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Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Signs of the Times >> Super Perigee Moon, Lunar Eclipse: Signs, Storms, Floods & Earthquakes >> Use Caution From September 2024 to June 2025 >> Plus, Nova Explosion in Corona Borealis Expected Soon >> The Northern Crown: Troubles Ahead in the United Kingdom?

 Signs of the Times

Super Perigee Moon & Lunar Eclipse Ahead

‘Storms, Floods & Earthquakes'

Urge Caution During Mid-September, Early October 2024

Local residents rescue a man from rising floodwaters in the Romanian village of Slobozia Conachi over the weekend of 14-15 September 2024.


Nova Explosion in Corona Borealis Expected Soon


Troubles Ahead in the United Kingdom?



by Theodore White, mundane Astrolog.sci

In this edition of Global Astrology, I continue to examine the eclipse seasons of 2024 and the planetary transits and influences to come.

The good reader will notice headline news events - often of a shocking nature - come to the forefront as geophysical events as well make headlines, especially disasters such as storms floods, wildfires and earthquakes, which I presage due to celestial astrophysical causes.

We are living in times that continue to warn humanity that it must evolve favorably, or face the consequences malefically.

I prefer to forecast presages of significant events in our time through their celestial and planetary configurations and transits – now is another one of those times.

Another rare coincidence of the partial Lunar Eclipse with a perigee Supermoon that will fill the skies across the northern hemisphere on Tuesday, September 17th is that it should coincide with multiple man-made and natural events that make major headlines.

And on the night of 17-18 September, the Earth will cast its shadow across the lunar surface, partially shining blood red, as a full perigee Moon will follow starting the Full Lunar Week of Sept. 17th to Sept. 24th.

World transits, those of the Sun, Moon, planets and stars, also show that the second half of 2024 and first half of 2025 will be significant in the lives of many tens of millions of people.

Strong geophysical (and metaphysical) events such as powerful storms, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are presaged as we near the northern hemisphere’s Autumn Equinox of mid-September.

I advise caution as atmospheric-related events, including seismic activity will increase. The good reader who knows this now can immediately refresh their emergency supplies and review their emergency preparedness.

We are approaching a lunar eclipse and Earthquake season with the planetary transits to come through September and into autumn season.

I expect to hear news events of various storms, floods and powerful earthquakes from September 2024 into early 2025.

I urge caution for the good reader who lives in seismically active zones - even regions where earthquakes are rare will tend to react seismically due to solar, lunar and planetary causes.

On the financial markets, there are indications to this mundane astrologer that corrections are coming in the wake of the lunar eclipse over New City:

SuperMoon Partial Eclipse

Tuesday, 17 September 2024

New York, NY

click on chart to enlarge

The financial markets are set for a series of corrections according to my astrological calculations. 

I advise investors and traders to be wary of excessive trades and to be mindful of the medium and longer-term future while understanding the needs of the present.

It is always wise to know your own personal transits an progressions going forward into the second half of 2024.

Times are indeed changing as the post-pandemic era enters the mid-2020s, says Barry Ritholtz, co-founder, chairman and chief investment officer of Ritholtz Wealth Management LLC. 

As the month of October 2024 nears, Ritholtz comments:

"If ever a week was ripe for delaying your return to the office, it was this one.

Hurricane Idalia cleared out the weather up and down the coast, bringing two weeks of clear blue skies and decent surfing (and dangerous rip tides.)

Then, a heat wave hit the East Coast, raising temperatures to the 90s in New York City.

You could have continued your Endless Summer, working remotely in the AM, sneaking out for a few hours of mid-day beach fun, then returning home post-surf to respond to emails and other work-related detritus.

And yet, the city was jam-packed this week. Streets were filled, restaurants booked, traffic busy, and even offices seemed to have a marked increase in the number of bodies filling the hallways.

Lots of major employers in the New York City area have put a flag in the ground: October 1st.

That seems to be the drop dead date for when many companies will require employees to be back at least three, sometimes four and five days per week.

My frame of reference is finance, and so seeing these requirements in places like JP Morgan Chase - which has abandoned its hybrid attendance policy for 5 days a week.

Bloomberg is 4 days (Oct 1); Citi and Wells Fargo are 3 days a week, Black Rock four days, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley join JPM at five.

But it’s not just finance:

Federal workers have been ordered back to their offices.

Amazon, Apple and Google are at 3 days/week; Salesforce is three days a week in the office and four days for client-facing employees.

