does so three times; once in March before the total eclipse of the Sun; a second time in April 2024 while Mercury is retrograde just after the eclipse; and a third time, with Mercury now direct, in May 2024.
It appears to me that Mercury (the swift messenger) acts as a prelude and warning to the effects of the total solar eclipse - especially the transits of Mars into spring 2024 – enough so that the good reader should mark down all the general dates I provide in this mundane forecast.
During the total solar eclipse of April 2024, transiting Mars and Saturn will be conjoined in tropical Pisces.
Now, this can be a malefic conjunction and calls for special consideration during the month of April leading into May due to its proximity to the eclipse in Aries.
Mars and Saturn, being conjunct in tropical Pisces and with Mars to start a new two-year cycle with its ingress into tropical Aries starting on April 30th calls for prudence.
For it is the malefic character of importunate planets like Mars and Saturn that supporting urges as they receive that work out the surest.
There are greatly intensified at one point to endure it, or with ill-will toward others and should Mars and Saturn in conjunction be in effect (as it will be) then anyone, or anything that is subjected to this increased tension, be it an individual, group, community, association, etc., is too weak at any one point to endure then the result will be disastrous.
This point calls for individuals, groups, organizations and governments to clearly understand that the negative history of daily violence cannot solve historical problems without coming to terms with the ancient, but still very relevant common sense gospel that says to love your neighbor as you love yourself.
A simple and easy thing to do, but very difficult for those heading straight into perdition. Like an old friend used to say: “There’s a highway to hell, but only a stairway to heaven.”
· May 25-26, 2024 – Transiting Mars then crosses the eclipsed degree of 19-degree tropical Aries
Being cardinal, Aries, and ruled by Mars, is an active fire sign, and after entering tropical Aries on April 30th, Mars heads North in Declination on May 4, 2024 then races to the eclipse point on May 25-26, 2024.
There is hostility here with these transits to the eclipsed degree at 19-Aries and this will makes the spring of 2024 action packed and dangerous.
Mars, in transit in tropical Aries in May 2024 invariably denotes fatal accidents, contentions, injuries, violent attacks and strife, whether due to an excess of impulsion or misplaced energies or both.
Mars’ vibration relative to Earth, or a previously eclipsed degree is invariably strenuous and very active when in Aries, Taurus and Gemini.
This will make spring 2024 action-packed; Use caution when in extended travel, avoid large gatherings and crowds if possible.
I urge caution in travel through 2024, especially during March, April, May and June 2024.
It is not rocket-science to understand this due to fatal hostilities between nations, religious and ideological groups in this post-pandemic era.
‘MAY 2024’
I have calculated that the May 4th to May 10th is particularly significant, as is the entire month of May at mid-spring of 2024.
As Mars transits the early degrees of Aries (after its ingress there on April 30th) the red planet heads to Northern Declination (May 4) then the Moon goes to Northern Declination (May 5) and the very next day (May 6th) transiting Saturn conducts a semi square to Pluto.
This Saturn-Pluto semi-square adds to the already charged atmosphere of mid-spring 2024 in that it is an aspect of reversals in business, domestic and professional sectors.
Despite putting in long hours working hard, there can be disappointments to achieve success the credit for it. There can be loss of public image and financial losses through poor judgment and bad investments.
As Saturn and Pluto are ‘transpersonal planets’ there can be the passing of older members of the family, and/or the passing of close associates.
It would be wise to also prepare during the months of January, February and March, so that any attention to these matters can be better adapted to during the spring and early summer of 2024.
The semi-square from transiting Saturn in tropical Pisces and Pluto in tropical Aquarius calls for preparation, as there can be struggles in gaining money from insurance settlements, sick time, worker’s compensation, unemployment benefits and social security payments during the spring and into summer 2024.
To avoid this, I encourage the good reader to get ahead of spring 2024 before this particular Saturn-Pluto semi square gets going by its exact aspect on May 6, 2024, as it will as it involves one of the business planets (Saturn) and a planet (Pluto) known to be associated with large organizations, groups, governments, etc.
The cure for these transits of spring and summer 2024 will be to utilize the prior months of December 2023 through March 2024 very well.
