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Wednesday, October 16, 2024

GLOBAL ASTROLOGY - Signs of The Times: Giant Perigee October 2024 SuperMoon & Sunset Comet Seen Worldwide >> Also, Refresh & Get Ready For 2025: Into The Mid-2020s >> Plus, Bright Comet Tsuchinshan-ATLAS Races Across Earth’s Skies >> Caution for Earthquakes & More Storms

 Signs of The Times:
October 2024 - March 2025

Giant Perigee October 2024 SuperMoon To Be Seen Worldwide


Bright Comet Races Across Earth’s Skies

Refresh & Get Ready For 2025:
'Into The Mid-2020s'


by Theodore White, mundane Astrolog.sci

‘They saw the stars their constant round mountains,

Perform their course, and then return again. They, on their aspects saw the Fates attend.

Their change on their variety depend,

And thence they fixed unalterable laws,

Settling the same effect on the same cause.” 

~ mundane astrologer Marcus Manilius

by Theodore White, mundane Astrolog.sci

The times we currently experience in 2024 have been full of presages and celestial events all year. 

From major planetary conjunctions to a season of solar and lunar eclipses, what we have witnessed so far to date in 2024 call for strict attention going into next year of 2025.

On October 16-17, there is a perigee 'supermoon' on tap.

On Wednesday night, Oct. 16th, the Moon, in tropical Aries, will be very close to, or already at perigee, but it will also be closer to the time when it actually turns full on Thursday morning, October 17th.

So, if you want to get a full "supermoon effect," then Wednesday evening is your night. 

I also continue to warn on flurries of earthquakes under the current planetary era we are now and caution to have emergency preparedness plans updated ad supplies refreshed through the remainder of 2024.

All of this year, from geophysical, geopolitical and metaphysical events, from war, to famine, to powerful storms, hurricanes, tornadoes, torrential rains and floods, the events of 2024 that have changed and altered the lives of tens of thousands of people, yea, even millions globally – speak to the significance of the signs of the times.

One commenter on 2024's events writes:

"This is an exceptionally turbulent and dangerous period we’re living in these days. 

Hurricanes Helene and Milton come and go, leaving terror, death and calamitous destruction in their wake.

A one-year-old war continues to rage on the two of Israel’s three land borders, threatening to expand into a regional conflict pitting Israel against Iran with Syria, Iraq and the Gulf States potentially getting pulled in also.

In Eastern Europe, a now 30-month-old war continues as neither Russia nor Ukraine sees its objectives achieved with any current ceasefire proposals.

The United States is at the center of all of it. Places like Asheville, North Carolina and Tampa Bay, Florida, comparatively unscathed by hurricanes for a century, have been clobbered just in the last month.

Were it not for the consistent and largely unconditional support of the US for the past 76 years since its post-World War II creation as the world’s Jewish state, Israel, might well have disappeared decades ago. And American military support continues to prop up the beleaguered Kyiv regime of Ukrainian president Vladimir Zelensky."

Indeed, as we near the change of the North Lunar Node in January 2025, and the coming conjunction of Saturn and Neptune near the Vernal Equinox point all through next year it also appears that the global economy is entering a "dangerous time" like never before as Middle East tensions remain elevated, according to S&P Global's vice chairman Daniel Yergin:

"Since the Israel-Hamas conflict began on 7 October 2023, the oil market has experienced minimal disruptions, with prices remaining under pressure as a result of increased U.S. production and weak demand from China.

However, this sentiment has been shifting.

Oil prices spiked the first week of October 2024 on fears that Israel could target Iran's oil industry in retaliation for Tehran's ballistic missile attack, with industry analysts raising concerns about a genuine threat to supply.

The Israelis have not concluded what they're going to do in terms of a strike - that's under discussion," said U.S. President Joe Biden, who told reporters at a White House press briefing last week that he discouraged Israel from striking Iranian oil facilities.

Last week, both oil benchmarks saw their biggest weekly gain since March 2023.

During Asia trading on Tuesday, global benchmark Brent slipped 1.77% to $79.50 a barrel, while U.S. West Texas Intermediate traded 1.83% lower at $75.77 per barrel.