Even Zoom is requiring in-person work.

Resume Builder notes: “A whopping 90% of companies plan to implement return-to-office policies by the end of 2024.”

According to Build Remote (not exactly an unbiased source) 21% of the Fortune 100 require three office visits per week with 77% operating on a hybrid work schedule.

click on graphic to enlarge

All of these add up to the inescapable conclusion that the era of freewheeling “come in whenever the hell you like...” is coming to an end.

Of course, there are a few wild cards here. There’s been an uptick in COVID infections albeit from a mild variant; new booster shots will be available later this month. But barring some new deadly variant surge, it’s unlikely that the endemic will remain a factor in return to office.

Small, nimble firms have been using WFH and flex hybrid schedules as a key selling point.

Indeed, recent data shows a 29% surge in Hybrid job listings. You can be a cog in some massive faceless machine, goes the pitch, or you can work for (fill in the blank) start-up and have a lot more flexibility when you go small instead of big.

Alas, that was a persuasive argument in 2021-22, but I suspect it might have lost some of its power over the past year.

Blame the Fed for the new stricter RTO policies.

It is not a coincidence that as higher rates have begun to bite - with impact on real estate, finance, and consumer spending - the economy has begun to soften.

New job creation is slowing, wage gains are moderating, and the balance of power is slowly shifting back to employers.

I personally have mixed feelings on this: I loved recapturing my commute time, but I also see how challenging it is to train and mentor younger employees and instill a strong sense of corporate culture.

Regardless, the Summer is coming to an end, and for many, the office is beckoning - for many of us, at least 3 days a week."

This observation by Ritholz comes as no surprise to this mundane astrologer as the world's lunar nodes will change in January 2025 which will open a very interesting mini-era into the middle years of this decade. 

Signs of the times.

As for those who do not want to open their eyes and minds to the realities of our world - all of it Astrology - I have this message in a song that is an appropriate message to the unbelievers.

Signs of the Times:

Super Perigee Moon & Partial Lunar Eclipse

by Theodore White, mundane Astrolog.sci

In Applied Astrology, the phases of eclipses are unique.

Often solar and lunar eclipses will have strong metaphysical and geophysical effects upon the Earth and its inhabitants.

See world news at this time of the full lunar perigee just before, during and after the Full Moon Week (Sept. 17-24) and with the partial eclipse, effects will linger into the month of October.

 There will be unusual floods, earthquakes, and storm activity in various regions of the world that are above normal, costing lives and property. Caution is urged.

On Tuesday and Wednesday (Sept, 17-18, 2024) there will be what is known in Astrometeorology as the 'Harvest Moon.’

It is simply the name given to the September full Moon that occurs closest to the autumn equinox, which takes place on Sept. 22 this year.

But this year's harvest moon is also going to be a 'Supermoon,' as well as a blood moon, and these particular set of celestial phenomena does not often take place together.

For it to be a Supermoon, the moon has to be at its perigee, which means the Moon is as close to the Earth as it can get during its orbit.

This causes the Moon to appear bigger and brighter than it normally would.

click on image to enlarge

There are three to four super moons a year, and they usually line up in a row. This year, the first supermoon was August’s rare blue supermoon.

September will be the second and we are on schedule to see supermoons in October and November as well.

The Full Moon will be on the evening of Tuesday, Sept. 17, and the morning of Wednesday, Sept. 18.

The weather and climate will be wetter than normal with preceding opposing bouts of dryness, drought and wildfires to torrents of heavy rains, followed quickly by deadly flash floods, particularly in towns and cities, urban areas, but also through rural interiors of countries. 

A perigee Moon that is a 'supermoon' will often increase the action in the Earth's atmosphere to a great extent where the weather makes world headlines - especially by means of water and fire.

I believe this will again be the case from mid-September onwards throughout much of the northern hemisphere.

click on graphic to enlarge

This is the weather of 'global cooling' and the decline of the Sun into its quiescent phase - its Grand Minimum - which I have been long been predicting for the 2020s, 2030s and 2040s.

I also caution again to be prepared for seismic activity through September and October 2024 as my calculations show that even strong moderate earthquakes will be felt as well as those of larger magnitude.

Take care to immediately update your emergency preparedness plans and supplies with your family, community and friends.

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If the good reader observes at the skies any night between September 16-20th then you will see the Moon that is about 90 percent until the Full Moon is exact will show you a moon that is over 90% full.