I continue to warn against laziness, procrastination, and lollygagging. Those who do not will dearly pay a painful price by the time after the events of mid-spring 2024.
Prudence, knowing how these world transits affect your own nativity, and secondary progressions will be key in helping you to become captain of your own ship, rather than to be like driftwood, floating dangerously without direction on the high seas.
Moreover, two weeks after the total solar eclipse of April 8, 2024, transiting Jupiter and Uranus will meet in conjunction at 21-degrees tropical Taurus.
Very interesting times indeed.
by Theodore White, mundane Astrolog.sci
On April 21, 2024 there will be a conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus in tropical Taurus, some two weeks after the total eclipse of the Sun.
It marks a new feel to the times, unexpected events and happenings, and also signals opportunities for the good of heart, common sense and those of sound mind.
So, the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Taurus offers those aware of this era, the opportunity to make significant changes in their personal, domestic, and professional lives that will position them very well into the mid-to-late 2020s (and beyond for those keen on listening to this astrological guidance.)
Remember what I said earlier, and that is that it is mundane astrological principle that the effect of any major conjunction is to create a new sensitive point in the world consciousness.
And with Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks transiting past the Jupiter-Uranus synod in sidereal Aries and tropical Taurus; I also caution to take care and watch for shocking events to come.
The Jupiter-Uranus conjunction, like the one approaching in April 2024 with a comet also conjunct the planetary synod can act in the societal, political and individual sphere to produce their effects suddenly, unexpectedly, quickly and violently.
On the favorable side of April’s exact Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in the fixed Sign of tropical Taurus, this can be an exciting time where unexpected circumstances and situations can take a person into new realms of experience through what appears to be ‘sheer luck.’
The Jupiter-Uranus has an affinity for the daytime, say, between 10 a.m. through to 2 p.m., as they transit over and just pass the Midheaven (noon time) and into early afternoon afterwards.
Even during the eclipse month of April 2024, those who are able to concentrate during the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction can gain insights into developments and future trends; taking a scientific view of Astrology along with stronger interests in spirituality and theology that benefit them greatly.
The humanitarian urges under the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction are healthy as well when it comes to practical, prudent needs to help others in need and to express this along with others in good organizational practice among associates and new friendships. From this comes a sense of newfound enlightenment and personal growth.
By applying an open mind with increased tolerance of different points of view and culture, unusual friendships and personal relationships under the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction can become exciting, stimulating and rewarding.
There exists the potential for sudden financial fortune with gains made in corporate business, gifts, insurance, joint finances, and government grants and appropriations.
On the adverse end of the conjunction, if individuals become narcissistic and self-willed to incline themselves toward closed-minded one-sided viewpoint, going overboard no matter what, then accidents, and serious mistakes can result, especially in the eclipsed planetary climate of spring 2024.
Again, some transits, along with this one, call for prudence as there can be separations, and even physical death of associates, close friends and family members.
Much of this is connected to the unfavorable travel transits of spring and summer 2024.
Many people who read this may be dismayed at my advice to stay closer to home, if at all possible, but with the Summer Olympic Games taking place in France in 2024 that will not be possible.
In 2023, there have been a number of attacks on tourists in Paris, so I strongly urge care during extended travel and being in crowds due to the influences of the planets in 2024 overall.
Extra security measures will call for more support due to the energetic planetary transits that extend into mid-summer 2024.
"The unanimous message of mystics of all ages that all entities in the universe are interconnected and constitute an indivisible whole is proven now by unequivocal physical experiments that have been replicated again and again.
From this undeniable unity, connectedness, and inseparability follows that any action or configuration in any distant part of the universe can influence processes in the solar system inhabited by man.
This is also valid for the interrelations of Sun and planets within the solar system and especially the Earth's connections with other cosmic bodies in the solar environment.
To look at the solar system and its constituent parts as a whole that embraces a complex web of holistic interrelations, is a premise of traditional astrology, which seemed antiquated, but turns out to be trend-setting.