Yergin told CNBC that he expects Israeli retaliation will not just be a replay of last April, but something "much stronger."

In April, Iran and Israel came to blows but ultimately avoided a full-scale war. Iran fired hundreds of ballistic missiles and drones at Israel in retaliation for an attack on an Iranian diplomatic facility in Syria.

When asked if the global economy is on the precipice of another supply shock resulting from Middle East tensions, Yergin said it's a precarious time for markets.

"I think it's a very dangerous time, one that we haven't seen," he said. 

Additionally, while Yergin maintained that it is not certain whether Iranians have operational nuclear weapons, that is still "certainly in the backdrop," particularly through the lens of the Israelis.

"The betting is that the Israelis would not attack, try to attack, the nuclear facilities at this time.

But a few months from now, a few weeks from now, whatever it is, Iran would have the capacity - it's thought - to deliver a nuclear weapon, and that raises the stakes," he said, likening the moment to the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis.

That said, Israel is a lot more concerned about Iran's nuclear facilities than the Iranian oil industry, said Pavel Molchanov, managing director of investment services firm Raymond James.

Iran's nuclear program has progressed to a stage where, in approximately one week, the country could potentially enrich enough uranium for five fission weapons, according to estimates by Iran Watch, a website published by the Wisconsin Project on Nuclear Arms Control.

"The worst-case scenario would be something that Iran can do on its own, which is a blockade of the Strait of Hormuz. So this is not directly related to Israeli airstrikes or missiles. 

The strait, between Oman and Iran, is a vital channel where about one-fifth of global oil production flows daily, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration.

It is a strategically important waterway linking crude producers in the Middle East with key markets across the world.

The inability of oil to traverse through the strait, even temporarily, can increase shipping costs, lead to considerable supply delays and ratchet up global energy prices, with some surmising that a worst-case scenario could prompt oil prices to surge above $100 a barrel."

Going into 2025 it will be necessary for the good reader to have a good outline of how to meet your goals and obligations enough to minimize the continued onslaught of international and global events into your lifestyle.

Judicial, or Mundane Astrology relates to forecasts on general events globally, regional, internationally and locally.

It concerns itself with the rise and fall of empires, revolutions, conflicts, wars; as well as kings, queens, nations and their leaders and with astrometeorology, the weather and climate, droughts, floods, famine, the atmosphere, as well as pestilence and famine.

A.J. Pearce writes that, “There is no question that mundane astrology was based upon the results of a centuries’ long series of observations, as Manilius avers, the inductive method being followed in reducing it to a science.”

This present era, October 2024, call for prudence, patience, and planning into the 2025 that is just ahead.

Refresh & Get Ready For 2025
Into The Mid-2020s

The Millennial Generation, those born 1981-1995, are now in their 30s and early 40s going into the new solar year of 2025 - a major year worldwide.

Facing life going into their middle age years, this generation will be tasked with finding themselves as an already fast-paced world gets even faster and more complex as the midway point of the 2020s arrives.

Into the common year of 2025, the last remaining significant of this 2024 are those that bring to end the issues that have been ongoing since July 2023. 

Here are the remaining world transits of Common Year 2024:

*Red color indicates strong global influence*

· October 12, 2024 – PLUTO DIRECT AT 29-CAPRICORN

·        November 15, 2024 – SATURN DIRECT AT 12-PISCES

·        November 26, 2024 – MERCURY RETROGRADE AT 22-SAGITTARIUS


·        December 6, 2024 – MARS RETROGRADE AT 6-LEO (until February 23-24, 2025)

·        December 7, 2024 – NEPTUNE DIRECT AT 27-PISCES

·        December 13, 2024 – JUPITER SESQUI QUADRATE PLUTO

·        December 15, 2024 – MERCURY DIRECT AT 6-SAGITTARIUS

·        December 24, 2024 – JUPITER SQUARE SATURN (2nd of 3 world squares)

The transits of October, November and December 2024 are calling for attention to the future as the Lunar Nodes are winding down their presence on the Aries-Libra axis where they have been since July 2023.