The Moon is the easiest celestial body to find in the sky. It'll rise out of the eastern sky for everyone in the United States at around 7:50 p.m. EDT on the East Coast and around 7:10 p.m. Pacific Time on the West Coast.

While you're looking up at the sky; also keep an eye out for T Coronae Borealis, a white dwarf star that is set to go nova any time now and will show up as a new star in the night skies for a while. More on that below.

Blood moons are caused by lunar eclipses, and one will be taking place on the evening of Sept. 17th.

The partial eclipse should be visible to the entire continental US, although the time of day and weather conditions will vary depending on where you are.

On the East Coast, the eclipse will start at around 8:41 p.m., reach its maximum at 10:44 p.m. and then end by 12:47 a.m. eastern daylight time.

On the West Coast, the partial eclipses will begin at around 7:12 p.m., just as the Moon rises over the Ascendant.

The Moon will reach its maximum at 7:44 p.m. and then finish up by 9:47 p.m. for western viewers. You can add or subtract an hour depending on your time zone to know when it'll hit you.

Observers will see a sliver of the near full Moon disappear briefly before coming back. The eclipse will affect the Moon's color more than how well you can see it.

None of the individual components of the super harvest blood moon are rare as Harvest moons take place every year, and Supermoons can occur three to four times a year and red blood-colored moons also be seen a few times every year.

However, having all three events line up at the same time is unusual and so there will be unusual events and weather.

Therefore, I have noted three (3) degrees of Pisces that the eclipsed Moon will shed its light:

The partial eclipse is in the 25th and 26th and 27th degrees of tropical Pisces and are described by the astrologer Sepharial:

25-Pisces: A crown through which is set an upright swordIt is the index of a mind set upon high resolves and capable of sustaining the assaults of its enemies in such a degree as to achieve its purposes without loss of fortune, prestige or honor. Such a one may prove to be a great warrior, a man of the sword, to whom honors will be given without stint.

A king, he will sustain his throne by the use of aggressive measures and by victories gained over all his enemies; while one of lowly birth will gain his crown in the service of his king. His mind will be upright, astute, aspiring and sustained by an unswerving faith, it is a degree of VICTORY.

26-Pisces: A man in armor, fully equipped and bearingThis indicates one who will walk through life warily but with that assurance which is the result of being forearmed against danger.

While cautious and circumspect, he will show a brave and dauntless spirit and with the double equipment of caution in defense and courage in attack, he will surmount the machinations of his enemies and break down all opposition.

Such a one will be faithful in his dealings and just to his fellows, so that he will abide in safety, defended at all points by the goodwill of his friends and the faith of his associates. It is a degree of SECURITY.

The partial eclipse will continue to affect the following degree of 27-Pisces which is close to where the Earth will transit on the 20th and 21st of September 2024 and calls for attention as transiting Neptune is close to the fatal star of Scheat.

27th degree An earthquake. – This is a sinister indication and can refer to one who will be overcome by sudden and unexpected calamities, which will undermine his labors and reduce his hopes to ruin.

Let him be careful where he builds, and test with discernment and understanding the grounds of his faith and hope in others. Let him labor diligently and sow in the broad valleys of the world the seeds of his yet uncertain harvest.

For the rest, let him trust in Heaven and invoke its aid in all humility. But, if he should aspire to build his castles of many stages, or spread his vineyards up the mountainside, then he shall have the greater need of care and stronger faith in God, himself and man. It is a degree of REVERSAL.

These degrees, in light of the associated planetary transits now underway, and those to come in October, November and December 2024 and into January, February and March 2025 call for keen attention to the storms and floods, powerful seismic activity, the financial markets, local, regional, national politics and geopolitical affairs globally.

The regions are primarily in the northern hemisphere and features Europe, parts of Asia and the Middle East, and North America.

These planetary transits have been active since late June 2024 that are now expressing strong influence in September and October 2024 will continue through the first half of 2025.

My mundane calculations show these these are the important planetary signatures having the strongest effects during the second half of 2024 and into the first half of 2025.

Those who want to know how these world transits will affect them personally and professionally, or how their family, and communities will be impacted can contact me at

When you write, please include your birthday, time of birth (if known, but can be rectified) and your city, town and country of birth.

Include any comments and questions on your aspirations, goals and plans for the next 3-5 years on how your transits, directions and progressions via your birth horoscope will play out and what you can do to make them favorable for you.