Thus, it appears promising to subject the astrological thesis of an influence of celestial bodies on the Earth and life on its surface to a new test. The quality of the astrological body of theses matches the holistic results of modern research, as it represents the archetype of an integrating science.
Astrology of this brand was a historical reality in the era of Kepler, Galileo and Newton. It is well known that Kepler was both an astrologer and one of the creative founders of modern science.
Book IV of his principle work Harmonices Mundi (1619) with the heading 'Book on Metaphysics, Psychology, and Astrology,' is evidence of this, as well as his papers 'De fundamentis astrologiae certioribus' (1602) and 'De stella nova' (1604).
Those who pretend that Kepler was not really engaged in astrology should read these writings."
~ Theodor Landscheidt - jurist, astronomist, heliophysicist and climatologist, in Sun-Earth-Man: 'A Mesh of Cosmic Oscillations (1988)'
In this post pandemic era, it is important to know the transits and progressions of your personal horoscope.
The mid-to-late 2020s are key in getting positioned for the turbulent decade of the 2030s.
The years 2024, 2025, 2026, used consciously, can provide enough support for you to solidify your domestic and professional lives before the late 2020s slides into more challenging planetary configurations that leads into the dystopian 2030s, under a quiescent Sun.
I remind everyone that our Sun is heading into its Grand Minimum by the end of the 2020s with the weather of global cooling intensifying powerfully in the 2030s.
Those interested in knowing how the world transits and your own secondary progressions can contact me at astro730@gmail.com
When you write, please include your birthday, time of birth and city/town of birth. Also, briefly state what your aspirations, goals and plans for the next 3 to 5 years.
One of the reasons for knowing your own transits and progressions other than the effects of the total solar eclipse and the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in April 2024, is that after those planetary events is that
Another series of planetary action in 2024, will be the start of what will be three (3) Jupiter-Saturn world squares that will rotate around the Earth for nearly a year:
· 1st square – August 19, 2024
· 2nd square – December 24, 2024
· 3rd square – June 15, 2025
Know that these world squares will affect financial matters as both Jupiter and Saturn are considered the major ‘business’ planets.
The Jupiter-Saturn world squares indicate that there will be expansion, growth and volatility financial markets, and so caution will need to be exercised in business operations so as to avoid indebtedness as economies of scale will tend to slow down.
Under the Jupiter-Saturn world squares, unemployment will tend to rise, as the atmosphere can see people go back and forth between optimism and pessimism in business.
During this 10-11 month span from August 2024 to June-July 2025 individuals will be faced with conflicts and moral crisis that involve cultural, ethical and spiritual decisions.
Generally, it is a time where there will be business, domestic and professional difficulties that will require preparation.
Watch for people who will neglect important responsibilities due to experiencing barriers in getting support from those in positions of authority, including from institutions.
This is one reason why the months from December 2023 through to June 2024 are vital in making certain that you are prepared enough going into the second half of 2024 and all of 2025, which is another major solar year with a series of Saturn-Neptune conjunctions to take place that year.
The major planetary transit at that time will be a Mars retrograde in tropical Leo (Dec. 6, 2024) then back into tropical Cancer (Jan. 6, 2025) and then Mars stations direct in tropical Cancer on Feb. 24-25, 2025 to return back to its retrograde point at 6-degrees Leo on May 1-2, 2025.
These eclipses and planetary transits from 2024 into 2025 reveal a world undergoing a gradual, but strongly paced change in times.
Nations and their populations will either evolve or devolve, but nonetheless, the transits of time as caused by their motions and configurations relative to the Earth.
The Next Big Man-Made Climate Scare:
Counting Climate Change Deaths?
by Theodore White, astromet.sci
Readers of my years of forecasts will know that there is no such thing as 'man-made global warming,' aka, 'man-made climate change.'
This is because it violates the laws of physics and thermodynamics. See my tutorial on the three phases of global cooling 2017-2053 and why this is so.
Nonetheless, those pushing the false doctrine and ideology of 'man-made climate change' continue to spread their nonsense worldwide, while ignoring the fact that it is the Sun that is the cause of all climate change on Earth.