These wind-down months of the Lunar Nodes - October, November and December 2024 - can be applied very well, that is, if you are not distracted by events and the upcoming holiday season as many will be.

Those who have experienced natural disasters, such as the recent hurricanes, storms, floods and wind damage and lost homes and properties are already looking ahead to the future as they recover.

The recovery will go well for many, so, by the time of June, July and August 2025, new lives will begin to get underway.

The entry into the middle years of the 2020s require that individuals and their families know their own nativities (horoscopes) their Transits, Secondary Progressions and Solar Returns.

Those reaching the ages of 28-30, 34-36, 43-45, 53-57, 75-77, will want to know what 2025 holds for them in changes as the world enters the mid-2020s. 

My analysis of the planetary transits of  the common year 2025 hold significant importance for a great many people worldwide.

According to my calculations, 2025 will be a major year of events, and also include bright futures for those who us the planetary transits well in their lives so as to successfully meet their aspirations, goals and plans.

Here are the major world transits of Common Year 2025:

*Red color indicates strong global influence*


·  January 26, 2025 – SATURN SEMI SQUARE PLUTO (3rd exact world semi square)

·        January 30, 2025 – VENUS HEADS NORTH IN DECLINATION

·       January 30, 2025 – URANUS STATIONS DIRECT AT 23-TAURUS

·       February 4, 2025 – JUPITER STATIONS DIRECT AT 11-GEMINI

February 4, 2025 - VENUS ENTERS 0-ARIES

·        February 24, 2025 – MARS STATIONS DIRECT AT 17-CANCER


·      March 2, 2025 – VENUS RETROGRADE AT 10-ARIES

·  March 14, 2025 - LUNAR ECLIPSE at 23-24 VIRGO







 April 4, 2025 – SATURN SEXTILE URANUS - 1st of three sextile aspects)

·        April 7, 2025 – MERCURY STATIONS DIRECT AT 26-PISCES

·        April 13, 2025 – VENUS STATIONS DIRECT AT 24-PISCES


·        April 17, 2025 – JUPITER SESQUI QUADRATE PLUTO




·        June 4, 2025 – JUPITER SEMI-SEXTILE URANUS


·        June 15, 2025 – JUPITER SQUARE SATURN (3rd and final world square)

·        June 19, 2025 – JUPITER SQUARE NEPTUNE

·        June 24, 2025 – JUPITER QUINCUNX PLUTO



These major transits through to July 2025 will be of notable interest to the good reader as the entry indicates it will be a major year for a great many people worldwide.

The year itself opens in a manner that brings to an end most matters that governed the first four years since the historic Jupiter-Saturn conjunction that began in December 2020. 

Since the COVID-19 pandemic that also began in 2020, most people have had to seriously adjust their domestic and working lifestyles during and after the pandemic; sparking significant changes for populations worldwide.

As solar year 2024 comes to an end, the planetary transits of 2025 and the mid-2020s can offer you very positive changes, if you are conscious and willing to map a course personalized for you and your family going into the middle to latter years of this decade.

Your goals, thoughts, aspirations and planning will determine how you will successfully meet your wants, needs and desires throughout the mid-to-late 2020s.

It will also determine how you will be able to successfully navigate into the early-to-mid 2030s. 

If you want to know what your personalized transits, progressions and returns hold for you in 2025, you can contact me at

When you write, please include your birthday, time and place of birth. Also include your current geographic region if different from your city/town of birthday.

Briefly comment on your current situations, as well as your aspirations, goals and plans for 2025.

Meanwhile, the third of four 'Supermoons' is about to get underway in mid-October and it will be the biggest supermoon of 2024 just as a comet races across Earth's skies.

Giant Perigee October 2024 SuperMoon To Be Seen Worldwide

by Theodore White, mundane Astrolog.sci

On Thursday, October 17th, the biggest Full Moon of 2024 will occur at 24-25 degrees of tropical Aries.

This ‘Hunter’s Moon,’ is also a Supermoon, and those who want to take a look will witness a giant Moon at 'perigee,' closest to the Earth. 