Planetary Configurations & Signatures Impacting the World:

Calculations by Theodore White, mundane Astrolog.sci

These are the planetary signatures, configurations and aspects relative to the Earth that I have determined are more fully impacting us at this time in history.


·        July 2, 2024 – NEPTUNE RETROGRADE AT 29-PISCES

·        August 5, 2024 – MERCURY RETROGRADE AT 4-VIRGO


·        August 7, 2024 – JUPITER SESQUI QUADRATE PLUTO

·        August 19, 2024 – JUPITER SQUARE SATURN (first of three world aspect squares)

·        August 28, 2024 – MERCURY DIRECT AT 21-LEO

·        August 31, 2024 – VENUS HEADS SOUTH IN DECLINATION


·        September 1, 2024 – URANUS RETROGRADE AT 27-TAURUS

·        September 18, 2024 - PARTIAL LUNAR ECLIPSE AT 25-PISCES

·        September 26, 2024 – SATURN SEMI SQUARE PLUTO (2nd exact world semi-square)


·        September 28, 2024 – MERCURY HEADS SOUTH IN DECLINATION

·        October 2, 2024 – ANNULAR SOLAR ECLIPSE AT 10-LIBRA

·        October 9, 2024 – JUPITER RETROGRADE AT 21-GEMINI 

·        October 12, 2024 – PLUTO DIRECT AT 29-CAPRICORN

November 15, 2024 – SATURN DIRECT AT 12-PISCES

·        November 26, 2024 – MERCURY RETROGRADE AT 22-SAGITTARIUS


·        December 6, 2024 – MARS RETROGRADE AT 6-LEO (until February 23-24, 2025)

·        December 7, 2024 – NEPTUNE DIRECT AT 27-PISCES

·        December 13, 2024 – JUPITER SESQUI QUADRATE PLUTO


·        December 15, 2024 – MERCURY DIRECT AT 6-SAGITTARIUS

·        December 24, 2024 – JUPITER SQUARE SATURN (2nd of 3 world squares)


·        January 26, 2025 – SATURN SEMI SQUARE PLUTO (3rd exact world semi square)

·        January 30, 2025 – VENUS HEADS NORTH IN DECLINATION

·        January 30, 2025 – URANUS STATIONS DIRECT AT 23-TAURUS


·        February 4, 2025 – JUPITER STATIONS DIRECT AT 11-GEMINI

·        February 24, 2025 – MARS STATIONS DIRECT AT 17-CANCER



·        March 2, 2025 – VENUS RETROGRADE AT 2-ARIES




·        April 4, 2025 – SATURN SEXTILE URANUS 1st of three sextile aspects)

·        April 7, 2025 – MERCURY STATIONS DIRECT AT 26-PISCES

·        April 13, 2025 – VENUS STATIONS DIRECT AT 24-PISCES


·        April 17, 2025 – JUPITER SESQUI QUADRATE PLUTO



·        June 4, 2025 – JUPITER SEMI-SEXTILE URANUS

·        June 15, 2025 – JUPITER SQUARE SATURN (3rd and final world square)

·        June 19, 2025 – JUPITER SQUARE NEPTUNE

Again, I urge caution and advise against extensive travel if it can be helped as the planetary signatures relative to Earth from mid-September 2024 onward into June 2025 are significant.

Meanwhile, as the geophysical events from the Supermoon and partial lunar eclipse take place, also know that a white dwarf star is about to go nova in the constellation of Corona Borealis, the Northern Crown.

It will appear as a new star in the heavens for a time before it burns out and you will be able to see it with your own eyes.

Nova Explosion in Corona Borealis Expected

'Blaze Star Imminent

by Theodore White, mundane Astrolog.sci

A recurring nova star, called ‘T Coronae Borealis,’ which periodically mutates into an earth-size hydrogen bomb, is expected to do so between September and early winter 2025.

When it explodes, it will be bright enough to see with the naked eye, but the nova, when it occurs, it will also burn out in less than a week.

When T Coronae Borealis explodes, the white dwarf will brighten over about five days, reaching a brightness to that of the North Star.

It will be visible to the naked eye for several hours and then gradually dim over the following weeks. But, about five days after the peak, you should still be able to see it with binoculars.

Interestingly, T Coronae Borealis is unique because it brightens again about 100 days after the initial explosion.

The second brightening won’t be visible to the naked eye, but astronomers with powerful telescopes will be able to study it in detail.