Moreover - and this is key - for over 30+ years not single prediction of alarmist climate models used to predict 'man-made climate change' have come true.
Zero. Not a single one.
A detailed examination of climate models by John Christy, a distinguished climatologist at the University of Alabama at Huntsville and Alabama State Climatologist, provides a stark assessment of the validity (or non-validity) of the models that are used in support of imagined apocalypse.
His testimony in February 2016 to the U.S. House Committee on Science, Space & Technology included remarkable charts that document just how much the models overestimate temperatures.
I have been covering weather and climate as a journalist since 1988, and as a forecaster of climate and weather, I continue to tell the good reader that all of 'man-made climate change' is wholly disingenuous and false (aka, bullshit) - every single bit of it.
Before climate science became politicized, warm periods were referred to by scientists as “climate optima” because, for almost all species on Earth, warmer is better than colder.
The most dramatic advances in civilization took place during the last four warm periods -including our own.
The advancement of science, technology and the arts have been directly linked to warmer weather.
The warming, which made possible an abundance of food, freed the population from its preoccupation with daily survival to do other things.
Warming of the climate led to cultural development, something impossible during the cold periods.
These prosperous warm periods were followed by declining temperatures with names like the Greek Dark Ages, the Dark Ages and the Little Ice Age.
CO2 is good for the Earth. CO2 is the elixir of life.
Here are benefits of increased CO2:
- Increased photosynthesis (“CO2 fertilization”).
- Plants grow faster, and with less stress and less water.
- Forests are growing faster.
- Stimulates growth of beneficial bacteria in both soil and water.
- More plant growth, means less erosion of topsoil.
- Bigger crop yields, and more and bigger flowers.
- Fosters glomalin, a beneficial protein created by root fungi.
- Less water loss, less irrigation, and more soil moisture.
- Increase in natural repellents to fight insect predators.
We all learned in primary school that atmospheric CO2 is the building block of plant life, the basic raw material that they utilize during the process of photosynthesis.
As demonstrated in literally thousands of laboratory and field studies, the more of that food there is, the better they grow.
In general, rising atmospheric CO2 endows plants with three major benefits, the most recognized of which is enhanced plant productivity.
Typically, a 300 parts per million (ppm) increase in the airs CO2 content (such an increase over pre-industrial values is expected to occur by the end of this century) will raise the productivity of most herbaceous plants by about one-third and most woody plants by about one-half.
This is manifested by more branches, leaves, roots, vegetables, flowers and fruit.
A second major benefit is increased water use efficiency. Plants exposed to elevated levels of CO2 need less water to produce the same, or an even greater mass, than they do at lower concentrations.
Finally, higher levels of CO2 reduce detrimental growth effects of certain environmental stresses and resource limitations, including high and low air temperature, ozone pollution, low levels of soil fertility, and pest attacks.
These three features of rising atmospheric CO2 greatly benefit the biosphere and show that the world’s vegetation has reaped a tremendous advantage since the 1960s.
In the United States for instance, corn production (bushels per acre) has steadily increased as CO2 levels gradually rose.
This steady and continued increase cannot be explained simply by better technology.
Observations from satellites demonstrate an increase in plant mass of 6–13 percent since the 1980s.
Annual carbon uptake by plants has doubled from about 2.4 billion tons in 1960 to 5.0 billion tons in 2010.
This planetary greening occurred in spite of the many assaults by both man and nature on planetary vegetation over this time period, including fires, disease, pest outbreaks, deforestation, and variability in temperature and precipitation.
The world’s remarkable ability to increase food production year after year is attributable to mechanization, agricultural innovation, CO2 fertilization and warmer weather.
World grain production and amount harvested per acre show that crop and food production has steadily increased, with only positive effects from our changing climate.
If more CO2 and warmer weather were going to cause a decline in world-wide food production, should there not have been some recognizable negative effects by now?
Contrary to predictions, all the signs point to robust food production. And with the Sun to go quiescent amid the climate of global cooling on tap; at least we can be grateful for a combination of good temperatures and increasing carbon dioxide.
That the biosphere experienced any productivity improvement, let alone a doubling, is truly amazing, and it demonstrates in part the powerful impact rising CO2 is exerting on global vegetation.