The Moon will look 10% larger than it normal does to the observer.

October's full moon will be visible waxing to its full lunar phase before the Sun rises on Thursday, Oct. 17th and due to its proximity to Earth, the Moon will appear to be already full in the days before.

On Thursday (Oct. 17) at 7:26 a.m. EDT (1126 GMT), the Aries Moon will officially turn full.

But less than 11 hours earlier, at 8:48 p.m. EDT on Wednesday night, Oct. 16th, the Moon will have arrived at perigee, its closest point to Earth at a distance of 221,938 miles (357,174 km) away. 

This Hunter's full moon is the third of four perigee ‘supermoons’ this year, as the fourth and final one will begin on November 15, 2024.

October's perigee Moon to the Earth will be the biggest supermoon of 2024 as its entire surface facing us is illuminated by the Sun. 

Amid the perigee Moon there is also the sight of Comet C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS) - called by some 'the comet of the century. It will still be visible just as the Sun sets in the west. More on that later.

On average, Supermoons will appear to be about seven percent larger and about 15% brighter than a typical full moon.

click on graphic to enlarge

The graphic above depict the line that connects the Moon's perigee with lunar apogee defines the Moon’s major axis, which is the longest axis of an ellipse.

When the Moon’s major axis - or apogee-perigee line - points toward the Sun (A and C on the diagram) - the eccentricity (or flatness) of the Moon’s orbit is increased to a maximum.

A greater eccentricity will lessen the perigee distance, but increases the apogee distance.

At 'A' in the drawing, it is a 'perigee' new Moon (supermoon) and an apogee full moon, or, what is called technically a 'micro-moon.'

Then, some 3.5 lunar months (which is 103 days) later, at 'B' in the diagram, the major axis is at a right angle to the sun-Earth line, so the eccentricity of the Moon’s orbit is minimal.

click on graphic to enlarge

At this time, the Moon’s orbit is more circular.

It’s a distant perigee and a 'closer' apogee, with the first quarter and last quarter Moons more or less aligned with apogee and perigee.

Then seven (7) lunar months (206 days) later, the major axis again points sunward.

Once again, the eccentricity of the Moon’s orbit is increased to a maximum, lessening the perigee distance yet increasing the apogee distance.

But this time, it is a 'full' Moon perigee.

Compared to the Moon at its faintest, a 'Supermoon' is about 14% larger and 30% brighter.

If you are a stargazer as I am, then you will be able to enjoy the Moon’s peak illumination on Thursday, October 17th just before the Moon sets in the western skies as the Sun rises in the east. 

The Moon will still appear to be quite large, nearly full, after the exact Moon-Sun axis is perfected between 7-9 a.m. ET on Thursday morning, October 17th and will appear to remain full for about another two or so days because of its perigee closeness to Earth.

Between October 14 through Oct. 21st, from 7:30 p.m. through to 4:30 a.m., you can see the constellations and stars of Pisces, Aries, Taurus and Gemini rising after midnight in the eastern skies, the Ascendant.

If you stay up throughout the night, then with clear skies, you will also be able to see transiting Saturn, Jupiter and Mars, along with the transiting Moon during that week of October.


As the good reader who follows my forecasts already know, the geophysical impacts of a perigee ‘supermoon’ can be quite impressive with effects on powerful storms even before the full lunar phase is perfected.

During this time into mid-October, as you read this, you may find interesting news events on earthquakes. Look for them and post them in the comment section if you would like.

For months, I have been forecasting and warning on powerful storms, floods, adverse weather, along with seismic activity of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, so if you see, hear, or experience them, let us know.

The before and aftereffects of a perigee Moon always must be kept in mind by the astrometeorologists when determining the strength and direction of storms.

Consider hurricanes Helene and Milton over the United States in during these spates of perigee Moon and you will see what I mean with their devastating consequences for life and property.

Even in Nigeria, the tremors being felt are cause for alarm there.

The Moon is the closest planetary body to the Earth and so the Moon also produces the largest gravitational force on the Earth.