The white dwarf star that is set to go nova any day now and will show up as a new star in the sky for a while.

Formed in an semi-circle, Corona Borealis has nine principal stars.

The extreme northern star is Theta; then the stars follow in order: Beta, Alpha, Gamma, Delta, Epsilon, Iota – all in an almost perfect semicircle 20° northeast of the star Arcturus.

The best way to find Corona Borealis is to look for the stars Vega and Arcturus, which are among the two brightest stars in the Northern Hemisphere.

Then, draw an imaginary line between the two and you will see the constellation Corona Borealis is nearly right in the middle.

Corona Borealis is between the constellations of Hercules and Bootes. However, you will not be able to see the star in Corona Borealis until the star goes nova. 

The last nova from T Coronae Borealis was in solar year 1946, and before that, back in 1866.

Due to the celestial pattern, it explodes every 80 years, that means another explosion is coming soon.

Before each of these past explosions, the white dwarf has gone through distinct phases.

About 10 years before the explosion, the star system tends to brighten up - likely because the disk is becoming more active and funneling more material onto the white dwarf.

T Coronae Borealis did brighten again during the 2010s - just as it did before the previous explosions.

Also, about a year before each explosion, the white dwarf dims.

This dimming started again in March 2023, leading us to believe that the next explosion could happen any time within the next few months.

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To see the nova with the naked eye, just follow the tail of the Big Dipper. That will lead you to Arcturus, one of the brightest stars in the sky.

Just to the east of Arcturus is the constellation of Corona Borealis, which T CrB is a will explode. 

The impending nova of T CrB will be seen just below the apex of the constellation semicircle of a curved crown of stars, again, it will be visible to the naked eye.

See ->>

Astronomers know the nova has already occurred because it takes place about once every 80 years. 
The ‘Blaze Star’ itself, called ‘T CrB’ has suffered a signature loss in its star power that has preceded previous cataclysms.

The self-destructing supernova was last observed in February 1946, and before that, in May 1866.

A sharp-eyed, sky-conscious reader submitted this letter to the editor of the Detroit Free Press in May 1866. The Free Press ran it on its front page.

Historical accounts say that a German priest, Abbott Burchard of Upsberg, sighted the star in Corona Borealis going nova in the year 1217:

The priest described it as “a faint star that for a time shone with great light.”

There are also accounts from the era of the Middle Ages from Chinese and Korean stargazers who easily observed the nova explosion as well.

The star to go nova anytime between September 2024 and early 2025 is 3,000 light years from Earth.

Light travels about 5.9 trillion miles annually. So, multiply 3,000 by 5.9 trillion – as in comparison, the light from the Sun – some 93 million miles from us – reaches the Earth in about six minutes.

In Corona Borealis, this stars' nearest neighbor is a gigantic, gaseous nuisance. The nova I am describing is a ‘white dwarf,’ which is the lesser half of a binary system where two stars are bound together by gravity.

Its partner is a ‘red giant’ that leaks hydrogen because its gravity cannot hold it all.

Eventually, it is lured by the gravitational system of its partner, the white dwarf nova – which in Latin means “new,” as in new star.

The white dwarf is an Earth-sized core of a dead star that is unimaginably hot – easily exceeding 180,000 degrees Fahrenheit, by NASA’s estimate.

A white dwarf orbiting a red giant star
Image: NASA

So, when enough hydrogen accumulates on the white dwarf, the result is a nuclear explosion that NASA says is 10 times stronger than the annual output of the Sun and very 80 years, the white dwarf has accreted enough mass that it explodes and T CrB becomes visible to Earth.

There are a few reasons why T Coronae Borealis is particularly interesting. First, it’s the closest of all the recurrent novae, located only about 2,600 light-years away.

This proximity allows us to study it in greater detail than other similar systems. Since it erupts relatively frequently, we can also predict when it will happen and prepare for it.

T Coronae Borealis is also intriguing because its white dwarf is close to the maximum mass that a white dwarf can have, known as the Chandrasekhar limit.

If a white dwarf exceeds this limit, it can collapse and trigger a much larger explosion called a Type Ia supernova.

These supernovae are critical for understanding the universe because they produce many of the heavy elements necessary for life and serve as important tools for measuring cosmic distances.

In recent years, astronomers have discovered that novae can emit high-energy gamma rays, something that was unexpected.