Perhaps most important are the benefits of the historical and still-ongoing rise in the atmosphere with CO2 content on past, present, and future crop yields.
According to one study, rising CO2 concentrations enhanced the value of global crop production over the past 50 years with a staggering value of $3.2 trillion.
In the future, an additional $9.8 trillion in monetary gains could accrue in response to the projected upward rise in atmospheric CO2 between now and 2050.
Sadly, too little attention is given to the proven benefits of enhanced atmospheric CO2 with far too much attention on the super-hyped ideology of CO2-human caused climate change.
Despite climate model projections leading to popular claims of rapid warming, the truth is over the past 20+ years there has been no net increase in global temperature even as the atmospheric CO2 content has risen by 8 percent.
Coupled with slower-than-expected warming are less-than-expected negative impacts. All things considered together, it is not inconceivable, that in the final analysis the benefits of rising atmospheric carbon dioxide outweighs the costs for many many years to come.
Promoters of man-made climate catastrophe state categorically that our current temperature is “unusual and unprecedented” on a scale of thousands of years.
Fossil fuels do NOT raise global temperatures and extreme weather is not caused by 'man-made global warming,' or its ideological cover term: 'man-made climate change.'
The Arctic and Antarctic are not melting - but in fact their ice extents have been growing and expanding and this is because for years the Earth has been cooling - not warming - and that is caused by the activity of the Sun.
If you believe in 'man-made global warming' then you have been brainwashed to believe in something that does not exist.
This was confirmed by physicists Gerlich and Tscheuschner, who stated in their 2009 paper published in the International Journal of Modern Physics, titled: 'Falsification Of The Atmospheric CO2 Greenhouse Effects Within The Frame Of Physics,' that:
"The atmospheric greenhouse effect, an idea that many authors trace back to the traditional works of Fourier (1824) Tyndall (1861) and Arrhenius (1896) and which is STILL supported in global climatology essentially describes a fictitious mechanism.
That mechanism is where a planetary atmosphere acts as a heat pump driven by an environment that is radiatively interacting with but radiatively equilibrated to the atmospheric system.
According to the Second Law of Thermodynamics - such a planetary machine can never exist.
That means that man-made global warming is impossible.
In almost all texts of global climatology and in widespread secondary literature it is taken for granted that such a mechanism is real and stands on a firm scientific foundation.
But when the popular conjecture is analyzed and the underlying physical principles are clarified, it shows that:
(a) There are no common physical laws between the warming phenomenon in glass houses and the fictitious atmospheric greenhouse effects.
(b) There are no calculations to determine an average surface temperature of a planet.
(c) The frequently mentioned difference of 33 degrees Celsius is a meaningless number calculated wrongly.
(d) The formulas of cavity radiation are used inappropriately.
(e) The assumption of a radiative balance is unphysical.
(f) Thermal conductivity and friction must not be set to zero - the atmospheric greenhouse conjecture is falsified.
A thorough discussion of the planetary heat transfer problem in the framework of theoretical physics and engineering thermodynamics leads to the following results:
1.) There are no common physical laws between the warming phenomenon in glass houses and the fictitious atmospheric greenhouse effect, which explains the relevant physical phenomena.
The terms “greenhouse effect” and “greenhouse gases” are deliberate misnomers.
2.) There are no calculations to determine an average surface temperature of a planet:
• With or without an atmosphere.
• With or without rotation.
• With or without infrared light absorbing gases.
The frequently mentioned difference of 33 Celsius for the fictitious greenhouse effect of the atmosphere is therefore a meaningless number.
3.) Any radiation balance for the average radiant flux is completely irrelevant for the determination of the ground level air temperatures and thus for the average value as well.
4.) Average temperature values cannot be identified with the fourth root of average values of the absolute temperature’s fourth power.
5.) Radiation and heat flows do not determine the temperature distributions and their average values.
6.) Re-emission is not reflection and can in no way heat up the ground-level air against the actual heat flow without mechanical work.
7.) The temperature rises in the climate model computations are made plausible by a perpetuum mobile of the second kind.