There are even moonquakes that take place on the Moon itself. Those are primarily governed by the Earth’s position’ - especially when Moon is at perigee, as it will be in mid-October 2024.

As an Astromet, I have found that seismic activity, in the for of earthquakes and even volcanic eruptions can increase steadily from the Moon’s apogee to perigee relative to the Earth.

The Moon’s transits from the ascending nodes can be used to predict earthquake patterns. I have done this for years, numerous times.

In doing so, I have found that major earthquakes happen more in number when a perigee occurs with a Full Moon and a New Moon than when the Moon is at apogee with similar planetary and solar configurations.

But during the waning phase, the transition from Full Moon to the New Moon, the number of quakes gradually reduces as the Moon reaches its third quarter as events of earthquakes usually is in relation to the variations of tidal forming effects from the Sun and Moon.

There are exceptions of course, as any adverse and hard planetary configurations can spark significant seismic activity.

I have found that it is when the Moon is at perigee that there are more earthquakes felt and reported worldwide than they are when the Moon is at apogee.

Of course, as during my training in the GEM method of my tutor Charles Jayne and the works of L. Edward Johndro on astrological influences by means of transfers of light and especially electricity and magnetism - it can be concluded that at the Moon’s perigee, due to higher gravitational force, we have more earthquakes.

When earthquakes worldwide trigger, they often are aligned from new moon to full moon, as there are increasing earthquake events until full moon.

At perigee-New Moon there are more earthquakes than at the perigee Full -Moon phase.

The reason is because at the perigee-New Moon the Sun is behind Moon and so the combined force doubly acts in the same direction.

Effects on humans by the Moon are well known

According to the New Scientist piece from 2020:

"In February 1954, biologist Frank Brown discovered something that made no sense.

While investigating whether oysters can keep time, he had found that they open their shells to feed at high tide, roughly twice a day.

Brown had a hunch they weren’t simply responding to changes in their environment but would continue the rhythm even if moved far from the sea.

To find out, he shipped a batch of oysters from the ocean off New Haven, Connecticut, hundreds of kilometres inland to Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois.

Brown kept the shellfish in a sealed darkroom, shielded from changes in temperature, pressure, water currents and light.

At first, the oysters kept their rhythm, feeding each day in time with the New Haven tides.

Then, something strange happened – their feeding times gradually shifted until they lagged 3 hours behind.

Brown was mystified, until he realized that they had adapted to the local state of the Moon: they were feeding at times when Evanston, if it were by the sea, would experience high tide.

Despite having no obvious environmental cues, it seemed these shellfish were somehow tracking lunar cycles."

Brown became convinced that oysters, humans and all life forms are plugged into subtle cosmic cues, continuously sensing both lunar and solar movements to coordinate biological processes, from metabolism to reproduction.

But his ideas seemed outlandish to his peers.

Brown’s results were forgotten, and the notion of lunar influences was dismissed as pseudoscience which is a term that those who are uneducated use when they do not understand something that they themselves never studied or applied themselves to understand.

Anyhow, growing evidence from a range of scientific fields suggested that Brown might have been correct.

Though unusual to those calling it a 'pseudoscience' of the many dramatic influences that the Moon might have on animal biology and human biology - science has proven it to be true.

For instance, a seabird known as Barau's Petrel synchronizes its breeding schedule so that it will arrive to mate on a Full Moon.

Dung beetles have been repeatedly observed in using the Moon to make sure they move their meals in a straight line.

Crustaceans known as sand hoppers have a Moon compass in their antennae so they'll know when to stay buried.

The coral polyps in the Great Barrier Reef start their mass spawning according to the Moon's cycles.

Perhaps, hidden beneath our more obvious earthly rhythms, we are also creatures of the Moon.

The Moon has a significant influence on Earth.

Every month, 'spring' tides occur when the Moon is full and new.

Now, the word 'spring' comes from the German word 'springen' that is, to 'spring up,' and is not a reference to the spring season.

Anyhow, during these times of 'spring tides' the Moon and Sun form a line with the Earth, and their tidal effects combine together. The Sun produces a little less than half of the tidal force of the Moon.