These emissions are likely caused by shocks created when the exploding material from the white dwarf interacts with the surrounding material from the red giant. So, closely watching for the nova of T Coronae Borealis to come will also be an opportunity to study the gamma-ray emissions.

These celestial events are all part and parcel of the presages for humanity as we enter into the middle years of this decade. 

The weather and climate will continue to play an ever increasing role as the cultural, social, political and geopolitical affairs of humanity become more challenging.

It is best to mind the signs of the times and the planetary transits to understand clearly what you are facing as we near the mid-to-late 2020s and into the 2030s.

Troubles Ahead in the United Kingdom?


by Theodore White, mundane Astrolog.sci

Since the global pandemic of 2019-2021, the world has been in a post-pandemic era since 2022 and continues to feel the consequences of the the COVID-19 spread.

In world society, these effects have also lingered into politics and nowhere is this more evident than in the United States and Great Britain - where ideology has worked to divide the populace who claim that 'globalist' force have infiltrated their nations and turned the western lifestyle in a state of disarray and decline. 

A spectacular event, the nova of a star in the constellation of Corona Borealis is about to take place in one of first constellations I studied as a student of applied astrology.

The astronomical history of the Northern Crown, Corona Borealis, may provide more insight into the events to come before, during and after the U.S. General Election.

This is especially so in light of the September 15, 2024 - the 2nd assassination attempt on President Donald Trump - after the 1st attempt in July 2024.

For the full history of Corona Borealis, see ->>

Meanwhile, the United Kingdom is about to experience an era of challenges due to the coming return of Saturn in tropical Aries (2025-2028) according to my calculations.

The recent riots in Britain are signs of what is to come during strong planetary transits such as Saturn and Neptune in tropical Aries - especially Saturn's transit in Aries during the mid-2020s.

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In Mundane history, transiting Saturn is in its 'fall' in Aries and if you take a look at the last 700 years or so when it comes to England, there have been frequent misfortunes that have taken place with Saturn's sojourn in the cardinal fire sign.

Consider this:

In the year 1290, Saturn transited Aries and there was a war with the Scots that was waged by Edward the Third as the English army was beaten at Roslin near Edinburgh. 

In 1319, with Saturn in Aries, there was a rebellion under the Earls of Lancaster and Hereford. 

Then, in 1349, with Saturn again in tropical Aries, the Black Prince was defeated in France and died to great mourning of the nation.

Saturn was in Aries again in 1378 with the Wat Tyler Rebellion. 

In 1437, Saturn in Aries saw the English forces met with defeat after defeat in France, losing everything there but Calais.

Saturn transiting Aries again in solar year 1466 when civil war raged head by Warwick. 

Then, in the year 1555, Saturn, once again in tropical Aries during Queen Mary's reign saw some 277 people who were burnt at the stake.

In 1584, Saturn in Aries, a plot was discovered to assassinate Queen Elizabeth and 14 people were hung as a result.

Saturn again made transit in tropical Aries in 1643 when there was civil war between Charles I and the Parliament.

In 1761, Spain joined France in her war against England.

Then, in 1790, Saturn in Aries again saw war in India, riots at Birmingham amid national distress and violence.

By solar year 1820, Saturn against made transit in tropical Aries when the trial of Queen Caroline took place with the royalty disgraced and excitement in the streets of England.

Then, as Saturn made transit in Aries again over England in 1849 there was a spread of Asian cholera; economic depressions in trade values and a war in Punjaub.

Consider this as the United Kingdom is about to experience another transit of Saturn in tropical Aries during the mid-to-late 2020s:

From the United Kingdom, Nick Timothy writes that Britain must reindustrialize – or condemn itself to permanent decline.

He says, "every Labour government has left office with unemployment higher than when it began.

Keir Starmer says this time it will be different: that he is more interested in wealth creation than levying taxes.

Yet already we know this is untrue.

Government economic policy rests, supposedly, on industrial strategy – something often decried as 1970s corporatism, propping up failing companies, nationalising industries and outsourcing policy to the unions and corporations.

But just as there can be good and bad education or health policy, there is good and bad industrial strategy.

Good industrial strategy creates the conditions for market-led growth by aligning policies and public investment to maximise the bang for their buck.

Good industrial strategy aims to unleash competitive forces and innovation: through planning reform to get things built, energy policies to keep us competitive, infrastructure investment to improve transport and digital connectivity, education and training policies to give us the skills we need, and tax rules and regulations to encourage enterprise and investment.