This is possible by setting the thermal conductivity in the atmospheric models to zero - an unphysical assumption.
It would be no longer a perpetual mobile of the second kind, if the “average” fictitious radiation balance, which has no physical justification anyway, was given up.
8.) According to Schack (1972) water vapor is responsible for most of the absorption of the infrared radiation in the Earth’s atmosphere.
The wavelength of the part of radiation, which is absorbed by carbon dioxide is only a small part of the full infrared spectrum and does not change considerably by raising its partial pressure.
9.) Infrared absorption does not imply “back-warming." Rather it may lead to a drop of the temperature of the illuminated surface.
10.) In radiation transport models with the assumption of local thermal equilibrium, it is assumed that the absorbed radiation is transformed into the thermal movement of all gas molecules.
There is no increased selective re-emission of infrared radiation at the low temperatures of the Earth’s atmosphere.
11.) In climate models, planetary or astrophysical mechanisms are not accounted for properly.
The time dependency of the gravity acceleration by the Moon and the Sun (high tide and low tide) and the local geographic situation, which is important for the local climate, are not taken into account.
12.) Detection and attribution studies, predictions from computer models in chaotic systems, and the concept of scenario analysis lie outside the framework of exact sciences, in particular theoretical physics.
13.) The choice of an appropriate discretization method and the definition of appropriate dynamical constraints (flux control) having become a part of computer modeling is nothing but another form of data curve fitting.
The mathematical physicist Neumann once said to his young collaborators:
“If you allow me four free parameters, I can build a mathematical model that describes exactly everything that an elephant can do.
"If you allow me a fifth free parameter... The model I build will forecast that the elephant will fly.”
14.) Higher derivative operators (e.g. the Laplacian) can never be represented on grids with wide meshes.
Therefore a description of heat conduction in global computer models is impossible.
The heat conduction equation is not and cannot properly be represented on grids with wide meshes.
15.) Computer models of higher dimensional chaotic systems, best described by non-linear partial differential equations (i.e. Navier-Stokes equations) fundamentally differ from calculations where perturbation theory is applicable and successive improvements of the predictions - by raising the computing power - are possible.
At best, these computer models may be regarded as a heuristic child's game.
16.) Climatology misinterprets unpredictability of chaos known as butterfly phenomenon as another threat to the health of the Earth.
In other words:
Already the natural greenhouse effect is a myth beyond physical reality.
The CO2-greenhouse effect is a mirage."
It is a fact that the U.S. Government has known for a long time that human-caused global warming is not possible.
Most people do not know that a 1941 Department of Agriculture climate report stated - and I quote:
“That no probable increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide could materially affect either the amount of insolation reaching the surface, or the amount of terrestrial radiation lost to space."
Thirty years later, NASA’s two top climatologists reaffirmed that runaway greenhouse effect is not possible on Earth.
Meaning that it is impossible.
That all changed with the Al Gore-led ideology of 'man-made global warming' spread by ideologues in academia, government policy circles, the United Nations and its propaganda spread by a gullible and ignorant mass media and schoolteachers.
As a forecaster, I continue to state that there is no such thing as 'man-made global warming,' that is, 'anthropogenic global warming (AGW) - it does not exist and cannot exist because of the laws of thermodynamics and physics say that it cannot exist.
It is literally impossible for the Earth to ever become a classic greenhouse because of human-based carbon dioxide emissions.
But, rather than to forecast they have mandated carbon dioxide restrictions to “fight climate change,” – which has been a farce from start to finish.
None of the predictions over 30+ years made by those pushing 'man-made global warming' has ever come true.
Not a single prediction.
Moreover, the propaganda of 'man-made global warming' has made 'warming' a bad thing when in fact climate warming is always good for the Earth.
The Sun is the cause of all 'climate change.'
And 'climate change' cannot be 'defeated,' as alarmists claim.
They obviously are in great need of mental health therapy to believe and claim that mankind causes the Earth's climate to change.
Only the Sun can accomplish that and does it very, very well.
"The next big climate scare is on the way. Advocates of measures to control the climate now propose that we begin counting deaths from climate change.