In Astrometeorology, what are called 'neap" tides', are when the Moon is at first and last quarter phase. At these phases the tides are weak.

The highest tides do not always coincide with a perigee moon but will actually lag by up to several days depending on the location.

The Moon's tidal force can vary as the inverse cube of an object's distance. In October 2024, the Moon is 12.2% closer at perigee than at apogee.

So, the Moon will have and push 42% more tidal force at this particular full moon compared to the spring tides for the "micro" full moon that will come with lunar apogee in April 2025.

The most noticeable are the rising and falling of tides, but there are other effects that are less understood.

When the perigee moon is close to the horizon it can appear huge.

That is when the famous 'lunar illusion' combines with reality to produce a truly stunning view.

For reasons that are not fully understood by astronomers or psychologists, a low-hanging moon looks incredibly large when hovering near to trees, buildings and other foreground objects.

A Full Hunter's Moon rises above the Brooklyn Bridge &  Manhattan Bridge in New York City, USA on 28 October 2023, as seen from Jersey City, New Jersey.
Image by: Gary Hershorn/Getty Images

The Moon also influences the tilt of Earth’s rotation axis and how fast it wobbles. It is known as 'precession' in Applied Astrology.

Without the Moon, the Earth's wobble would be greater and change much more quickly.

The result would be far greater differences between the seasons and much greater variation in climate with latitude over evolutionary timescales.

Other than the usual upticks in violence and emotional reactions, it appears that the Moon indeed affects both man and beast.

The idea that the Moon impacts certain aspects of physical and mental health can be traced back to ancient Greece and Rome and is well-documented in the writings of classical authors like Aristotle and Lucilius.

For centuries, physicians and philosophers blamed behavioral changes on the pull of the Moon. The word 'lunatic' comes from the observations that changes in mental state were directly related to the Moon's phases.

For instance, famed British jurist William Blackstone wrote that people gained and lost their ability to reason according to the Moon’s shifting phases.

During the 1970s, psychiatrist Arnold Lieber theorized that the Moon changed the body’s biological tides and altered human behavior, leading to increased rates of violence and homicide.

One 2021 scientific study found that people fell asleep later during Full Moons and slept less overall on the nights before the full moon.

A 2015 study of 205 people found that the full moon may affect sleep differently in males and females.

Researchers found that many females slept less and have less REM sleep when the full moon phase is near, whereas males have more REM sleep closer and during a full moon.

Other research suggested that the full moon may be associated with less deep sleep and increased REM (rapid eye movement) latency.

Sleep latency is the period between when you first fall asleep and when you enter the first stage of REM sleep. So, increased latency means it takes a longer time to get to REM sleep.

Researchers have found that those with bipolar disorder may be affected by changes in the lunar cycle.

Specifically, a 2018 study examined 17 people whose bipolar disorder tended to switch rapidly from depression to mania.

The study showed that the circadian pacemaker (a small group of nerves) in these individuals became synchronized with lunar patterns.

It caused changes in their sleep that then triggered a shift from depression symptoms to mania symptoms.

In a 2019 case study of a woman with bipolar II disorder, researchers suggested that this Moon-mood connection can be treated by changing some medications (especially thyroid medications and antidepressants) and using light therapy.

Those who want to know more and see other scientific studies, please see The Lunar Cycle: effects on human and animal behavior and physiology.

Bright Comet Races Across Earth’s Skies

"Like a comet burn'd,
That fires the length of Ophiuchus huge
In the arctic sky, and from his horrid hair
Shakes pestilence and war." 

~ Milton

by Theodore White, mundane Astrolog.sci

In Astrometeorology and Mundane Astrology, there are said to be foreshadowing and previous celestial events such as comets that presage later major events to follow.

I have forecast many events over the course of my forecasting life as an astromet and mundane astrologer, however, this science and art has been with us since the dawn of humanity.

In this early era of global cooling, as the Sun heads deeper into quiescent solar cycle #25 and into its soon-to-be Grand Minimum, the solar, lunar, planetary and yes, even stellar signs point to a very active decade of the 2020s, 2030s, 2040s and even the 2050s.