For too often red tape stops getting things built and done.

All this should be backed by monetary and fiscal policies that provide stability, get us saving and investing more, and avoid perverse incentives, such as selling off promising businesses before they reach a critical size, or allowing strategically important industries to fall into distant, foreign hands.

The scale of businesses, and who controls them, matters more than orthodoxy suggests.

This is where even good industrial strategy can become contentious. For it requires the rejection of the laissez-faire policies beloved in the Treasury.

Our sustained trade deficit – which ballooned not under Margaret Thatcher, as often assumed, but Tony Blair – causes a vicious cycle of disinvestment and deindustrialisation.

Britain has brilliant research universities and a culture of enterprise, but the balance of our economy – over-reliant on services, with elites too casual about the loss of manufacturing – is all wrong.

While we need a stable long-term policy environment, the state should work closely with particular businesses. If JCB, for example, envisaged a supply chain cluster along the A50 in Staffordshire, we should be happy to designate a special zone, with lighter planning rules and investment incentives.

And we should always take an interest in who owns what.

As the Chinese owners of British Steel close the blast furnaces that make primary steel at Scunthorpe, they care nothing for the long-term consequences for the local community and for Britain.

Geopolitical change makes these questions more urgent. But we should anyway recognise that international trade has never been free nor fair.

When countries suppress labour costs, subsidise production, dump goods in our markets, and erect tariffs and other barriers to trade, we need to get real.

If we want our exporters to be competitive, we will in some sectors need to consider subsidies of our own and even, on occasion, tariffs.

The mass production of cheap Chinese electric vehicles, for example, will destroy Western capacity to manufacture our own, which is why we should be prepared to tax them.

Yet there is little such coherence to the Labour economic policy. Ministers blithely repeat lines such as “decarbonisation must never mean deindustrialisation”, but have no idea what this means in practice.

For the truth is that the Government is already set up to fail on the economy.

It plans to re-regulate the labour market, increasing the risk of employing new workers.

It plans to tax jobs, by putting up employers’ National Insurance contributions.

It is empowering the unions, by scrapping laws that regulate strikes and handing out inflation-busting pay rises in the public sector and on the railways.

Its spending choices mean more money for the unions, and less for investment in the technology that will make the public sector more efficient, and less for the infrastructure that will help the economy to grow.

The nationalisation of the railways will bring added costs, less funding and – looking at the publicly-owned Northern Rail, which cancelled up to 35 per cent of some services this summer – no improvement in services.

As the party of consensus and producer interest, the Government is already dismantling the education reforms that made English schools among the best in the world.

For school leavers, it is reversing the Tory policy to restrict the number of low-quality university courses, and looks set to increase tuition fees to £12,500 and liberalise the rules for student visas.

As a government driven by party politics, its housing targets prioritise not the cities – where demand is greatest and businesses need workers – but the green belt and countryside.

Policy is most confused when it comes to energy.

With the zealotry of a monomaniacal ideologue, the Energy Secretary Ed Miliband is banning oil and gas licences in the North Sea, and looks set to abandon the new nuclear plant at Wylfa in Wales.

His policy to decarbonize the National Grid in six years has been written off by experts as impossible and ruinously expensive.

Having promised to cut household energy bills by £300 a year, ministers have now gone quiet – because they know their policies mean prices are only going up.

The spectre of Milibandism haunts the whole economy.

At least partly because of net zero policies, ministers are unable to say if the domestic manufacture of primary steel should be treated as a strategic industry that must be protected and guaranteed.

Miliband’s ban on the import of coking coal anyway makes the question redundant.

Similarly, Britain is unlikely to impose tariffs on Chinese-made electric vehicles, not just because of Treasury orthodoxy – which promotes open trade with China even as that trade is used to eat Western productive capacity – but because Milibandism demands net zero whatever the cost.

No country got richer generating less electricity at higher cost.

But then no country has taxed its way to prosperity or achieved success by putting mass immigration before training its own people.

These are the reasons why Labour will fail, but the Conservatives need to adopt a more muscular economic policy. The state should be small, but it also needs to be smart, strong and strategic."

As we can see, the United Kingdom is also about to reach a critical crossroads going into the mid-2020s, especially with Saturn's coming transit in Tropical Aries and its conjunction with Neptune also in Aries starting in early 2025.

Copyright © 2007-2024 Theodore White

Excerpts may be republished with attribution in the body of the material. Please include the Global Astrology link to your site.

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