They appear to believe that if people see a daily announcement of climate deaths, they will be more inclined to accept climate change policies. But it’s not even clear that the current gentle rise in global temperatures is causing more people to die.
Temperature metrics from NASA, NOAA, and the Climate Research Unit at the University of East Anglia in the United Kingdom estimate that Earth’s surface temperatures have risen a little more than one degree Celsius, or about two degrees Fahrenheit, over the last 140 years.
But are these warmer temperatures harmful to people?
Influenza season in the southern hemisphere takes place during the cold months there, April through September. The peak months for COVID-19 infections tended to be the cold periods of the year.
More people usually get sick during cold months than in warm months.
For example, Dr. Matthew Falagas of the Alfa Institute of Medical Sciences and five other researchers studied seasonal mortality in 11 nations.
The research showed that the average number of deaths peaked in the coldest months of the year in all of them.
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The late Dr. William Keating studied temperature-related deaths in six European countries for people aged 65 to 74.
He concluded that deaths related to cold temperatures were nine times greater than those related to hot temperatures.
Dr. Bjorn Lomborg, president of the Copenhagen Consensus Center, has pointed out that moderate global warming will likely reduce human mortality.
“After millions of preventable deaths, climate change must be treated like a health emergency.”
Carlson claims that climate change has caused about 166,000 deaths per year since the year 2000, or almost four million cumulative deaths.
But he then goes on to claim that deaths due to natural disasters and even cardiovascular disease should also be attributed to 'climate change.'
If death from cardiovascular disease can be counted as a climate death, almost any death can be counted.
Dr. Paul Reiter, medical entomologist at the Pasteur Institute in Paris, points out that malaria was endemic to England 400 years ago during the colder climate of the Little Ice Age.
The Soviet Union experienced an estimated 13 million cases of malaria during the 1920s, with 30,000 cases occurring in Archangel, a city located close to the frozen Arctic Circle.
Today, world famine deaths have been reduced to under 500,000 people per decade. About 10% of the world’s people are malnourished today, but this is down from about 25% in 1970.
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According to EM-DAT, the International Disaster Database, the deaths from disasters, including storms, famines, earthquakes, droughts, and floods, are down more than 90 percent over the last 100 years.
But don’t underestimate the ability of climate alarmists to create fear by exaggerating the data."
The Central England temperature record (HadCET) contains the longest continuously measured thermometer-based regional temperature dataset in the world, going back more than 350 years.
This record began in 1659, in the depths of the Little Ice Age (1250 – 1800) which was marked by some of the coldest temperatures in centuries.
The period of the late 17th century and early 18th century was a horrifically cold period known as the Maunder Minimum.
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Thankfully, the current warming trend we are in began in the year 1695. The next 40 years had more than twice the rate of warming as we experienced in the 20th century.
The first half of this 300-plus year warming had about the same amount of temperature rise as the latter half and was entirely naturally driven.
The natural forces driving temperature changes for the first 200 years of this temperature history did not cease functioning in the 20th century.
The one thing constant about temperature is that it is never constant. We find it rising and falling no matter what time scale we observe, be it hundreds of years or tens of millions of years.
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This graphic, showing the 10,000 years of temperature changes since the end of the last ice age confirms this truism. Here we see quite large temperature swings much greater than what has been observed in the last 150 or so years.
Each one of those moves up or down were caused entirely by natural forces.
Those promoting the notion that man’s actions are the primary driver of recent temperature changes require that you believe that these natural forces suddenly and inexplicably ceased functioning at the beginning of the 20th century and that human emissions are now responsible.
Importantly, we are now about 11,000 years into our current interglacial period, which may end within the next century or last another several thousand years.
In any case, the beneficial interglacial warmth that we are enjoying now has been in decline as the next quiescent Sun phase leads to its Grand Minimum and an era of global cooling.
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The glacial-interglacial cycles are controlled by changes in the Earth’s tilt and the shape of its orbit that occur in predictable cycles.
The eccentricity of the Earth’s elliptical orbit (i.e., how far the shape of the orbit differs from a perfect circle) varies in 100,000-year cycles.