The presages, portents and signs of comets, historic planetary conjunctions and of course, eclipses of the Sun and Moon have shown to me that we are in very interesting and to some, very dangerous and challenges times ahead.

Comet A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS) on 15 October 2024 over Slovakia by moonlight
Image by: Petr Horálek

People from around the northern and southern hemispheres have been taking pictures of the "comet of the century" - which has been observed streaking across the skies after sunset.

Comet A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS) was seen in September 2024 from Earth for the first time since the Neanderthals were alive.

 Like Earth, the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) crossed the orbital plane of Comet Tsuchinshan-ATLAS on Oct. 14, 2024.

This captured image from the spacecraft's coronagraph shows what happened:

The diagonal band of light is comet dust scattering sunlight into the coronagraph's camera.

When SOHO crosses the orbital plane, the band shrinks into an exquisitely thin line.

It is like piloting a spacecraft through the rings of Saturn and seeing them edge-on. Something similar occured to SOHO.

Comet Tsuchinshan-ATLAS, or C/2023 A3, was first detected in 9 January 2023 by the Tsuchinshan Observatory in China and by the ATLAS (Asteroid Terrestrial-impact Last Alert System) telescope in South Africa - where it got its name.

What happened was that on February 22, 2023, the ATLAS telescope in South Africa detected a new faint object that was proven to be a comet.

It was temporarily designated as A10SVYR.

The comet was also independently captured by a telescope at Purple Mountain Observatory (Zijinshan Astronomical Observatory) on January 9, 2023.

It was added to the list of objects awaiting confirmation, but after no follow-up observations were reported, it was removed on January 30, 2023, and was considered lost.

Based on the comet naming system, the comet received the names of both observatories and was officially named C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS).

Originating from the Oort Cloud, which is a large shell of icy debris in outer solar space, the comet, primarily made of dust, ice, and rock, was last seen in the Southern Hemisphere and Tropics until October 8, 2024.

Visibility in the Northern Hemisphere peaked on October 12, but the comet and its long dust tail will remain seeable until October 21. However, the comet will fade over time as it moves farther from the Earth.

click on graphic to enlarge

Here is a plot for the visibility of C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS) in the coming weeks.

The lower the magnitude, the brighter the comet appears. The brightest objects have negative magnitude values.

October 14-20: from 0.5 to 1.7 magnitude, the comet is losing brightness, but is moving farther from the Sun and therefore easier to see.

The comet will be visible with the naked eye in the evening about an hour after sunset.

You can also see the comet's 'anti-tail' which is a bright streak that appears to be pointing toward the Sun, opposite the other tails.

By October 15th, the comet will pass 1.4° from the M5 globular cluster, providing a good photo opportunity as it passes through the constellation of Serpens Caput.

October 20-31: the comet goes from 1.9 to 3.9 magnitude as moves across the constellation Ophiuchus relatively high in the southwestern sky in the evening.

You can use with binoculars and telescopes. During those days (Oct. 20-31st) the tail of the comet will be seen to rapidly grow.

November 2024: the comet goes from 4 to 8 magnitude but is still visible in the evening. It will rise higher in the Northern Hemisphere after sunset.

December 2024: Comet C/2023 A3 Tsuchinshan-ATLAS goes from 8 to 10 magnitude, as it gradually moves closer to the Sun in our sky but rising lower above the horizon. It will not be visible from the Southern Hemisphere.

See for yourself. The comet comes out of the twilight about 45 minutes after your local sunset.

It is easy to find using binoculars and, then, once you find it, is easy to see with the unaided eye.

The comet's long tail stretches more than 10 degrees above the western horizon, remaining visible in the moonlight for as much as an hour after the head of the comet sets.

There is an 'anti-tail' of the comet emerging from the comet's head.

Comet C/2023 A3 Tsuchinshan-ATLAS is now well visible low above the western horizon just after sunset for observers in the Northern Hemisphere.

While the comet is still close to the Sun, it will gradually move farther away throughout the week, making it easier to spot.

Although it will lose brightness, your chances of seeing the comet will improve. It’s visible to the naked eye, but a pair of 10x50 binoculars will give you an even better view.

In the Southern Hemisphere, the comet remains closer to the Sun, but visibility will improve with each passing day.

Around October 16-17, 2024, observers in southern latitudes should be able to see Comet Tsuchinshan-ATLAS as its apparent distance from the Sun will increase. 

See it in this amazing capture of Comet Tsuchinshan-ATLAS from Lorenzo Comolli of Sicily, Italy, that was taken on 14 October 2024.

click on image to enlarge
Comet Tsuchinshan-ATLAS - 14 October 2024 from Sicily, Italy
Image by: Lorenzo Comolli

A number of British stargazers said they had spotted the comet on Saturday, October 12, 2024, after the Royal Astronomical Society (RAS) predicted it might be visible to the naked eye.

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London, England - Arash Sefidgaran said: "Finally after weeks of waiting for the Tsuchinshan-ATLAS comet to be visible at higher latitudes like London, I managed to view and capture this stunning sight today, 12 October 2024."
Image by: Arash Sefidgaran

Comet Tsuchinshan-ATLAS came within about 70 million km (44 million miles) of Earth on October 12, 2024.

The comet will be visible in the northern hemisphere through to 30 October 2024 - and will easily been seen over North America.

A second tail of the comet - called the ion tail - may be faintly observed. Some have dubbed the spectacle the “Comet of the Century” due to its recurrence time frame.

Stargazers can look west between Venus and Arcturus about 30 to 45 minutes after sunset to view the comet.

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The comet was also visible in South Carolina, USA, shortly after sunset local time, in the western sky over the Lake Murray Dam Hydroelectric Intake Towers near Columbia on October 12, 2024
Image by: Reuters

Comet Tsuchinshan-ATLAS was also photographed in Spain, Italy, Uruguay, and Indonesia from late September to early October, when it was visible in the southern hemisphere.

Comet Tsuchinshan-ATLAS before dawn on 29 September 2024 from Mount Bromo in East Java, Indonesia.
Image by: Getty Images

In Mundane Astrology, comets are nearly always seen a malefic portents of things to come and there is another comet possibly on the way for late October and into November 2024.

Cycles of solar, lunar, planetary and stellar events are used in my mundane charts for determining the future of world events and trends.

The Bible itself refers to changes or new appearances in the heavens that were the harbingers of either calamities and/or a new order of things.

For instance, in a catalog of pestilences since the Christian era began, it was shown in the Atmospherical Origin of Epidemical Diseases by medical doctor T. Foster (1809) that it was discovered that on 262 occasions the appearance of comets coincided very closely.

In Mundane Astrology, comets are associated with the births and deaths of important individuals; and also presages on geopolitical and geophysical events.

Comets appearing in the eastern quarter of the skies generally bring about events quickly while in the west can manifest slower and often extend as long as three years. 

The effects on weather and climate can be a drier atmosphere to that over longer spans to condense the aqueous vapors.

By the time of the perigee 'Supermoon' on Thursday, October 17, 2024, Comet Tsuchinshan-ATLAS will be at the foot of the constellation Virgo.

click on graphic to enlarge

The quarter of the heavens among the constellations where the comet appears can show the part of the world on which the comet's effects will primarily fall, that is the Sign of the Zodiac and the particular nation, government and/or kingdom governed by that Sign.

In Mundane Astrology, the countries, cities and towns ruled by Virgo are:

Syria, Brazil, Crete, Turkey, Thessaly, Croatia, Greece, Mesopotamia, from the Tigris to Euphrates, also Silesia, Switzerland, the state of Virginia and also the West Indies.

Cities and towns also ruled by Virgo are:

Jerusalem, Bury, Cheltenham, Maidstone, Norwich, Reading, Todmorden, Boston, Massachusetts, Brindisi, Corinth, Heidelberg, Lyons, Paris, Padua, Strasburg, Toulouse and Los Angeles, California.

By mundane empirical law, when a great comet appears in the skies, we may deduct that outstanding events will sure enough soon follow.

Copyright © 2007-2024 Theodore White

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