The tilt or obliquity of the Earth’s axis varies in 41,000-year cycles. The Earth also wobbles on a 26,000-year cycle that causes a phenomenon known as the “precession of the equinoxes."
Collectively, these three cycles, which were originally discovered by a self-taught university janitor named James Croll, are now known as the Milankovich cycles.
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These long-term astronomical changes indicate that changes in CO2 concentration cannot have been the chief reason for warming and cooling in geological time.
Looking at the last 4,000 years of climate and history, the fact is that bad things happen during cold periods, very bad things.
That temperature would put us squarely in the midst of the temperatures of the Little Ice Age (1250 – 1800).
Those enjoying the benefits of the warmth that preceded the Little Ice Age little realized that there would soon be more than half a millennium of cold, misery, and death.
The cold brought severe hardship primarily in northern latitudes. The combination of bitterly cold winters and cool, wet summers led to crop failure, famine and severe population decline.
According to Ohio State University professor Geoffrey Parker, the deep cold in Europe “resulted in a series of droughts, floods and harvest failures that led to forced migrations, wars and revolutions.
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The fatal synergy between human and natural disasters eradicated perhaps one-third of the human population," Professor Parker said.
Periods of ice ages of global cooling brought severe hardship and death, and the descent into a true ice age would be horrific for humanity - and there is nothing we can do to stop it - we can only prepare.
'Get the facts first.
You can distort them later.'
~ Mark Twain
Copyright © 2007-2024 Theodore White
Excerpts may be republished with attribution in the body of the material. Please include the Global Astrology link to your site.
A Prophecy
"Woe to you who work godlessness,
And glory in lying and extol them:
Ye shall perish, and no happy life shall be yours.
Woe to them who pervert the words of uprightness,
And transgress the eternal law,
And transform themselves into what they were not [into sinners]:
They shall be trodden under foot upon the earth.
In those days make ready, ye righteous, to raise your prayers as a memorial,
And place them as a testimony before the angels,
That they may place the sin of the sinners for a memorial before the Most High.
In those days the nations shall be stirred up,
And the families of the nations shall arise on the day of destruction.
And in those days the destitute shall go forth and carry off their children,
And they shall abandon them, so that their children shall perish through them:
Yea, they shall abandon their children (that are still) sucklings, and not return to them,
And shall have no pity on their beloved ones.
And again I swear to you, ye sinners, that sin is prepared for a day of unceasing bloodshed.
And they who worship stones, and grave images of gold and silver and wood and clay, and those who worship impure spirits and demons, and all kinds of idols not according to knowledge, shall get no manner of help from them.
And they shall become godless by reason of the folly of their hearts,
And their eyes shall be blinded through the fear of their hearts
And through visions in their dreams.
Through these they shall become godless and fearful;
For they shall have wrought all their work in a lie,
And shall have worshiped a stone:
Therefore in an instant shall they perish.
But in those days blessed are all they who accept the words of wisdom, and understand them,
And observe the paths of the Most High, and walk in the path of His righteousness,
And become not godless with the godless;
For they shall be saved.
Woe to you who spread evil to your neighbours;
For you shall be slain in Sheol.
Woe to you who make deceitful and false measures,
And (to them) who cause bitterness on the earth;
For they shall thereby be utterly consumed.
Woe to you who build your houses through the grievous toil of others,
And all their building materials are the bricks and stones of sin;
I tell you ye shall have no peace.
Woe to them who reject the measure and eternal heritage of their fathers
And whose souls follow after idols;
For they shall have no rest.
Woe to them who work unrighteousness and help oppression,
And slay their neighbours until the day of the great judgement.
For He shall cast down your glory,
And bring affliction on your hearts,
And shall arouse His fierce indignation,
And destroy you all with the sword;
And all the holy and righteous shall remember your sins."
~ The Books of Enoch, XCIX. Woes pronounced on the Godless, the Lawbreakers: evil Plight of Sinners in the Last Days and further Woes.
Copyright © 2007-2024 Theodore White
Excerpts may be republished with attribution in the body of the material. Please include the Global Astrology link to your site.